Technical Difficulties (Part 1)

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Technical Difficulties (Part 1)

One Shot #8

Wanda's POV

   Vision and I have been dating under S.H.I.E.L.D's radar now for about two months, but I'm pretty sure Nick Fury is onto us. He doesn't approve of Avengers dating and/or marrying other Avengers. He gave Bruce and Natasha such a hard time for the short period of time that they dated. I love Vision with all of my heart, but I can't risk losing our positions as Avengers over a romance that will probably come to an end eventually. I need to sit down and have a serious discussion with him about this. I've been trying to get Vision alone for a few minutes all week and it's been next to impossible. I grab a jacket and roam the building until I find him in a training room by himself. I breathe a sigh of relief and make my way inside. "Viz, I'm sorry to interrupt your training, but can you spare a few minutes?"

   Vision gives me the most radiant smile and I can feel my heart beginning to break. He's going to be shattered and so am I. It's going to be difficult to face each other for awhile, but I really think it will be for the best in the long run. "Wanda, I always have time for you love. What's up?" My heart melts at him calling me love. This is going to be so painful for the both of us. "Viz, we can't keep doing this." His smile begins to shift into a frown. "What do you mean? I'm confused Wanda." A quiet whimper slips out and Vision comes over to me, wrapping his arms around me in a loving manner. "Wanda, please don't be sad. Seeing you sad makes me sad." "Viz, you're going to hate me for what I'm about to say." He looks down at me both sad and lovingly. "Wanda, I could never hate you. Please tell me what's on your mind."

   I pull out of his embrace and take a step back. "Viz, I don't think you and I should be together romantically anymore. Nick Fury is onto his and I'm afraid of him threatening us like he did to Bruce and Natasha." Vision who never gets angry, is balling up his fists and slams the wall next to him, causing me to flinch. It's so rare for me to see Vision upset but when he is, it's quite scary to watch. "Wanda, how on Earth could you possibly say that to me?" Fear begins to overcome me. "I-I'm sorry. I-I'm just looking out for the both of us. We worked so hard to earn our spots as Avengers. I would hate for Nick Fury to ruin that for us. He's not exactly our biggest fans." My words only seem to make Vision angry because now he's just inches from me and looks like he might kill me. I glance out in the hall and see Steve and Clint talking to each other. I make eye contact with Steve. Steve's eyes bug out of his head and he gets Clint's attention. Clint looks at me with concern. The both of them then come rushing into the training room.

   Clint is the first one to speak. "Vision, you need to choose your next actions very carefully." Vision turns his attention away from me and onto Clint. Steve then rushes over to me. "Wanda, are you okay?" A tear slips out but I nod. "I-I'm fine. Physically I mean. I was trying to break up with Vision because Fury isn't too happy with Avenger romances. I-I wasn't doing it to hurt him, I was doing it to protect the both of us." Steve looks at me sadly. "I-I know Wanda. You may not realize it, but you don't have a mean bone in your body. You're a softie." I swat him and roll my eyes while bursting into tears. "S-Shut up." Steve's about to hug me when all of the sudden chaos breaks out between Clint and Vision. Clint is trying to beat the crap out of him and Vision is trying to make him go unconscious. Before Vision can successfully put him under, I step in between the two of them at the very last second. Clint is spared but unfortunately I'm not. I fall to the ground immediately, seeing nothing but darkness as I hit the floor...

Sorry guys, I left you on a cliffhanger *Evil laughs* I hope you guys liked this part of this one shot! I also hope everyone had a good Thanksgiving yesterday and survived Black Friday shopping. Also, be sure to check out my new cover attached below! :) -Mary

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