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When Itachi found me I thought he was gonna yell at me some more, but he didn't. Instead he gave me the silence i needed. All I heard in the car was his turn signals and my sniffling . I thought about how i could break the ice. Then i thought why should I break the ice . Every now and then i would look over to admire him . he had his left elbow on the window as his head rested on his fist, the other on the wheel. He had to move his ponytail a couple times so it wasn't being pulled by how he was leaning.

When we got to my building he carried me bridal style up to my apartment. Being so close to his skin drove me wild . Ugh ! i was just wild about his brother but here i am... in Itachi's arms... His surprisingly strong muscular arms. He wasn't buff but he was pretty cut. He carried me like i weighed nothing . In the elevator i stole more glances. He stared at the elevator doors stuck in his thoughts. Probably thinking about how much of a drama queen i am. It's now midnight , the same day he got headbutted in the nose because of me, Found me with his brother half naked ... and now returning my injured ass home . My life had never had so much going on before until now .

"OH!" I squealed while he adjusted me , making me grab onto his neck tighter

"I'm not gonna drop you . Your night gown is sliding up." He said casually.

We get to my apartment and lays me on the couch ..

"Wheres your med kit?" He asked taking off his coat and washing his hands  ,

"It's ok . I can treat myself.. thank you for brin-"

"Is it in the bathroom ?" He acted as if i didn't just basically told him ima do it. He comes back with my med kit and puts on the rubber gloves . sitting in a chair he brung from my kitchen he placed my foot on his lap and examined it ,

"You sprained it pretty bad.. Its already bruising .This shard just missed the bone though . You're gonna need a lot of stitches due to its size... We gotta do it now or else its going to get infected . "

I screamed when he poured rubbing alcohol on my foot .

"You can't do it now ! I dont have anything to numb it !" I cried. The bottom of your feet is sensitive to touch..Imagine getting stitches and having to remain still while feeling all he tickling pain. I'm scared.

"No time " he took off his shirt and tossed it at me . "Bite on this" he held onto the glass shard as I wrapped up his shirt and placed it in my mouth ready for the agony to come.

He looked me straight in the eye "on the count of 3 , ok ? 1.... " he pulled out the shard and dumps more alcohol on my foot .

"Arrrrgghhhh !!" I screamed into the shirt as I hit down, squeezing the cushions to my couch. "What happened to 3 !!!"

"You were expecting it . Keep biting I need to stitch . " I did as he said. The next 15 minutes were me crying in pain as the needle pierced through the bottom of my sensitive foot. I was dripping in sweat ..
" you're doing good. We're just about done with the bottom. " he said in a reassuring way trying to comfort me. But I wasn't doing good I was crying like a baby .

" I-I can't " I sobbed " we need to go to the hospital.. the pain is too much "

" your forgetting I'm a doctor. I need you to trust me. We're almost done ...................... there. We just need the top. "

I sighed in relief. The worst part was over . Compared to that the top of my foot was a piece of cake.

When he was done he bandaged my foot got up and cleaned his mess , and bring me an ice pack.

"Ankle is starting to swell " he smiled faintly.

"Thank you doctor. " I laughed grabbing the ice pack. " and for helping me. "

He took a seat next to me and I had his undivided attention. " now that you can't run off. We still need to talk. "

"That's not fair Itachi. " I said sadly

"Sakura and I broke up for real this time. " he blurted out

"I'm sorry " I lied. I wasn't sorry. I mean she was cool and all but she was in my way.

" I told her about my feelings for you. .. and she confessed that though she has love for me .. she hasn't been in love with me in a long time. The reason behind all her business trips. She wanted to get away. "

"How are you feeling "

"Somewhat relieved." He answered honestly.

"Why only somewhat?"

"Because taking my sweet time , I practically pushed you into another mans arms. And saskue is a good guy. That's what angers me most. I know he can make you happy but I don't want him too. I want to make you happy.. and I don't plan on losing you to him. "

"itachi. I do have feelings for Saskue. I don't know if it's just sexual, or true connection but I can't make a decision until I know for sure. But with you. We have this connection and attraction. I don't know if it's stronger than what saskue and I could have. -" I stopped rambling. I don't know if I even made any sense. I was confused so how could I explain it ?

"I get it. You can try and figure things out with Saskue. But since it's competition don't expect me to play fair . I'm fighting for you. I'm making every second count. And since I have the head start I'm not going to let him catch up. " itachi pulled my body towards him forcing me to lay in his chest . He grabs my chin to look up at him and kisses me passionately. Instantly making me wet. But he didn't take it farther than that.

" get some rest. " he said.running his fingers through my hair as I cuddled against him. I guess I was more tired than I thought. I fell asleep quickly in his warm embrace.

Itachi plants a kiss on your forehead " You're mine. "


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