A Small Town Writer Seeks Romance (Part 4)
One Shot #5 (Cont.)
Wanda's POV
Time Skip... Two months later...
Vision and I have spent a lot of time with each other these past couple of months and I've really grown a lot of feelings towards him. I would definitely say they're romantic feelings. I really wish he would ask me out already because he seems to replicate those feelings for me as well, though I've never been the best at analyzing one's feelings for someone else. I'm actually going over to Vision's place for dinner and then I'm going to work on my column as well. He wants to watch immerse myself into my writing process just I watch him immerse himself in his writing process five days a week. Vision can't come by the library today because he's going to write at home for a bit before preparing dinner, which is steak, steak fries, and some cooked vegetables. It's going to be delicious.
That evening...
Vision texted me his address a couple hours ago so I plug into my GPS and drive there. I manage to get there quickly. His house is really nice on the outside. It's not too big nor is it too small, it's just right. I ring the doorbell and wait for him to answer, which he does so a moment later. "Wanda, I hope you don't mind the slight mess in my humble abode." I laugh. "I'm sure it's not too bad." I step inside and look around. "Your place is nice Viz and the only mess I see are a few papers and books tossed aside here and there. Trust me, I've seen a lot worse." Vision smiles. "I'm glad you don't mind it. Anyways, I started preparing dinner a half an hour ago. It should be ready in another half an hour. In the meantime, feel free to start working on your column for the paper." I nod and begin to do exactly that. Some people like to handwrite their columns on paper before typing them up, but not me. I simply jump the gun and type them up, then proofreading them and making corrections when need be.
Half an hour later...
Dinner is ready so I set aside my laptop for a bit. I'm starving and haven't eaten all day, despite having a lunch break at work. I was too busy working during my lunch break. I'm an idiot, I know. I'll finish up writing the column after I eat. Vision serves us both before sitting down across from me at the table. I take a bite of everything to see how it all is... it's amazing. "Viz, you're a better cook than I am. God, is there anything you aren't good at?" He chuckles and blushes. "Well there are some things I'm not good at. I'm a horrible dancer, I swear I have two left feet." I giggle. "What else?" "I could never be an actor because I have a hard time staying in character. I'm also the world's worst flirt." I lean forward intrigued by that last part. "Well I can be the judge of that." He raises an eyebrow and smirks at me. "Is the Wanda Maximoff asking me to lay my flirting skills out on the table?" I nod. "She is indeed. Now go!"
He playfully rolls his eyes and tries out several cheesy pickup lines on me. Some of them are horrible but others are okay. "Well Wanda, how'd I do?" I bite my lip. "Some of those pick up lines actually weren't the cheesiest I've heard so you did okay, though you could use a little more practice. I think the solution to that problem is that you find a partner you can balance those skills out with." "Wanda, are you hinting at something important?" I blush like a tomato, shift my gaze to the floor, and try to calm my racing heart. I hear Vision get up and can feel his body looming over mine. "Wanda, please don't look away from me. It hurts my feelings. I glance up at him and bite my lip again. "Sorry V-Viz." He pulls up a chair in front of me. "Wanda, there's something I need to tell you." I look at him curiously, silently motioning for him to continue.
Vision takes a shaky breath and begins to speak. "Wanda, these past three months of getting to know you have been wonderful, especially these past two months with weekly dinners, writing sessions, and more. Over the past three months and possibly longer, I've been drawn to you. At first, it started off as mere infatuation, but now... it's blossomed into pure love. Wanda Maximoff, I'm in love with you. I understand if you don't feel the same way for me, but I needed to at least say it aloud." I look at him in shock before taking a deep breath and confessing my feelings to him. "I-I love you too Viz. I've felt the same way about you since a couple weeks after we started spending time for one another." Viz moves even closer to me, closing in the distance between the two of us. "So Wanda, does this make us a couple?" I completely close the distance between us. "I think it does." Viz gives me the cutest smile. "I'm glad." Without another word being exchanged between the two of us, we finally share a kiss that the both of us have been dreaming about for months now.
Hoped that you guys liked this part of this one shot! :) -Mary

ScarletVision: One Shots
FanfictionJust a bunch of one shots starring ScarletVision, my Marvel OTP <3 They will be set in different time period, both based on the movies and not based on the movies, etc. This OTP deserves more recognition and hopefully I can do just that for them...