The New Kids On The Block (Part 1)
One Shot #10
Vision's POV
I was just born a few minutes ago in a chamber of sorts. I awoke to appear as a red android instead of staying as the computer voice of J.A.R.V.I.S. for Tony Stark and the rest of the Avengers. Even though I've known most of the Avengers for years through being a technological voice, it's weird seeing all of them up close. There are even some Avengers that I don't recognize. There are two guys and a girl. The girl is absolutely stunning. I'm sure that if I had a human heart, it'd be racing a mile a minute. Her beauty is like no other. I mean Natasha Romanoff is pretty, but this girl is beautiful. I don't know her whatsoever but yet I can't help but feel as though we're alike. I'm too nervous to speak to any of them first so I'm going to wait until they come to me.
The classic Avengers are staring at me in shock while the newer Avengers seem intrigued by me. Well this is certainly going to be an interesting day that's for sure. Bruce Banner is the first one to break the silence. "So J.A.R.V.I.S., how do you want to be referred as?" I look at him with surprise. "I don't quite know. I'm not J.A.R.V.I.S. anymore, but yet I don't know what I should be called." The beautiful girl steps forward. "I looked in your head and saw multiple visions. Some of heroism and some of annihilation." I take a step towards her. "Look again. Now that I've been born, there should be no thoughts of annihilation in my head. There probably were only a few because my birthing process was different from most." She gives me a nod of understanding. "Then I guess it would only be fitting to call you Vision." She turns to the rest of the Avengers for their approval, all of whom nod in agreement. I chuckle to myself. "Then I guess I'm the Vision, though I didn't catch your name miss."
She smirks at me. "I'm technically the Scarlet Witch, but I prefer to be called Wanda. Not my full name or Ms. Maximoff, just Wanda." "I understand, Wanda." I smirk back at her before turning my attention onto Captain Rogers. He seems to be the ring leader of the group for some reason. "Captain Rogers, do I get a place to stay as well as a place on the team?" "You get a place to stay but you have to earn a place on the team, as well as the rest of the new recruits. I know you've already met Wanda, but you should probably get to know Sam and Rhodes. Sam is known as Falcon and Rhodes is as the Iron Patriot." I smile politely at them and extend a hand for them to shake, which they do thankfully. I would have felt a bit insecure if they didn't to be honest. "You and these other three will have a lot of training sessions, oral tests, and orientation sessions to attend in the next few weeks. I expect you all to familiarize yourself with the building."
Steve looks around before his eyes land on Natasha. "Romanoff, can you give these guys and girl a proper tour of the place?" She smirks at him. "Gladly." She motions for us newbies to follow her. I decide to stick close to Wanda seeing that she's the most friendly of the group, even though she's a bit reserved at the same time. "Nice to have your company Vision. The other guys are okay, but they're a bit boring." Sam and Rhodes act as if they're offended, but don't make any sarcastic remarks back to her. "So Wanda, I can sense you're a little rough around the edges, but will you allow me to get to know you? I really would like to if you'll let me." Wanda playfully smiles. "I suppose so, though I'm not going to get super personal with you just yet." I smile at her. "That's fine Wanda."
Natasha gives us all a proper tour and it's a pretty impressive one. Hearing about it through a computer is one thing, but seeing it all with my own eyes, is completely different and quite better actually. When the tour ends, us newbies decide to have a training session together, both for practice and to get to know each other more, including each other's weaknesses. As we go about training, I'm impressed by all of them, especially Wanda. Her powers are quite similar to mine so if her and I were to ever battle, she'd probably be the only one to possibly match, if not exceed my powers. The forces in which her hexes are made from happen to be the same force that generates the Infinity Stone in my head.
Three hours later...
We end our training session and decide to grab some dinner together. Everyone's hungry except for me because I'm an android who doesn't have the capability to relish the different kinds of foods that humans enjoy eating. A part of me wishes that I could but I know that's never going to happen so I simply fake a smile and watch everyone else enjoy their food. The only one who's able to see through my act is Wanda. "Vision, can I talk to you alone for a minute?" Her question takes me by surprise but I nod, giving her permission to talk to me alone. We leave the cafeteria and stand in the hallway. "Vision, what's wrong? It's so obvious that you're upset." I scoff. "I'm not upset. Whatever could make you think that?" Wanda rolls her eyes. "I'm not as clueless as those other two. I can read anyone like a book. What's the matter?"
I sigh. "It's silly Wanda. Like you said, you're not ready to open up about personal matters yet so the last thing I want to do is smother you with mine." Wanda sighs. "I'm sorry. That was a little rude of me to say to you. I'm just not good at communicating with anyone. I'm so used to keeping my walls up because besides my brother, I was never able to trust anyone else." A frown comes to my face. "I heard about his death from Mr. Stark. I'm sorry for your loss Wanda. I can only imagine the emotions running through you right now." She smiles at me sadly. "I think you and I are more alike than we even realize." I return her sad smile with one of my own. "I suppose we are, though you're a human and I'm not." Confusion washes over her face. "So what? You may not be human by appearance, but you're far more human than anyone I've ever met and I've only just met you."
I look at Wanda in surprise. "You really think so?" She nods. "I really do. I'm a very blunt person who speaks nothing but the truth. You're special Vision. I don't know what it is about you, but you're the only one I feel comfortable being with for a long period of time." "The feeling is mutual. Anyways, we should probably head back inside. I'm afraid the others will get suspicious that we ran off and did something we weren't supposed to." She sighs but follows me back into the cafeteria. Wanda goes back to eating and I go back to reading over some data entries that Tony just sent over to me to analyze. Wanda and I just shared a moment but now it's like it didn't exist. I can't help but feel a little saddened by this. I really want to be her friend, but I don't want to come across as desperate. I sigh to myself and try to shut everyone else out, focusing on finishing the task at hand.
Hoped that you guys liked this part of this one shot! :) -Mary

ScarletVision: One Shots
FanfictionJust a bunch of one shots starring ScarletVision, my Marvel OTP <3 They will be set in different time period, both based on the movies and not based on the movies, etc. This OTP deserves more recognition and hopefully I can do just that for them...