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That night was awkward. For me atleast. Neji was sound asleep but I couldn't get comfortable sleeping in the same bed as him. Mostly because I sleep naked and well ... I'm not naked. I tossed and turned and tried my best not to wake him up. But the constant shuffling woke him up.

"You ok" he asked rubbing his eyes as he turned to face my way.

"Yea. I just can't get comfortable. "

"It's a king sized bed. There's more then enough room for you"

"That's not it " I replied shyly.

"Is it me ? I'll sleep on the floor if it makes you comfortable." As sweet as that was I would rather sleep on the floor than kick him out of his own bed.

"I can't sleep... with clothes ...on.. I get too hot" he must've sensed my embarrassment.

"I won't look. I told you. Your not my type . Besides you have nothing I haven't seen before. Get comfortable and get some sleep." He rolled back over and settled back in his sleep position.

After a minute of contemplating I decided to just get comfortable. It would help me sleep and that would help him sleep. I can't keep him awake all night. Removing my clothes I remained with just my panties. I'd be less embarrassed over a boob peek then him catching eye of my crotch.

Feeling so much better I laid comfortably and went to sleep. The next morning was anything but peaceful. We were awakened by none other but tenten who came barging in the room with a fiery look in her eyes.

Jumping up she saw my topless torso and his shirtless body sitting up from the bed

"The rumors are true !! You slut !" She shouted charging her way towards me . Covering my breasts quickly and closing my eyes waiting for impact neji's body guards barged in the room and catches her before she reached me.

"Let me go ! Behind how dare you ! " she continued to ramble and thrash herself around to break lose from the guards grip but it was just a waste of her energy. Neji turned around facing me. He wrapped his arm around me and pulled me back to lay down. Only this time with my head on his chest. He made sure he properly covered my exposed back to keep warm. "Get her out" he mumbles. "It's still too early for this"

As they yanked her from the room neji stayed quiet until her screams could no longer be heard. .

"That was cruel" I whispered looking up at him. "She loves you"

"My heart is elsewhere. She knows that. If we're going to keep you safe just ply along."

I tried shifting my body to get up but his arm placed me back in position. "No one would dare touch you with my arm around you. They couldn't possibly kill you without me catching them. Stay this way"

I guess it made sense. Had she not yelled waking us up I could've been dead and neji would have no idea until he woke up on his own. "But um... my .. boobs are touching you"

"It's ok. They're soft" he chuckled
My face grew bright red . He looked over at me "relax.. I'm not going to try anything funny"
He started playing with my hair to ease my anxiety and it worked. Before I knew it I was fast asleep.




"How could you even suggest that madara" itachi protests "why should I call that bitch and ask her on a date ? I should be at her house wrapping my hands around her throat!"

"How would you get your girl back then ?" Madara asked him as he walked around the table . Placing his hands on Itachi's shoulders for comfort he continued "pretend you miss her. Gain her trust. Once she's asleep check her messages. Hack into her computer and transfer all files over to us. From there we find out how long she plotted against us. What else she's up to and make sure none of our family business affairs are in there . If she's keeping contact with the hyugas it'll be there ."

Itachi balled his fists and slammed it against the table.

"He's right ." Sai said from his seat. "I want my sister back as soon as possible but her life is at stake. One wrong move and we may miss our opportunity to get her back alive. This is our best shot."

Clenching his jaw itachi leaned back in his chair and pulled out his phone. He dialed her number and placed it on speaker.

Sakura : hello ?

"Sakura I'm glad you answered. I have a question for you "

Sakura : sure what's up

"I know your big charity event is coming up soon and you and I discussed about me placing in a donation."

Sakura : yea ?

"Well I would like to meet up with you Tomorrow to go over numbers ... maybe during brunch ?"

Sakura : you don't do brunch

"Maybe I missed you a bit. What do you say?" Itachi used his sweet voice to lure her in

Sakura : *giggles* ok. But I can't tomorrow. Can we do Thursday?

"In two days ? I was hoping to see you sooner. And getting the donation discussion out the way. You know I'm a busy man."

Sakura: I'm busy too itachi. But I do miss you. I'm willing to move a meeting to have brunch with you Thursday but it's the best I can do with such short notice and my event rapidly approaching.

"Very well. Thursday it is. Can't wait"

Sakura: can't wait to see you either . Bye

Her cheerful tone made itachi sick to his stomach. He couldn't believe this was the woman he married.

He closed the phone and placed it on the table. "That bitch" he muttered. " time is too precious. This is definitely a set back" he stressed running his fingers through his hair.

"Yea well it's all we got. Don't fuck it up " madara warned him.

Authors note : madara is so god damn fine

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Authors note : madara is so god damn fine. I'd get pregnant on purpose. 🤷🏻‍♀️

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