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The next day I walked into work tired , half dead and with a huge headache. I checked on all my patients and sat in the nurses station with my head down.

"Coffee ?" Itachi asked placing a large hot mocha in front of me. I smiled awkwardly but thankful.

"I needed this " I grabbed the cup and took that first sip of chocolate heaven.

" I figured . Last night was crazy . " he sat down and started going through the papers in front of him.

"Yea it was . I don't think I'm drinking ever again " I groaned in pain. He laughed pulling out his pen and signing a couple papers. 

"So listen " he said in a tone that lead me to believe we were having the 'what happened last night ' talk.  " we're going to up masashi's dosage for the sleeping pills. He isn't sleeping well"

So is he going to ignore last night ? I mean. That's what I wanted right ? To pretend like all of this didn't happen? Cause it's not feeling that way .

"I'll put that on his chart for 3rd shift to see. Just sign it and I'll have it done. " I logged onto the computer and started checking my emails . Itachi stood up and went on his daily rounds. Checking on all the patients.

As lunch time came around I decided to fill in for a few nurses so they can take their lunch. It was a slow day today so I started organizing the desk area. As I was doing so the pager for the nurses I relieved started going off.

"128... code red!" I ran as fast as I could to room 128 where the lovely Mrs yang lives in. Her vitals were going through the roof . I barged in and found her convulsing. I rushed back to the door and shouted for anyone's assistance. Running back to her side I leaned her over carefully and with gloves hands I held her mouth open keeping her tongue in place.

"It's ok mrs yang , I'm here , I got you. " I started comforting her when I saw tears leave her eyes. Apart me truly believed what I said. Another part of me was worried that I couldn't hold up to that promise. That was the scary thing about seizures. They have to play out. That small amount of time feels the longest. It's as if time stands still or everything is happening is slow motion but i has to save her.

Itachi comes rushing in with equipment and the defibrillator just in case. He rushes up to her and and checks her eyes as her seizure finally came into an end. "Her eyes are going back" he checked her pulse and placed his ear to her chest . " we're losing her !" He shouted . Instinct took over and I started to perform cpr. The sound of her flat lining started to burn in my head . 

"get back " He warned as he opened her shirt and got the defibrillator ready. " CLEAR !" ....  nothing . His eyes left the monitor for another attempt . "CLEAR" . He gave her another shock  . "shit!" he cussed quietly Giving it one last attempt . "CLEAR!!" .. Praying for her heart to start back up again I felt time freezing . Itachi in his white doctors coat leaned back with a defeated and hurt look on his face . Tears glossed his eyes and he hung his head low . We build a special bond with our patients. We're here for people like miss yang .. People who  have little to no one left in their life . Miss yang had a daughter who loved her very much. Expecting her first child . We become their extended family . Which is different then most places . Itachi ... I knew what he was feeling . Losing a life you couldnt save takes a toll on the heart when your job is to heal and save , but death is also apart of career field and experience will never change the hurt we feel when we lose a patient , 

"you should call her daughter , " His voice broke , Looking away so i couldn't see his tears fall . 

"With all due respect Mr Uchiha , you worked closely with miss yang and her family for some years now , It would be best to hear the news from you . "

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