Hulk's Obsession (Part 2)

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Hulk's Obsession (Part 2)

One Shot #19 (Cont.)

Wanda's POV

Time Skip... Three Days Later... 

  I've regained enough energy and healed enough that I'm free to roam the building with supervision, though I'm on bedrest for a majority of the day. I'm really frustrated though. Bruce violated me. We had finally formed a civilized relationship with one another and now that is heavily tainted. I don't know if I'll be able to trust him again. The irony of this is at first I was the bad guy who tried to hurt him and now the tables have turned. Go figure. I have the worst luck in the world. All I deal with is loss, sadness, hurt, and rage. Whenever I do have a slight trace of happiness, it's taken away from me in an instant. Vision volunteered to stay behind for the day while the rest of the team... except Bruce are on a mission. Bruce is locked up in a cell. I refuse to set foot anywhere near him right now. I heard from Clint yesterday that he's been asking to see me and apologize. I'l let him do so when I'm ready for him to do so, which obviously isn't today. 

  "Wanda, I'm glad to see your appetite is beginning to come back." I give him a tired smile. "Me too, though I can only eat soft foods like soup, bagels, some fruit, etc." He nods understandingly. "I know it's frustrating Wanda, but I know you'll get back to how you were before soon enough." I raise an eyebrow. "You really think so?" He nods. "I know so." I finish up the rest of my soup, bagel, and hot tea. I then wash my cup and dishes before Vision walks with me back to my bedroom. He sits down on the edge of my bed while I get in under the covers. I can sense Vision is nervous because his legs are rocking up and down and he's fidgeting slightly. "Wanda, there's something I need to tell you." I look at him with concern. "What is it Viz?" Fear washes over his face. "Bruce tried to kill himself last night. I went down to his cell last night to make sure he wasn't causing any chaos... and I found him unconscious next to a bottle of pills." I gasp and put a hand over my mouth. "Why didn't anyone tell me sooner?" "None of us wanted to stress you out. You're still recovering from his attack the other day." 

   "Viz, this is a big deal. Bruce sees himself as a monster again. He made a lot of progress over the past couple of years and now it's gone down the drain. We're back to square one with him. Even though I'm super pissed at him, he's not a completely bad guy. He's also a huge asset and loyal friend to everyone on the team. We'd be crushed if we lost him. Did he wake up?" Vision nods. "He did three hours go. He's in his cell still but he's now in a hospital bed hooked up to a couple of machines." He gives me a look knowing what I have planned in mind. "Wanda, don't even think about it." I give him a pleading look. "I can't stay angry at him knowing that he's that upset about what he did to me. If he died because of me, I'd never forgive myself." Vision begins to soften up. "Fine, but I'm coming with you. I don't want you to be alone with Bruce right now." "That's fair. Can we go now?" He nods and I quickly freshen up before the two of us head down to Bruce's cell. 

    When we get there, I nearly faint because of his appearance. He has green spots all over his body, probably from the Hulk's rage still in his system. He looks so sickly and distraught. My heart begins to break for him. His eyes lock with mine and he freezes up. "W-Wanda, go away." I hesitantly move closer to him. "Bruce, it's okay. I forgive you." His eyes turn completely green and the Hulk's voice takes over him. "You shouldn't!!" I flinch slightly but hold my ground. "I do though." His eyes shift back to his natural brown ones and he bursts into tears, which is something he like never does. He cries and repeatedly apologizes for hurting and kidnapping me. I take a hold of one of his hands and squeeze it. "I forgive you Bruce. I may not trust you completely, but I do forgive you. You and I have had a rocky relationship with each other, but I really would like to be able to trust you again and maybe even become proper friends one day." Bruce stops crying and wipes his eyes. "I-I'd like that too Wanda." 

   Bruce and Vision then talk for a few minutes before we deem it time to leave, making a promise to check on Bruce from time to time. When we're out of earshot from Bruce, Viz stops me and puts his hands on my shoulders. "Are you really okay Wanda?" I gaze up at him sadly. "No, but I will be okay." He presses a kiss to my forehead. "I'll help you get there Wanda, I promise." "I know Viz, I know." 

Hoped that you guys liked this one shot! My updates may not be as frequent over the next week because I'm going away Saturday and will be away until Tuesday morning. I have to work long shifts on Tuesday and Thursday of next week. In addition, my birthday is also next Friday (I'll be 19). I have birthday plans that will keep me busy as well. I hope you guys understand. :) <3 -Mary

My new cover on my Youtube channel. Feel free to check it out! It's attached below :) 

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