Technical Difficulties (Part 2)
One Shot #8 (Cont.)
Vision's POV
I look down at Wanda's limp body in shock. Why on Earth would Wanda do that? I know that she thinks highly of Clint, but she shouldn't have done that. As I stare at her lifeless body, the anger in me begins to fade and concern replaces it. I move closer to Wanda's body and Clint shoves me away. "Thank you Vision, you've done quite enough." As pissed off at Clint as I am, I know he's right. This is all my fault. Wanda was just trying to protect the both of us and how did I repay her... by blowing up at her about it. Now Wanda's unconscious and who knows what injuries she may possibly have. I've never cried before, but I'm boy it's taking everything in my power not to cry a river right now.
Steve lifts her body off of the floor and carries her in his arms, most likely to the infirmary. I try to follow him, but Clint stops me about halfway there. "Vision, Wanda doesn't want you there and quite frankly, neither do I. What you need to do is go and do some serious thinking. You can come back once you're ready to apologize and own up to the damage you've done. If Wanda wakes up, I'll make an exception to the rule if she happens to want to speak to you. You're dismissed." I glare at Clint but don't fight with him further. Truthfully, I'm beyond exhausted. I don't require a lot of sleep, but I could definitely use some right now. I decide to head back to my chambers for a few hours and try to get some rest. When I get there, I climb into bed and toss and turn for a good hour before actually falling asleep.
Six hours later...
I get shaken out of bed by Steve. He seemed as pissed with me as Clint is, but he still seems hesitant to be around me. "I'm sorry to bother you Vision, but Wanda's awake. She's asking for you. Wanda thinks you hate her and she's having an anxiety attack in the infirmary. She won't let anyone else touch her but you. I think you should go there." I nod and get up quickly, practically running to the infirmary. I'm out of breath when I get there but push through it to get to Wanda's bed. My heart drops at the sight of her. Her skin is ghostly pale, there are several scratches all over body, and her eyes are bloodshot red. In addition, her body is shaking beyond belief. Despite us supposedly breaking up, I still climb into bed with her and hold her. Her body relaxes at my touch, though she's still sobbing a bit. I rub her back in gentle circles to help calm her down. After what feels like a long time, her breathing evens out and Wanda is calm enough to speak.
Wanda turns back to the rest of the Avengers in the room and asks them to give us some privacy. Sorry, I forgot to mention all of them were in the room as well. They all had mixed reactions about my presence. "Vision, I'm really sorry for trying to break up with you. I'm sure you were aware that my heart was in the right place, but the truth is I don't want to break up with you. I don't give a flying fish about what Director Fury thinks. We're both major assets to the Avengers. Sure he may not approve of our love for one another, but he'll learn to live with it because he needs the both of us to be around for a long time. I love you Vision. I'm so sorry for hurting you so badly." I look at her sadly. "I'm sorry for blowing up at you Wanda. I know you were just trying to protect us and I love you for that, but I agree with you when it comes to not wanting to break up. I love you too Wanda. The thought of breaking up with you is enough to make me want to die."
Wanda moves closer to me and buries her face in my chest. My heart begins to race and I run my fingers through her hair. "So are okay now?" I give her a tired smile. "We're okay now, though I need to tell you one more thing, though I swear it's out of love." She looks at me in confusion. "Tell me Viz." I look straight into her eyes. "Wanda, never step in between Clint and me when we're battling again. You had me scared senseless." Tears prickle the corners of my eyes. "You could have died on me." She frowns. "I'm sorry Viz. I was just trying to protect you, even though you were mad at me at the time." I cup her face gently. "Stop trying to be protect me so much. You'e worth far more than I am." Wanda looks at me quite seriously. "Without you, I am nothing. Viz, I need you. For all my days, I need you and to be loved by you." I pull her in for a gentle kiss. "Wanda Maximoff, you have my word. We're not messing this up again. I love you and you love me, our relationship will work this time around." Wanda nods and surprises me by pulling me in for a more passionate kiss. I love her with all of my synthetic heart.
I hope that you guys liked this part of this one shot! :) -Mary

ScarletVision: One Shots
FanfictionJust a bunch of one shots starring ScarletVision, my Marvel OTP <3 They will be set in different time period, both based on the movies and not based on the movies, etc. This OTP deserves more recognition and hopefully I can do just that for them...