Infinity War: The End Of Vision (Part 2)
One Shot #4 (Cont.)
Wanda's POV
A few days later...
All of us Avengers, Guardians of the Galaxy, etc have finished fighting the Infinity War. We managed to retrieve all of the stolen Infinity stones from Thanos and his allies, but sadly we can't bring Vision back. Tony and Bruce been working for two days straight in the lab trying to figure out any possibly way to do so. As super intelligent as both of them are, they sadly can't pull off miracles all of the time. I do appreciate them trying though. Despite my bond with them being rough around the edges, they've both grown on me, especially Bruce. He's one of the few people who truly understands what it's like to constantly feel like a monster and how to cope with those feelings. Clint's more of a fatherly figure while Bruce is like an older brother, same as Tony.
Anyways, all of us are beyond exhausted and heartbroken. It was only after we finished fighting the war a couple of days ago that the loss of Vision really sunk in. In addition, there's been some fighting between Thor and Loki and strains on Bruce and Natasha's relationship. Needless to say, we're all a mess. Steve's planning to have a memorial service for Vision tonight and I'm honestly not prepared for it. My feelings of sorrow will drown me. I'm also never going to fall in love again. Not only would I would betray Vision by doing so, but there's no one better than him. It wouldn't be possible to find anyone that could ever top Vision in any way, shape, or form. He was just too special.
I'm currently in the training room beating the crap out of a punching bag to release some of the built up anger in my system. It isn't too long before Clint joins me. I personally wanted to be alone for awhile, but I'm not mean enough to shout at Clint to go away. He looks at me with concern but doesn't say anything. Instead, he starts beating the crap out of a bunching bag next to me. We do this for a little while before pausing to catch our breath. "Wanda, I'm sorry." I look at him in confusion. "For what?" Clint looks at me seriously. "For everything you've been through. You're a wonderful person and it really pisses me off that the universe has made you experience so much in your life. You lost your parents, Pietro, several friends, and Vision. That isn't fair." I look at him sadly. "Thank you Clint. I know it isn't fair, but sadly it's beyond my control. Tony and Bruce have been trying, but sadly miracles can't always happen."
"Wanda, I know we can't bring Vision back, but is there anything we can do for you? We can give you time off, take over your training, etc?" I shake my head no. "I appreciate the sentiment but I don't want to take a lot of time off. Maybe just a week? Would that be okay?" Clint nods. "Absolutely. I'm here for you Wanda. If anyone gives you shit, they can take it up with me." A tear slips out and Clint notices, whipping it away with his thumb. "Clint, I don't want to be a burden. You have a family and kids who have been worrying sick about you. You need to get back to them soon." Clint winces, making me believe that I'm said something wrong. "They aren't around..." I look at him in confusion. "What do you mean Clint?" "Well one hundred thousand people died because of the war... my wife and kids were included in that group." I look at him in pure shock. "W-Why didn't you say anything to the rest of us?" Clint sighs. "I wanted to remain strong for everyone, especially you Wanda. You lost the love of your life." I frown. "So did you." "Yeah, so did I."
We stare at each other in silence for a couple of minutes before I break the silence. "Are you going to tell the rest of the group? Your family should be remembered as well Vision." "I suppose I should tell the rest of the group tonight at the memorial service. For all we know, the others could have lost some loved ones as well."
That evening... The memorial service...
Everyone is taking turns speaking about the loved ones they've lost and/or others have lost. In addition to me losing Vision and Clint losing his entire family, Tony lost Pepper and Steve lost Shannon. I'm amazed at how everyone kept their losses a secret from everyone. Now it's my turn to speak and I find myself frozen in place. I try to get my body to move but I can't. Clint and Steve both notice and rush over to me, helping me make my way to the front, though by the time I get there, I break down. Clint looks at Steve slightly harshly. "You shouldn't force her to do this if she doesn't want to." A bunch of bitter whispers are exchanged between the two for several minutes. I can't take it anymore so I yell, silencing them both and shocking everyone. "You all want me to stand up here and give a stupid speech so I will, though I'm going to keep it short." I take a deep breath. "Vision was the life of my life, my heart, and now the universe has taken yet another amazing person out of my life. I'm never going to be happy again and I honestly wish I was six feet under with him so I wouldn't have to spend the rest of my life wishing that I was."
The memorial service comes to an end as red hexes come flying out of my hands, nearly destroying the room that we're in. I run as far away from everyone as I can and finally let everything out alone. I don't deserve anyone. Without thinking, I blast myself with several hexes and end up six feet under, where I belong. Now I can see my parents, Pietro, and Vision again. As much as I like Clint and Steve, they'll never compare to the loved ones I'm reunited with again in the afterlife.
Hoped that you guys liked this one shot! I'm sorry for not updating for three days, though I did mention that it was highly likely. Also, check out my new cover attached below! :) -Mary

ScarletVision: One Shots
FanfictionJust a bunch of one shots starring ScarletVision, my Marvel OTP <3 They will be set in different time period, both based on the movies and not based on the movies, etc. This OTP deserves more recognition and hopefully I can do just that for them...