Prom (Part 2)

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Prom (Part 2)

One Shot #24 (Cont.)

 Wanda's POV

 The next morning...

 Prom is almost here and I still haven't been asked. I'm the only one in my circle of friends that hasn't been asked yet. Gamora, Maria, Natasha, and Nebula all have dates to prom... and then there's me. All of the cute promposals people are getting are depressing me because I'm so desperately longing for the next one to happen to me. Now you're probably wondering what kind of guys I'm into. I used to like bad boys, but not anymore. Bad boys are really overrated. I'd much rather date a nice and/or nerdy guy over a jerk any day. I'm actually really smart. I get all A's and B's. So few people actually know that about me. I wish people would stop and take the time to know me rather than assume.

  When I get to school, all of my friends are talking to their prom dates, which causes another pang of sadness to hit me. It'd be a miracle at this point if someone asked me to prom. I really would hate to go to prom alone. I go to my locker, put my backpack and coat away, grab a few books and binders I need for my morning classes, and head to first period/homeroom. About halfway there, a guy I recognize from my math class makes his way over to me. I think his name is Vincent, but he goes by Vision or Viz. Two of his friends, which I recognize as Bruce Banner and Clint Barton follow him closely behind. They give me polite smiles which I return before giving my full attention to Vision. "May I help you Vision?" He blushes and smiles at me shyly. "I know we don't really speak other than for the occasional partner assignments in math, but there's something I would like to ask you." My heart begins to race. Maybe he's going to prompose to me. That would be amazing!

   I raise an eyebrow at him. "Sure, what's up?" He hands me a graphing calculator and I'm instantly confused. "What do you want me to do, solve an equation or something?" He smirks. "If you may." I smirk back and take the graphing calculator from him, attempting to solve the rather complex equation. It takes me ten minutes to solve it, given my math smarts. When I take a second look at the calculator, I noticed the word "prom" on the calculator followed by a sign behind it with word "prom" in a heart on a banner held by Bruce and Clint. Tears of joy well up in my eyes. I'm so happy right now. I've lowkey and highkey had a crush on Vision for awhile now. He looks at me adorably with his puppy dog eyes. "What's it going to be Wanda?" I smile widely at him before enveloping him into a warm hug. "The answer is yes, yes I will go to prom with you Vision." He hugs me back even tighter.

    Cheers erupt all around from both of Vision's friends, my own, and even a few bystanders in the hallway. "Hey Vision, I have to be completely honest with you." He raises an eyebrow at me. "What about?" I blush and my heart begins to race once again. "I've lowkey and highkey had a crush on you for awhile now." Vision blushes and bites his lip. "I've had a crush on you for years Wanda. I just figured a girl like you wouldn't want a guy like me. You're beautiful, smart, and popular. Girls like you don't tend to go for guys like me, guys who are massive nerds." I frown slightly, gently cupping his face. "I think nerds are the best kind of guys around. I tried dating bad boys a few times, it didn't work out very well." He rolls his eyes playfully at me. "Well bad boys are just that, bad. Us nerds though, we're smart and tend to be gentleman. I look forward to prom with you Wanda." I giggle and hug him once more. "As do I Viz. Can I get your number?"

   Vision pulls out his phone and hands it to me, in which I hand my phone over to him. We put then put each other's numbers into each other's phones. I also tell him to add/follow me on all of the social media apps/sites that we have accounts on. This would be Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Snapchat. For the rest of the school day, I'm on cloud nine because I, Wanda Maximoff, finally got asked to prom by the most lovely guy ever.

Hoped that you guys liked this part of this one shot! Sorry for not updating yesterday. I had a lot of family drama and issues to deal with, a lot of them revolving my dad's condition. He's out of the hospital and got transferred to rehab yesterday evening, but if you have me on Facebook, you'll get the full explanation as to what happened as well as some updates on my dad's condition. Though if you have any questions, I'm more than happy to answer them in the comments. Also one more thing, these one shots are almost completed. After they are, my main focus will be on my next original story that I hope to get published.  -Mary

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