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I turned around to see who this Ino was. She was pretty. She had long blonde hair and gorgeous eyes.

"Can we talk. " she asked firmly "in private " now she was looking at me.

"I'll give you guys a few minutes. " I said.
Saskue gave me a kiss on the forehead " just a few minutes. I promise. "

I sit back at the table closest to the door. Itachi and sakura came to ask why I was alone but when they saw , they took a seat and watched also.

The conversation started off calmly but that changed quickly. Ino was yelling and throwing her arms in the air. Saskue simply stood there with a blank expression not saying anything. He didn't even looked like he cared.

"I feel bad for him. All that drama must be exhausting. " I thought to myself out loud.

"Yea. " sakura agreed. Honestly the sakura I knew in high school was a queen bitch. But the sakura that's here shes kind of. Cool. Gross. What's wrong with me. She's still the enemy . " we should go help him out. Ino is crazy "

We agreed and once we got closer all we heard was " and you have the nerve to flaunt this bitch around in my face ! We've only broken up about a week !you jerk!" She raised her hand and slapped Saskue so hard it forced his head to turn. She reached her hand up to strike him again but something in me took over. I ran up to her and tackled her down to the floor. We were rolling around the ground throwing blows at each other . Growing up with three older brothers prepared me for moments like this. For once I was glad they used to to beat me up. Her hits were weak compared to my brothers.

"Get off me bitch !" She shouted as she swung her hands and yanked my hair.

"You hit my boyfriend you psycho !" I shouted back punching her repeatedly

"Boyfriend?" Itachi said hurt. Him and saskue looked at each other before Saskue dove in there to break up the scuffle before anyone saw . Saskue grabbed me from behind by my waist and ripped me off her . Turning us around he kept a hold of me in a tight grip. Ino stood up and wiped blood from her mouth . Sakura grabbed the girl and escorted her out . Thinking itachi followed but he stood frozen watching us. We didn't notice because at that moment we were focused on each other.

Saskue turned me around but had a hold of my waist with one hand and his other hand held my chin as he moved my face side to side to see what damage Ino had done. Minor scratches. Nothing serious.

"Shit. Your bleeding " he grabbed a handkerchief from his pocket and held it against the scratch on my temple.

"I'm fine " I pushed his hand and handkerchief away. I felt bad for acting so inappropriately. " I'm sorry Saskue. I shouldn't had done that "

" I'm sorry you were put in a position like this. " he tightened his grip on my waist and pulled me in for a hug .

" no , don't apologize! " I pulled away from him " she put her hands on you Saskue. I'm not letting anyone disrespect you like that." He just looked at me.

He leaned in closer and closer . Cupping the side of my face he plants a single kiss on my lips. Letting that kiss linger so I can process.. his lips were soft and inviting. I followed with my emotions and just kissed back. I felt him smile through our kiss before inviting his tongue in with mine. This kiss was different. It wasn't your normal I want you kiss. It was a thankful , playful and exciting kind of kiss. Something we need to talk about later tonight. But that's when it dawned on me. I heard Itachi clear his throat reminding us of his presence. We broke our heated kiss and with flushed faces

"Saskue can I talk to you " Itachi asked angrily. He nodded while I went to to go to the bathroom to freshen up.

" you went too far Saskue. " itachi said

"What are you talking about?"

"You know how I feel about (y/n) . " he assumed. Which he did but he didn't know the extent of itachi's feelings for you.

Saskue chuckled. " your feelings for (y/n) doesn't matter as long as your with Sakura. Your married brother. Or did you forget ? I'm single. (Y/n) is single. -"

"I'm not playing Saskue !" He shouted

"Your brother taking the girl you loved. Not a good feeling is it ? " Saskue brushes past Itachi and went to check on you.

"Is everything ok ?" I asked seeing the angry faces on both brothers.

"Let's get out of here. " itachi said grabbing my hand "

We sat in the car for a while outside my house.

"Saskue... about the kiss " I started off saying

" I crossed the line " he finished.

"No it's not that. It's ... weird. I see you only as a friend but the kiss. ... the kiss was ..." I stopped. I didn't want to be the only one who felt something from the kiss. I shouldn't had said anything. Saskue leaned in closer to me.

"Amazing? " he said looking at me with his soft yet deep onyx eyes.

"Yea " I whispered. " it's complicated... I enjoyed it but you know What i feel for your brother. "

" so you kissing back... wasn't an act ?" He asked biting his lip.. looking at mine.

"N..no... it wasn't. " I answered honestly. "Your attractive.. and my hormones.. they've been all over the place .... I mean. Idk but it was genuine. "

"How about we try it again... see how we feel about it." He smirked. Oh He was smooth

" wouldn't that make our friendship.. weird ?" I said with a worried face.

"Only if you let it get weird. "

"What are you suggesting?" I blushed at the thought of where he was getting at.

"We can be friends. And .... still .... do things ....like .....this " he pulled me in and kissed me gently. His kisses were slow yet powerful. They send shivers down my body and caused a pool in my underwear. I can't explain it. I wasn't in love with Saskue or anything. And he couldn't be in love with me. But the sexual tension right now is undeniable as I kissed him back. He breaks away and licks his lips. "See.... still friends.. not to mention .. it'll make itachi jealous." he smiled.

What Am I about to say !!! This isn't me . But you know what. Itachi wants to play with my heart I can play with his. And saskue is completely ok with me using him ... and I'm ok with him using me.

" what do you get out out of it ?" I said curiously.

"Give itachi a taste of what he's done to me. No strings attached. " he swore

"Well then. How about we go upstairs and test the limits to this .... benefiting friendship. " I said biting my lip at him. Thank goodness I wore a matching bra and panty laced set tonight .

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