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The following week , as you guessed had been kind of exciting . Your random hookups in the supply room to get you guys through the day became sort of a routine. The best part of it is no one notices because we've always worked closely.

I adjust my clothes while he buttoned up his pants . He grabs you from behind and kisses your neck softly behind the ear .

About Itachi and Sakura From what i understand , he had broken up with Sakura but she was so upset she refused to believe it . She's at the denial stage right now so we decided not to go public about our relationship until things died down with her and she found another place to go.

Saskue started working here yesterday. Like itachi he was great with the patients . Everyone loved him . But it was rare to see a smile on his face . Itachi has his days where he's happy yet there is no expression showing that . It must be an Uchiha thing .

"Babe i gotta go" I pulled away from his grasp .. " I have to check on 308 and give her, her medicine before she eats her dinner .

" mmm." he groaned , not wanting to let go . " I do too . I have a family thing to go do ... but Check her mouth before you leave . I gave her some this morning and she tried to trick me . It was still in her cheek . "

" Good to know . " I smiled giving him one last lingering kiss before leaving the supply room ..

"(Y/N) .. have you seen Itachi " saskue asked as he jogged to match my pace .

"Yea , he went into the supply room for something ."

"Well maybe you can help me than . Room 312 is refusing the nurses to take her bedpan . She's attacking them as they get near. I tried defusing the situation but she tossed her tray at me . "

" Oh her , She's definitely a handful .. I'll help out . " He thanked me and i walked over to the woman's room who stood at the door screaming nonsense , She believes her husband is still alive and the nurses and doctors are intruders while he is at work . this is kind of an every day thing . Some days better than others .

"Hey Mrs. Tanaka , How are we today ?" I asked buttering her up . Despite her outbursts like this she was a chatter box . The girl can talk .

"Back up bitch . I'll shoot you !" she yelled holding a pen the nurses dropped .

"Mrs. Tanaka , theres no need for that . Your husband sent me over to get your bed pan changed , he wants you to be comfortable . Thats all ." I lied . Her expression change and her shoulders relaxed a bit .

"How do i know your not lying ?" She persisted .

"Because he loves you so much he sent all of us here to ensure your well taken care of ." This usually works .

"I guess .. Fine .. You there !" she pointed the pen at the nurse beside her " No funny business or i'll shoot ."

" I promise " the girl replied a bit afraid .

I go back to the nurses station and focus on the computer .

"Thanks , I dont know how you did that . I got zay to give your 308 her meds ." Saskue said thankfully .

"You didn't have to do that Saskue , "

"I did , she's on a strict schedule " He insisted .

the sound of heels clicking on the floor caused me to turn around .. Great...... Sakura . What is this bitch doing here ?

"Saskue hi" she said smiling at him .

"sakura " he sighed , Clearly he still isn't a fan of hers since she cheated on him .

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