It All Started At A Bar (Part 3)

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It All Started At A Bar (Part 3)

One Shot #2 (Cont.)

Vision's POV

 When Wanda crashed her lips on mine just seconds ago, the world just came to a complete halt. I lost all train of thought, though my heart makes the decision of kissing her back and my lips interlock smoothly with hers. When we pull apart, the two of us stare each other in shock. Neither one of us can explain why we just shared a passionate kiss after just meeting each other a few days ago. That and the fact that Wanda just told me a few minutes ago that she just got out a relationship with Bucky a month ago. Bucky's going to be furious with me. I might even get fired if I decide to take the risk of dating Wanda. I don't care. I need Wanda. She has been the one good thing to come out of my life recently, well besides Bruce of course, but I'm talking about love wise. 

   "Wanda, I know this is going to be awkward, but we need to talk about what just happened." She sighs. "I know and I want nothing more than to be able to tell you why I did what I did, but I can't. All I know is that I like you a lot and that I shouldn't, especially given the circumstances. I promised myself that I wouldn't catch feelings again for any guy for awhile, but yet here I am feeling really emotional and wanting to jump back into your arms." I frown when I see her eyes begin to water. "I want you Vision and I think you want me too. Am I right?" I blush and nod hesitantly. "I-I do want you Wanda, though I have a proposition for you." She raises an eyebrow. "What would that be?" "How about we both take a week to think about things? We'll meet up again next Friday over dinner and we can talk about what the next steps are for us." She nods. "That sounds like a good idea." I nod in agreement. "I think so too." 

    Wanda bites her lip in this adorable way. "Vision?" I look at her. "Y-Yes Wanda?" "Do you think you can politely tell Bucky to back off on Monday? If there's even a chance at you and I happening, I need him to be out of the picture completely. I want peace." I chuckle. "I was planning on doing just that actually. If he refused to cooperate, I was simply going to kick the crap out of him until he decided to." She gasps. "No violence, just your words. Like I said a little while ago, you're better than that Vision." "Vincent." "I know your real name, I just figured you preferred me calling you Vision rather than Vincent." "I normally do prefer being called Vision but I have a feeling you're going to be a very important person in my life so you can call me Vincent if you want. I'm fine with either or." 

   She smiles at me, taking my breath away more and more with every smile. "Well I think Vincent is a lovely name, though I have a confession." I smirk at her. "Wanda Maximoff has a confession? Oh how all hell is going to break loose in the universe!" She playfully rolls her eyes at me. "Oh hush or I won't tell you my confession." I pout playfully. "Aw come on, I want to know." Wanda giggles. "Fiiiiinnneee, I'll tell you. I have a super cool nickname that I've been withholding from you because I'm afraid you'll make fun of me for it." I smirk again. "It can't be any dorkier than Vision." "Oh but it is. Brace yourself. Are you ready for it?" I nod. "I'm ready, bring it." "My super cool nickname which is actually super dorky is Scarlet Witch." I look at her in surprise. "That's quite a stretch from Wanda. At least my nickname starts with the first letter of my actual name." She sighs. "I know, it's a long story as to how I got in the first place."

   I lean back in my car and put my arms behind my head. "I have time. Wanda, I want to get to know you, even these silly little details such as nicknames. Every little detail makes you you." She nods and takes a deep breath, telling me all about how she earned the nickname of "Scarlet Witch." When she's done with her explanation, I look at her with even more surprise. "Wanda, you're without a doubt the strongest woman I've ever met. I'm so sorry that you had to go through all that you did. I'm also truly sorry about your brother Pietro. May he rest in peace." A tear slips down her cheek and I wipe it away with my thumb. "You're too amazing of a person to cry like that in my presence Wanda. Seeing you cry makes me sad." She throws herself into my arms once more and sobs. Most people have already left so we don't get too many stares thrown in our direction. 

   I simply hold Wanda in my arms while lets everything out. I rub her back gently in circles and stroke her hair as well. Eventually, her sobbing subsides and she wipes away stray tears. "Good God, I'm a mess. I'm so sorry." I gently stroke her cheek. "It's okay to let out your feelings. I get embarrassed when I do myself, especially since society constantly assumes that guys have to be macho all the time. Listen Wanda, let's throw everything we just said out the window. You and I get each other, we have a lot of similar interests, we're both mature despite the twelve year age gap between us. I'm willing to take the risk of Bucky flipping out over us. I want you, I need you, and I adore you." Wanda looks at me in shock but a small smile forms on her face, making my heart flutter. "I feel the same way for you Vision and I'm tired of making excuses not to be with you because you're absolutely perfect for me." 

   I grin from ear to ear. "Wanda Maximoff, will you do the honor of being my girlfriend?" She grins back at me. "I would love to do that honor. Will you the honor of being my boyfriend." "It would be an honor to be your boyfriend. It would even be an honor to have my heart broken by you." "Well hopefully it won't ever come to that." I nod. "Yeah, I hope it doesn't either." 

   The rest of the evening is much more lighthearted now that we've pushed past all of the excuses and chose to be together, despite the backlash that we'll both be getting in just three days time. We're both adults. We have the right to do as we please and be happy. I really wish the rest of the world could see it that way, but sadly very few will understand. I think the only ones that will be accepting are Bruce and Wanda's friend Natasha who she speaks very highly of. Two people is better than none though. Speaking of Bruce and Natasha, both of them happen to be single and seem to compliment each other really well. I'm thinking of talking to Wanda about hooking them up on a date sometime soon. Bruce deserves to have some love in his life as well. 

Hoped that you guys liked this part of this one shot! :) -Mary 

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