Becoming Free of HYDRA's Hold

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Becoming Free Of HYRDA's Hold 

One Shot #15

Wanda's POV

  I was a good girl for S.H.I.E.L.D, I really was, but eventually I got tired of keeping up the act. Even though S.H.I.E.L.D. has a lot to offer, HYDRA exceeded them in that department. Fighting for HYRDA allows me to reach my full potential. Plus after my brother died, my heart completely blackened. Well... there's one small part of it that still remains. I hate to admit it, but Vision wormed his way inside of my heart and despite not seeing him for weeks, I can't get him out of my mind nor can I get him out of my heart. I love him. I shouldn't love him... but I do. I'm hoping that HYRDA will protect me from falling in love with him anymore. Vision is too good for me and I'm not right for him. It would break my heart to see him end up falling in love with another woman, but at the end of the day, it's for the best. 

  I'm currently just sitting in my chambers in HYRDA Headquarters, which is about a half an hour away from S.H.I.E.L.D headquarters, but it's in a more secluded area. It's in one of the suburbs outside of NYC. It's heavily guarded and most prisoners that get captured here don't find a way out. I'm just reading for a bit and taking a break from experiments when all of the sudden a strange and loud noise causes me to jump, dropping my book onto the floor. It seems to be coming from outside. My room is on the fifth floor so I take a look out the window. Low and behold is Vision hovering outside of my window. I look at him in shock, studying his features carefully to make sure that he's really there and not just a hallucination, projection, etc. I open my window and let him in. He's the one Avenger that I have a spot for. "Vision, what are you doing here? If any HYRDA agents find out that you're here, they'll capture you... or worse." 

  "Wanda, I know it's a shock that I'm here, but I needed to speak to you. HYRDA doesn't plan on helping you reach your true potential, they plan on exploiting you. They're going to alter your powers. You need to leave with me before they do just that." I raise an eyebrow. "How do I know that you aren't being brainwashed by Stark to rescue me, only for me to be held prisoner by them when we get back?" Vision gazes into my eyes deeply. "Wanda, you haven't harmed anyone while you've been here, therefore you wouldn't be considered a prisoner. You might have to undergo some questioning, but that's nothing you can't handle." I look at him intensely. "You're positive?" He nods. I sigh and gather my few things quickly before jumping into his arms, the two of us flying back to S.H.I.E.L.D. headquarters. As we approach there, I become a bundle of nerves, shaking in Vision's arms. 

   Vision feels me shaking and glances down at me before holding me closer to chest. "Wanda, everything is going to be fine. You're not a villain. You never have been. You've just had a rough life. Life gave you the short end of the stick and it sucks. I promise you that if anyone accuses you of being a villain, I will personally fight them to the grave." I notice the look in Vision's eyes. It's one of many emotions, including pure anger. That's something you very really see in Vision so I know that he's being quite serious. "Vision, you don't have to do that." His expression begins to soften. "I know but I want to. Wanda, I care about you a lot." My heart begins to race as it always does when I'm around him. I developed a mere crush on him a few months ago, but it's blossomed into... love. I hate that word. Love has done me far more harm than good. I need to keep my walls up. If I let them down again and my heart gets broken, I might not survive it. "Vision, I care about you too." 

    Vision gives me a soft smile and we walk into S.H.I.E.L.D headquarters together. I get a lot of mixed looks and reactions from agents, but I try my best not to dwell on it too much. We take the elevator up to the tenth floor, which is where Nick Fury's office is. When we step off, we head to his office, only to find several Avengers already in there. Them being Natasha, Clint, Tony, and Steve. Fury has a smirk on his face, looking right past them and rather at me. The four of the Avengers turn out and look at me in shock. I roll my eyes and mutter "Surprise" under my breath. Clint and Steve seem happy to see me back, but Natasha and Tony are a bit weary. That's not much of a shock considering they were on the opposite team during the Civil War we had last year. "Fury, I'm back. Vision persuaded me to embrace the good in me. Well that and he gave me in depth explanation as to what HYRDA planned on doing to me. I really appreciate you guys looking out for me, though I really don't deserve it."

   Fury looks at me seriously. "Yeah you're right about that. You don't deserve it given how you keep bouncing back and forth between good and evil." Vision steps in front of me in a protective manner. "Wanda has never been evil, only misguided." He rolls his eyes at Vision. "Vision, you're just too nice to tell her the truth... or maybe it's because you have feelings for her." The heat rushes to my cheeks and Fury raises an eyebrow at him questionably. "Do you Vision?" All eyes are on Vision, including mine. He looks down at the floor and answers with a "yes." My jaw dropp and my eyes bug out of my head. Fury then looks at me with a smirk. "Wanda, you're drooling, which can only mean one thing. You have feelings for Vision too. Just kiss and make it official already." I blush and look up at Vision. He looks down at me with pure love in his eyes and gives me a gentle peck on the lips. I giggle when we pull apart. "Hey Viz, now that we're official, will you help take the darkness out of me? If anyone can, it's you." He bows playfully before taking my hands in his. "Wanda Maximoff, it would be an honor to help take the darkness out of you." 

   Vision strokes my cheek gently, causing me to close my eyes and smile at the gentle skin to skin contact. "After I take all of the darkness out of you, I'm going to replace it with love. How does that sound?" I look at him hesitantly. "That may take some hard work, but I have faith that you'll be able to manage that completely one day." He beams at me. "I love you Wanda." I smile softly at him. "I love you too Vision." 

Hoped that you guys liked this one shot! :) -Mary 

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