Infinity War: The End Of Vision (Part 1)

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Infinity War: The End Of Vision (Part 1) 

One Shot #4

Vision's POV

  I'm currently sitting in a cage in a very weak state. Thanos has managed to rip out my Infinity Stone so it's only a matter of time before I fade away. I'm trying my best to hold on as long as I can. I need to see Wanda one last time before I die. I also wish that when I do exchange my last words with Wanda, I'm able to them outside of this cage. I notice Captain Rogers off in the distance fighting off some strange creatures. He turns back to look at me for a moment and I use my eyes to communicate with him. He nods understandingly and knocks out the creatures, immediately taking off to find Wanda. A few minutes later, Wanda is in sight and flying right towards me, carefully landing right in front of the cage. "Viz, just hold on. I'll get you out of there." A surge of pain runs through my body as I manage a nod. I watch her use up quite a bit of energy to vaporize the cage into dust. When I'm free, I collapse in her arms, something I'm very ashamed of. 

   "Viz, you need to stay with me. All I have to do is get you back to the quinjet and Tony can work some magic on you to keep you alive." I look at her sadly. "Wanda, you and I both know that there isn't any hope for me. There might be for you, but this is the end of my life. You need to accept that." Tears well in her eyes and I instantly feel guilty about my choice of words, though it's the truth. I can't lie to my precious Wanda. "I'm sorry for upsetting you Wanda, but you know that I won't survive without my Infinity Stone. Trust me, I've tried to come up with all sorts of solutions in case this situation arose, but sadly not every problem can be fixed, just like not every person and/or creature can be saved." Wanda breaks down and I gently pull her towards me, cradling her in my arms even though it sends another surge of pain through my body. 

   "Viz, you can't die on me. You're everything to me. I-I love you. I'm so sorry I didn't say it sooner, but I do. That's why you need to stay alive." I never cry but somehow tears manage to find their way into my eyes and end up falling. "W-Wanda, I-I love you too. I-I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner either. Y-You and I would have been wonderful together. A future with you would have been absolutely perfect. I'm sorry I can't give that to you." My body is growing weak and I can feel the life slipping away. "W-Wanda, I love you more than I could ever say. Before I go, I need you to promise me something." Wanda holds onto me tighter, shedding more tears. "Viz, please. Stop saying that." I look her right in the eyes. "It's the truth Wanda and I'm trying to prepare you for this for awhile now and the day is here unfortunately. Anyways, I need you to promise me that you won't shut yourself out from those who love you when I'm gone." 

  I take a shaky breath. "Wanda, you are young, pure, and beautiful. You are so special and I would hate for you not to find love again someday. I-I'm not saying it has to be right away, but I don't want you to be alone for the rest of your life." "Viz, there's no one else I want but you." My heart shatters. "I-I know" are the last words I'm able to muster as the life slips out of my body, making it still and lifeless. Due to me not being human, I still have my hearing for a few minutes before I completely die. The last sounds I hear are Wanda's earth shattering screams and sobbing. I wish I could wake up quickly and make it all better, but sadly my time has come. Maybe someday, in another life, Wanda and I will find each other again and we can do it right next time. 

Wanda's POV

  Vision just died in my arms. Vision is dead. I'm never going to hear his lovely British accent again, I'm never going to see his amazing smile again, I'm never going to do hugged or kissed by him again, and I'm never going to get the chance to be with him in the way that we both longed to be. I'm broken, hell I'm beyond broken. First, I lost Pietro three years ago and now Vision. I don't have any reason to go on anymore. I may as well just die myself. Not caring about what happens to me, I step in front of Primo, a self proclaimed God of Fire and a good friend of Thanos', and willingly let him set me on fire. I quickly begin to catch fire but get pissed when Clint swoops in the last second to rescue me. I glare at him hard. "Why the hell did you rescue me? I didn't ask to be rescued." Clint looks at me sadly. "Wanda, you're family to me. Do you really think I'd ever let anyone try to kill you?" 

    Tears of anger swell in my eyes. "Clint, Vision is dead. I want to die so I can be with him again." He sighs. "I know Vision is dead and I'm beyond sorry. I'm also completely heartbroken both for you and the loss of him, but I'm trying my best to hold myself together. If I lost you Wanda, I'd feel just as broken as you do. I promise we'll have our period of grieving, but right now, we have a war we need to finish fighting. Don't give me on me yet? Okay?" Not trusting myself to speak right now, I manage a simple nod and help Clint fight for several days more before the Infinity War finally comes to an end. 

Hoped that you guys liked this part of this one shot! :) Just so you know, there won't be any updates tomorrow and possibly not Friday either. I'll try to update Friday if I can, but I'm not too certain yet. I have some crazy shifts at work the next couple of days that will sadly get in the way of me updating, at least tomorrow night for sure. -Mary 

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