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"What shall we do with her ?" I heard a faint voice ask . My head was throbbing and i felt like the room is spinning. I wanted to scream but my throat was dry and my mouth was taped. My screams would only be muffles , no one would be able to hear me.  I tried to move but it was no help. I was tied tightly to a chair with a sack over my head. 

" Who is she " another man asked in a stern voice.

" The girlfriend of Itachi Uchiha." 

"I sent , what i thought were to be my BEST MEN TO GET THE STONE TABLET ! " he shouted , I jumped a little when he yelled . No i feel like death is certain. I'm not useful to them so they'll kill me ... like on all the shows and movies i watched. Tears rolled down my face as my hear rate picked up from fear. "but" he continued " instead , what you brought me isn't the tablet.. or an uchiha.. Not even his wife.. but the whore." he scoffed .

"W-we thought this was his wife" 

"Idiots, all of you. I told you do your homework first ! His wife is out of town. " I heard the tapping of his shoes come closer and closer to me . He ripped off the sack that was over my head and grabbed my face . 

" You better hope you meant something to them. If you being here doesn't lead them to me , Or leads me to the tablet.. you will die slowly.. painfully . and alone for wasting my time. You have 3 days of praying to do..." he stared in my eyes and sent chills up my spine. He meant every word he said. I'm going to die. " Take her to my office. I'll keep my eyes on her personally since I clearly cant trust any of you to get the job done right " 

The two men grabbed my shoulders and cut the rope binding me to the chair . "If you run .. " The guy pointed at a third man standing by the door is a large gun. The man wiggled his gun sending a clear message. I run, I get shot. I nodded my head in agreement. The yanked me out the room and into a hallway. At first i though i was in a warehouse like in the movies. This was like a mansion . Paintings hung on the wall beautifully, A golden statue was in the middle of a room surrounded buy couches i only can see through a magazine. A bar hid in the corner of the room fully stocked. They pulled me up the stairs and we made a few turns. If i could speak without fear of being shot and being taped, i would ask how large is this place. I would have to do a double every day of my life for the next two hundred years to afford a place like this.

They opened doubled doors leading to a  room where a large desk sat in the middle, Leather couches on each side of the wall , A grandfather clock and a window the size of the room . 

"sit" the man barked as he pushed me.

I stumbled and caught my balance before falling to the floor. I walked over and carefully sat down . My hands still tied behind my back . 

"You guys can leave . " The man said . He locks the door behind them and pulls his desk chair in front of me. In his hand he held a glass of dark liquor. He pulls out a small pocket knife and breaks my wrists free. and pulls the tape from my mouth. "There are armed men outside those doors. In case you feel like you can out run a bullet." he leaned back into his chair and takes a sip of his drink.

" Which one were you fucking again ?" He asked, 

"Itachi." Saskue was more of a beneficial friendship.. Itachi .. I actually had feelings for him. Look where that has gotten me.

" The business man or doctor ? I get their names mixed up/

"The doctor."

"Fugaku's Boy ?" he chuckled. "That son of a bitch. "

"boss!" a guy busted through the doors covered in blood. 

"Whats going on " Hiashi stood up with urgency 

"Its neji!" the man panted, A couple more guys came dragging in a body and laying him flat on the floor .

"The Uchiha's cornered us. We did'nt know there was more around . We turned around and one got neji. He's losing a lot of blood."

" Did you call the doc ?" Hiashi asked as he dropped to check the boys pulse. 

"Said its gonna take him an hour to get here, that he's coming as fast as he can."

"He doesn't have an hour" I said quietly. all the guys stared back at me. 

Im a nurse, I save lives. I want to save as many before i die . I walked up to the boy and checked his pulse . 

" He's alive but barely. I'm not a doctor but i can do what i can with the right tools. "

"You save my nephew's life I will save yours.. You have my word." hiashi spoke to me. the look in his eyes is one i seen so many times during my time in the ER. I know a little about surgery before i dropped out my courses to work and pay off my student loans. But if memory serves me right I think i can save his life. I glanced over at a devastated angry girl caressing him, I assume is the gf.. Damn my good heart..

"I 'll do it" i answered, "here's what i need

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"I 'll do it" i answered, "here's what i need."

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