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I've been working for a small hospital for the mentally ill. My boss had it built a few years ago so he can ensure that his parents were well taken care of . He didn't trust large hospitals with his parents . Turns out many didn't either . Itachi wasn't your normal boss who stayed in the office doing paper work . No. He hired someone else for that . He's always at the nurses station taking our calls and monitoring our patients from the computer and doing charts . It was weird but he loved working with the patients himself and it was clear the patients loved him too . 

Itachi was not only kind but he was handsome . He was tall and athletic . His smile was perfect and his voice was smoother than cream on a baby's bottom . And his eyes ? Lord, his eyes . They were dark , deep .. mysterious . Everything about him screamed ' have my babies ' . All except for the fact that he was married . A lot of the nurses and doctors didn't care though . Had they ever been given the opportunity to have him they'll jump in an instant .  I went to high school with his wife . Sakura Haruno . The devil in a dress . 

Sakura dated Itachi's younger brother in high school , Cheated on him every chance she got . Rumor has it saskue found out during family dinner when he found them having sex in the bathroom . They've been together since . It was a dick move if you ask me . But you didn't so .

I walk into work with 2 cups of coffee . one for me and one for itachi . We worked closely together , we share a favorite patient . Masashi Kishimoto . The man had an incredible imagination . He always rambled how we were all ninjas . He went on about Itachi killing his entire family . Leaving only his younger brother alive and so on .

Masashi used to be the mayor of our small town . so he knew everyone .. once he got older and lost sense of what was real and what wasn't he started rambling about this alternate universe and mostly everyone were in it . . Though sadly i was never mentioned in his stories i loved hearing them. 

" Mr kishimoto is scheduled for blood work today . Then i need to go to miss yung and check her vitals . "  i rambled to myself as i went over the patients charts and lab information . " Mr Uchiha , would you be able to help with Mr kishimoto? He's getting blood work done but you know how he hates needles . " Itachi would always distract him . Asking questions about this alternate universe and without even realizing it i would get the blood drawn with out him freaking out and having a panic episode . 

"I'd love too (L/N) " he flashed that beautiful smile at me and i couldn't help but melt . 

We knocked on the door and walked in . 

"Itachi...your supposed to be dead " he said . Kishimoto also suffered from memory loss . this time tomorrow he will forget everything today . He remembers nothing of his life other than this alternate universe he created .

" I'm not dead yet ." he smiled at the man . 

"Ohhhhh, you saskue is still training !" he shouted excitedly . His eyes lit up as he sat on the edge of the bed and faced itachi . I grabbed his arm and started to do my job and he spoke with itachi . 

"I think he is . " Itachi said . taking a seat in front of him.  " But you know me sir . I'm not easily taken down ."

"But he gets you down " kishimoto laughed 

"From what you told me ... it sounded like i allowed him to kill me . " Itachi could never acept the fact that kishimoto claims he was defeated by saskue , Itachi was the older and stronger brother . He liked to maintain that image as long as possible.

"Thats for the people to determine , you see !" His eyes lit up

"what about my friend here ? Do you know who she is yet ?" he pointed over to me . Kishimoto looked at me for a few seconds . 

" I know. She was going to be your wife . But i killed you off instead ." he laid back to relax and started eating his breakfast . Itachi and i looked at each other and i started to blush . We left the room and embarrassed i tried to walk a bit faster than itachi so he wouldn't notice my flushed face . 

"So my wife ?" he chuckled . 

"Yeaaa.. I'm sorry about that " i tried giggling to hide the fact that i was blushing which now that i think of it made no sense at all . 

"It's ok . I'm a lucky guy to have pretty wives . " he grabbed a chart and walked off to another room .  Did he just call me pretty ?

" Dry your panties . " zay, a friend of mine said while sitting down to get on to the computer . 

"They are dry." I scolded .

"Sure they are . So guess what ." she went on as he typed away . " The Company Halloween party is in full effect this weekend and your coming ! no excuses . "

"when did itachi agree to this ." i complained . I wasn't one to party a lot . especially with my overly hot boss . I get a bit wild when i drink so me coming to this party was a bad idea . 

"Last night . He sent out the emails. Its gonna be at his mansioooonnn" she squealed happily and did a little dance at her chair . 

" Thats the spirit , " Itachi winked as he walked by 

"Hell yessss ! " she answered , " ugh , He's so hot . "

" and married " i added . 

" Well his brother is single .....and hot . not to mention i saw his name on the guest list too .So this weekend might be a good time for an uchiha to dust off them cobwebs ."

" I do not have cobwebs zay , what the hell . " i looked at her in disbelief but she right . It's been a while since i dated anyone let alone had  a fling . 

"Not after this weekend !" she cheered . "Kiba already agreed to be a good wing man with me tonight in order to get you laid . 

"I don't need you and your boyfriend to be my wing men . " i laughed hard at that " I'm surprised kiba even managed to get you with his lame pick up lines . "

"oh.. you're right .... hmm. .. well bitch you still got me . you know i got you "

I looked over to itachi and watched him talk to one of the elderly woman who walked out of her room without her socks . i cant trust drunk me round someone like him. 

  Oh lord ... what is going to happen to me this weekend .   

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