A Small Town Writer Seeks Romance (Part 3)
One Shot #5 (Cont.)
Vision's POV
Time skip... Two days later...
I'm head over heels for Wanda even more. As I'm getting to know her more, I find myself wanting to spend every moment of my free time with her. She's working right now, but when she's not working on a task, she comes over to me to talk for a few minutes. Wanda even proofreads my writing when needed. I've also had the pleasure of reading Wanda's righting for the first time last night. She doesn't know it, but I stumbled upon one of her advice columns, she has quite a way with words. I'd love to team up with her on a writing project once my second book is completed. Wanda's shift is over in two hours. She texted me this morning saying that she wanted to make me dinner tonight, which I gladly accepted the offer.
Two hours later...
Wanda's shift is over so I pack up my laptop and other writing necessities, placing them into my bags. I follow her out to the parking lot, both of us getting in separate cars. I'm going to follow her over to her place. I can't wait to see her place. I bet it's just lovely.
Ten minutes later...
I pull up to Wanda's place and I'm already in awe. She lives in a first floor apartment of an old Victorian house that was turned into two floors of apartment. There are four apartments in this house, two on each floor. "Viz, I know you were probably expecting a big house, but sadly I merely live in an apartment." I wrap an arm around her. "I may live in a house, but honestly, it's not that much bigger than your apartment. My house can only fit three people at most." She nods and gives me a small smile, opening the door. Wanda gives me a quick tour before heading straight for the kitchen. "Well Viz, I have ingredients for tacos, chili mac, leftover salad, pasta, pizza, grilled chicken, and chicken noodle soup. Take your pick." I grin. "I could go for some chili mac. Does it serve two people?" She scans the box and nods. "It does indeed. Good choice by the way." She smiles back. "Thanks Viz. I'll start making it now."
I watch Wanda make the chili mac with full concentration. I decide to keep myself busy for a few minutes by setting up the kitchen table. Before we know it, it's ready for us to eat. We sit down and take our first bites in unison, nearly moaning at the wonderful taste of it. "This is delicious Wanda. Where'd you buy it?" "I actually bought it at Hannafords. They only just started carrying it recently." We eat in a peaceful silence for a few minutes before a random question pops into my head. "Wanda, I have a question for you." She looks at me curiously. "What's your question?" "Do you ever see yourself moving out of this town one day?" "That's a good question to which I don't quite have the answer too. I like this town, but at the same time, it's possible for me to end up somewhere else one day, especially as I age. What about you?" I chuckle. "My answer is the same as yours. I also have a confession to make."
Wanda giggles. "Viz, spill it." I smile. "I stumbled upon one of your columns last night because I was really eager to read some of your writing. I absolutely loved it. You have a way with words Wanda. You really should consider being a professional writer and I mean more than for just the town's newspaper. You should write a book." Wanda looks at me in shock. "Y-You really think so?" I nod. "I really do." "Viz, I'd love to write a book, but I wouldn't even know where to begin." I chuckle and she looks at me in confusion once again. "It's funny that you said that Wanda because an idea popped into my head last night." She leans forward. "I'm listening." I blush slightly and begin to stutter. "I-I-I was w-wondering if after I finished my current book, if you would want to write one with me. You'd be a really good romance writer, seeing as you're fond of the genre already."
I notice tears forming in Wanda's eyes, causing panic to build up in my system. "Please don't cry Wanda. I'm really sorry if I said anything stupid. I'm a good writer, but I'm horrible at verbally communicating my words. I do it so much better on paper." Wanda wipes a couple of tears that slipped out with the back of her hand. "No, no, no Viz, you didn't say anything stupid. You just made my life. I'd be honored to write a book with you, though your writing is far superior to mine." "I don't think either of our writing is better than the other. I think that we both have slightly different writing styles, but they would compliment each other well regardless."
Wanda and I talk more about our projects, her articles and my book for hours on end before we sadly have to call it a night. Wanda walks me out to my car. "Viz, dinner with you was wonderful." An ounce of courage overcomes me and I kiss her on the cheek, causing the both of us to blush. "Any day with you is wonderful Wanda. I'll see you again a couple of days." Wanda takes me by even more surprise by kissing me back on the cheek. "I just wanted to see if I was brave enough to do it back, I guess I am." I chuckle and get into my car, waving at Wanda several times as I drive home. I'm going to make this girl mine soon. I can't let someone else sweep her off her feet. It would absolutely shatter me if some other guy had her as his own instead of me.
Hoped that you guys liked this part of this one shot! :) -Mary

ScarletVision: One Shots
FanfictionJust a bunch of one shots starring ScarletVision, my Marvel OTP <3 They will be set in different time period, both based on the movies and not based on the movies, etc. This OTP deserves more recognition and hopefully I can do just that for them...