An Unusual Birthday Gift
One Shot #23
Wanda's POV
Pietro and I just turned thirteen today at the orphanage, which isn't a big deal to anyone else, but it is to us. We're officially teenagers, losing our chance to be adopted by a nice family with each passing day. By the time children here reach fifteen years old, they're not wanted whatsoever by anyone. "Pietro, happy birthday!" I hug my brother and he chuckles, ruffling my hair playfully. "Happy birthday Wanda! We're so old now." I laugh and nod in agreement. "No kidding. I wonder what present we'll get for our birthday today from the orphanage." He shrugs his shoulders. "I have no idea, but it better be a good one."
A little while later...
Claudia, who runs the orphanage heads over to us with a massive box wrapped up in snowflake wrapping paper. It's currently January so the wrapping paper is fitting. "Hello Wanda and Pietro. Happy birthday to you both." We politely smile and thank her for her kind words. "I have quite the gift for you both. Who wants to open it?" Pietro and I do rock paper scissors and he wins. He smirks at me and begins unwrapping the gift. As he does, I'm instantly in awe of it, but also confused as to why we got a gift like this. "Claudia, this is really nice, but what exactly is this gift?" Claudia bites her lip nervously. "To be honest, I'm not so sure myself. All I know is that an agency named Shield dropped it off a little while ago and instructed me to give it to you specifically." Pietro examines it closely. "It looks like a robot."
Just then, it comes to life. "I prefer the word android. It makes me sound more sophisticated." I back up, afraid that this android might hurt me. He quickly senses my fear and puts his hands up in surrender. "I'm not here to hurt you or your brother. I'm here to protect you both. There are many threats in the world right now. You two need to stay safe." I raise an eyebrow at him. "Why us? There are many other teenagers and even young kids that need protection as well. What's so special about us?" He takes a step closer to me, extending a hand out for me to shake. Hesitantly, I do so first then Pietro does the same. "My name is Vision. As for why I'm here to protect you both, the answer is a bit complex." He looks at Claudia. "Can I have a moment alone with the twins please?" She looks taken aback but nods, leaving the room to give us some privacy.
"You two are quite special. I don't know why, but Shield has been watching you two from afar for three years now. I know you're quite young, yes?" Pietro nods. "Yes, we both just turned thirteen years old today." He look at us in surprise. "You two are quite mature for thirteen years old." I smirk at Vision. "So we've been told." Vision starts to fidget nervously. "I'm sorry for my sudden appearance. I probably should have shown up sooner, but I wanted to wait until you both were ready as well as myself." I study his features carefully. "You know for an android, you'e quite human like. Are you sure you're not a mutant human?" He laughs. "Oh I'm sure. I don't have... certain parts." Pietro bursts out laughing. "It's okay to say penis Vision. We've been adults mentally for years now." Vision blushes. "I feel a bit awkward to say that word aloud. Some of your human terms concern me a bit." I giggle. "No kidding." A small smile forms on Vision's face. "I'd like to not only the protector of you both, but also your friend, if you'll let me that is."
A moment of silence passes before Pietro and I talk to ourselves for a minute, coming to an agreement that we would indeed like Vision to be our friend as well as our protector. He seems really nice but also really powerful. I definitely wouldn't mess with him if I saw him in the streets. "Vision, we would love for you to be our friend as well as our protector." He smiles warmly at me before wrapping his arms around the both of us, leading to a group hug. I smile myself. It's been so long since Pietro and I have been hugged by anyone besides each other. Also, for the first time in ages, we truly feel safe. Who knows, maybe one day as we grow closer to Vision, we might also find a family in him. Now that would be pretty darn amazing.
Hoped that you guys liked this one shot! :) - Mary

ScarletVision: One Shots
FanfictionJust a bunch of one shots starring ScarletVision, my Marvel OTP <3 They will be set in different time period, both based on the movies and not based on the movies, etc. This OTP deserves more recognition and hopefully I can do just that for them...