The New Kids On The Block (Part 5)
One Shot #10 (Cont.)
Vision's POV
Time Skip... A Week Later...
I've been going closer to Dr. Banner of all people as a friend and I've come to find out that like myself, he is also in love with a fellow Avenger, which turns out to be Natasha Romanoff aka Black Widow. It's really been comforting to have someone to confide my feelings for Wanda to and vice versa for Bruce. No else on the team understands this other than the two of us. We've also noticed Wanda and Natasha growing closer. I wonder if they've been talking about us in a romantic way... I highly doubt it. Both of those girls can do way better than us. "Bruce, I think we should man up and tell the girls who we really feel about them before it's too late." Bruce looks up from his computer in shock. "A-Are you serious Vision?" I nod. "I am Bruce. What happens if we continue to wait and they both move on to other people? I can't bare the thought of anyone else claiming Wanda?" He frowns. "I don't want anyone else to claim Natasha." "Good, then it's settled. Bruce, we're going to tell those girls that we love them."
"Want to go find them? I overheard Tony mentioning they were sparring in a training room together." Bruce nods and follows me out the door and down a couple flights of stairs to the training room that they're indeed sparring in. We watch them for a few minutes. Both of them are incredibly strong. It's hard to believe that either one of them as the ability to lose a match, let alone an actual battle. We take a deep breath, look at each other, and step inside the room. Wanda and Natasha immediately stop sparring and straighten up, both of them surprised to see us together and vice versa. Natasha is the first one to speak. "Hey boys, what's up?" I give her a polite smile. "Hi Natasha. Bruce and I need to have a word with you girls. Can you both spare a few minutes?" Natasha looks to Wanda who nods with a small smile, allowing Natasha to do the same. "Yes you may. I'm assuming you want to talk to Wanda alone and Bruce wants to talk to me alone. Am I right?" We both nod sheepishly. Natasha motions for Bruce to follow her out into the hall while Wanda and I stay in the training room.
When the door closes, I move closer to Wanda. "Hey there Wanda. I've been dying to get you alone for the past couple of days now." She smiles adorably. "The feeling is mutual Viz. Now don't keep me in the dark any longer. What do you want to talk to me about?" This is it Vision, it's now or never. Tell the girl how you truly feel about her. "Wanda, have you ever been in love?" "Not until recently no, though I've somehow managed to fall in love with someone. I want to tell him how I feel, but we're so close and I don't want my one sided feelings for him to ruin our friendship." I frown slightly. "Oh I see." A moment of silence passes before she breaks it. "Vision, are you okay?" My hands begin to shake. "I'm fine Wanda, just a bit distracted is all." Wanda moves closer to me with an eyebrow raised. "By who?" "By you", I mumble. "Sorry Viz, I didn't catch that." I look straight into her eyes this time and say "By you."
Wanda blushes. "By me? How is that possible Viz?" I take a deep breath and wrap my arms around her waist. "It's possible because I'm in love with you." She looks up at me, her face conveying an array of emotions. "Viz, I love you too." I look at her in shock. "You do?" I nod with a kind smile. "I do." Without another word, Wanda throws herself into my arms, giving me the tightest hug I've ever received in my short life, but also the best one. This hug then shifts into a gentle kiss. Both of us crash our lips against each other's in unison. They move in perfect rhythm with each other's, though Bruce and Natasha walk in on us in mid kiss. Both of them are smirking at us, though they seem to have just shared a moment themselves. Bruce and Natasha's faces are red and he has an arm wrapped around her as if she's his girlfriend. Natasha looks over at Wanda with a smile. "You guys made it official then?" Wanda and I nod in unison. Wanda then asks her the same question, in which Bruce and Natasha nod in unison as well."
I mouth a "congrats" to Bruce and he does the same to me while the girls share a quick hug. I chuckle. "Well I guess the Avengers are starting to become the Romangers." My corny joke causes the four of us to burst into lighthearted laughter, which is music to all of our ears.
Hoped that you guys liked this one shot! :) -Mary

ScarletVision: One Shots
FanfictionJust a bunch of one shots starring ScarletVision, my Marvel OTP <3 They will be set in different time period, both based on the movies and not based on the movies, etc. This OTP deserves more recognition and hopefully I can do just that for them...