Not Heroes But Not Villains Either (Part 1)
One Shot #11
Wanda's POV
My brother Pietro also known as Quick Silver and I have been stuck in a stupid cell at S.H.I.E.L.D. headquarters for a week now. We've been dying to get out, but the stupid Avengers won't set us free because apparently it's all our fault that Ultron caused so much destruction in different parts of the world. My brother and I aren't heroes I'll admit, but we certainly aren't villains either. We didn't choose to obtain these powers, we did so because we didn't have any other choice. It was either become test subjects to survive or get killed. Everyday this past week, a different Avenger has been observing us. The only Avenger who doesn't completely annoy me is the one named Vision. He seems different from the rest of them, though I have no clue as to why. I hope that he's the one who's observing us today.
An hour later...
Somehow the universe has decided to spare us just a little bit today because it's Vision who's observing us. Now you're probably wondering how this process of observation works so I'll explain to you. Vision sits down in a chair, right outside of our cell. My brother and I at least get to share a cell so we aren't completely alone. Isn't that oh so kind of S.H.I.E.L.D. to do that for us? Yeah, I thought so too. Note my dripping sarcasm by the way. This whole situation sucks. Anyways, Vision sits in this chair for seven hours a day more or less, occasionally asking us questions if we're in a talkative mood and even bring us a meal. He's usually the only Avenger kind enough to bring us a meal. "Hello Pietro and Wanda, I brought you guys some lunch. I hope you guys like sandwiches with potato chips and grape juice." We both nod and thank him for his kind gesture. Pietro doesn't hate Vision either. He seems to at least tolerate him.
A few minutes of silence pass as my brother and I eat before Vision stares in my soul, giving me a trace of anxiety. "Yes Vision?" "Wanda, you seem to be a lovely girl. What made you become this way?" My brother steps in front of me protectively. I roll my eyes. I love Pietro, but I don't need him to fight my battles. I'm perfectly capable of doing that myself. "Wanda ask to be captured by your stupid organization nor did I. We're perfectly aware that we're not heroes like your team of almighty Avengers, but we're not villains. We simply fell victim to Ultron's brainwashing because it was the only way for us to survive. Wanda and I have lost everything but each other. When S.H.I.E.L.D and the Avengers finally realize that, maybe we'll be willing to cooperate more." I stare at my brother in admiration. He just said everything that I've been dying to say for the past week now. I put a hand on his shoulder and squeeze it gently, trying to calm him down.
Vision frowns at the both of us. "I know." I look at him hard. "What do you mean you know? How could you possibly understand what we're going through?" He returns my icy stare with one of his own. "I understand because the Avengers also assumed that I was a monster created by Ultron. I used to merely be a computerized program named J.A.R.V.I.S. Now I'm just this thing... that I can't possibly put my finger on as to what I am. I'm not human, I'm not a robot, and I'm not a monster. I don't know what I am. All I do know that is I was just born recently and am still trying to figure out things myself. I have yet to fully understand human emotions or basic concepts of the world." Pietro and I let our guard down a little bit, feeling somewhat sorry for being so harsh to Vision. "Vision, we're sorry for judging you like that. We're just frustrated with our current situation. We've been the nicest to us out of anyone."
Vision softens up a bit at our apology. "It's okay Wanda. Like I said, I really do understand. I'll give the rest of the Avengers and Director Fury a good report on your behalf for today. Do you mind if I tell them about what we talked about? It might be a good advantage in terms of helping the two of you get out of this dreaded cell sooner." Pietro nods eagerly. "By all means, please do. We don't want anymore trouble with anyone. My sister and I just want our freedom. We want to start over again, just the two of us. Given everything we've been through in our lives, we both deserve a fresh start." I nod in agreement. For the rest of the day, we make polite small talk with Vision and act on our best behavior. Vision has promised has gone back to the rest of the Avengers and Directory Fury to give them a good report on us. We're hoping for the best.
Hoped that you guys liked this part of this one shot! :) -Mary

ScarletVision: One Shots
FanfictionJust a bunch of one shots starring ScarletVision, my Marvel OTP <3 They will be set in different time period, both based on the movies and not based on the movies, etc. This OTP deserves more recognition and hopefully I can do just that for them...