Misguided (Part 2)
One Shot #12 (Cont.)
Vision's POV
That evening...
A rather glum Wanda is heading right towards me, blasting agents out of the way with some of her hexes. When she's right in front of me, I flash her a smirk. "I take it that someone isn't happy." She raises a hand to blast me with one of her hexes and I put my hands up in surrender. "Wanda, I was joking. I know it was a stupid joke, but it was a joke nonetheless. Seriously though, what's the matter?" Her expression softens slightly as she pulls up a chair and plops down into it, sighing rather loudly. "All of the Avengers along with Fury teamed up to yell at me for not only visiting you down here without permission, but for purposing the idea of freeing you sooner rather than later." I frown. "I figured this was going to happen. I didn't want to get my hopes up, but Wanda, just know that I sincerely do appreciate you fighting for me. You're the first and probably the only person to do so. That means a lot to me."
Wanda flashes a wicked grin at me. "You know Vision, there is another to get you out of here, though it might make Bruce Banner Hulk out." I return her wicked grin with one of my own. "Let me guess, break out?" She nods. "Exactly, though we have to plan it out a bit. We can't just do it without putting any thought into it." So that's exactly what we do. Wanda and I spend the next two hours laying out an excellent plan to set me free. It might cost Wanda her spot on the Avengers team, but she seems willing to risk it for me, which is both stupid yet admirable. I respect her.
Late that night/early that morning... around four AM to be exact...
The agents are currently undergoing the rotation of shifts, meaning that there are no agents here to guard me while the transition period is underway. Wanda and I take this as our cue to escape. I penetrate a whole in the wall of my cell, breaking down the glass. As I do, alarms begin to go off. "Wanda, we need to be quick." She nods. "I know Vision." She yanks me close to her and we begin navigating our way out of building before the Avengers can reach us. We manage to get just across the street from S.H.I.E.L.D headquarters when a pissed off Black Widow is right in front of us, blocking us from going any further. She glares at me before looking at Wanda with surprise. "Wanda, you need to consider your next actions carefully. If you flee with Vision, you'll no longer be an Avenger but a threat once again. Is that what you want?" I put a hand on Wanda's back to calm her down because I can tell she's about to blow up with anger.
"No Natasha, of course I don't want to be a threat, but I do want Vision to be free. If this is the only way he can be free, then I have to go against you. I'm sorry." The rest of the Avengers appear before us, including a Bruce Banner who's on the verge of Hulking out. He looks at me with a cross between his natural brown eyes and the Hulk's green ones. When Wanda and I don't say anything else, he completely Hulks out and lungs for me. Wanda yelps and hovers in the air, shooting hexes all around him to distract him long enough for me to begin to take flight. Wanda soon joins me, leading to the start of a battle between the Avengers and us. They're all powerful, but they're not on Wanda and I's level. We possess powers they only dream of having. I'm glad that she choose to flee with me. Her and I would make an unstoppable team. We can decide be heroes or villains by our own choice, not by force from Nick Fury. God he's a pain in the ass to deal with.
I glance at Wanda who's hovering close to me. "Listen Wanda, before we leave this city, I need you to be sure that this is what you really want to do. Helping me break out of S.H.I.E.L.D headquarters shifts your hero status into being wanted. That's a big sacrifice to make for someone you just met." Wanda looks at me sincerely. "Vision, I know we just met, but yet I feel like I've known you forever. You understand me better than anyone else, well besides my brother who died last year." "I'm sorry for your loss Wanda. I'm sure he was a great guy." She sniffles. "Yeah, he really was." Instinctively, I wrap an arm around her and shield her, literally, from the bullets being shot at us by pesky S.H.I.E.L.D agents. There's just something about this girl that I adore. I've hated humans up until now. Together, Wanda and I fly as far away from New York City as possible.
Hoped that you guys liked this part of this one shot! I thought it'd be cool to make Vision out to be somewhat of a villain for a change. :) #plottwist -Mary

ScarletVision: One Shots
FanfictionJust a bunch of one shots starring ScarletVision, my Marvel OTP <3 They will be set in different time period, both based on the movies and not based on the movies, etc. This OTP deserves more recognition and hopefully I can do just that for them...