Unsteady (Part 2)
One Shot #16 (Cont.)
Wanda's POV
I know Viz is a little disappointed in me that I'm torturing myself and will wither away if I don't take better care of myself. I've just been overloaded with missions, meetings, and trainings. In addition, I've been wallowing in grief over my dead brother. I've accepted his unfortunate and heart wrenching death, but I still have days where I'm drowning in grief over his loss. Grief never completely goes away, it just decreases slightly over time. "Viz?" He looks at me with love in his eyes. "W-Why do you care me about me so much?" His facial expression quickly shifts to one of surprise. "Why do you ask?" I bite my lip. This is going to be a little awkward. "Y-You just seem to dote on me more than you do anyone else, just as I do for you more than anyone else. I've been doing a lot of thinking lately... and came to a possible conclusion." He raises an eyebrow at me. "Which is?" I sigh and take a shaky breath. "Viz, do you think that you and I might have feelings for one another... feelings of wanting to be more than friends?"
Vision takes a moment to think about that before slowing nodding his head. "I believe that is highly possible. To be honest with you Wanda, I've been questioning that a lot lately myself." I gaze at him intensely. "Do you... have romantic feelings for me?" Vision comes closer to me and hugs me. "Would it be bad if I said yes?" I blush and hide my face in his chest. "Not at all. In fact, I would be over the moon." He chuckles and presses a tender kiss to my forehead. "Then yes Wanda, I have romantic feelings for you. The question is do you happen to share those romantic feelings towards me?" I pull apart from his embrace and smile warmly up at him. "I do. I have romantic feelings for you as well Viz." Viz smiles the most adorable smile ever. His teeth are so white and perfect. I'm jealous of his teeth. "So Wanda, what do you humans call two lovers who are together?" I giggle. "They would call them a couple Viz." He murmurs "A couple" to himself, nodding in satisfaction. "I like that Wanda." I nod. "I do too Viz."
I smirk at him. "Do you know what this means Viz?" He innocently shakes his head no. "What does this mean Wanda?" "This means that you have to take me out on a date sometime." He looks at me with confusion. "It sounds nice, but what exactly is it?" "Well there are two kinds of dates. The first one being the day of the month or year as specified by a number. The second, which relates to us, is a social and/or romantic appointment of engagement." Vision grins at me. "I can manage that. I have a few ideas in my mind already." I look at him with curiosity. "Like what?" He smiles brightly at me. "Lunch and a walk in the park, a day in the city with shopping and such, a library date, an open mic night, etc." I hug him again. "Viz, you know me so well." He bows playfully. "I try my best. Now which of those options do you like the best?" "I like them all Viz, but I want you to surprise me. Surprise dates are often the best kind of dates." He nods. "Noted."
"Wanda, do you think we should tell the other Avengers and/or Director Fury about us dating?" I shrug my shoulders. "We can if you want... or we can just let them figure it out on their own. I prefer the second option personally because that's the kind of person I can be, but I want to do what's most comfortable for you." He smirks at my answer. "The second option sounds fun to me. I don't get to miss with the Avenger's heads very often. They mess with me all the time so this would be a good way to give them a bit of a shock if you know what I mean." He then awkwardly but adorably winks while wrapping arm around me. I melt at his touch. I love when Vision touches me in any way, shape, or form. Even when he simply touches my shoulder, I get goosebumps.
Time Skip... Two weeks later...
All of the Avengers and Director Fury have figured out that Vision and I are dating. Director Fury had some hesitation, but he allowed us to continue to be together, seeing how well we compliment one another. As for the Avengers themselves, they were actually really happy for us. Clint was the first one to figure it out and then Steve was the second one to figure it out and so forth. Now, Vision and I are together happily ever after, with our first official date in just two days time. Vision asked again if I wanted to know what kind of date we were going on, to which I responded with "Surprise me" once again. It's more romantic that way.
Hoped that you guys liked this part of this one shot! By the way, this week's video for my Youtube channel is attached below. Feel free to check it out! :) -Mary

ScarletVision: One Shots
أدب الهواةJust a bunch of one shots starring ScarletVision, my Marvel OTP <3 They will be set in different time period, both based on the movies and not based on the movies, etc. This OTP deserves more recognition and hopefully I can do just that for them...