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My eyes were blood shot red and lost all capability of breathing through my nose. A knock at the door made me realize I was still on the floor crying. I stood up Nd wiped my eyes. "I told you to leave me alone"
"It's me"sasuke said gently. "Everyone left. Sai said he'll be here tomorrow"

I opened the door. He looked at me plainly and wiped a tear that I missed. "Can we talk?"

I nodded my head. He was the only uchiha I would like to talk to at this moment.

"I get why your mad at my brother. Frankly I think I'm  the best decision. But I know where your heart lies. I know you love him. So i'm going to blunt with you. Itachi didn't do any different then what you done." i knew it. i truly did . but knowing doesn't make it hurt any less. "He slept with sakura because it was his stupid way of saving you. You slept with the hyuga to stay alive. Maybe feelings formed. I dont know. nor do I care."

was this supposed to comfort me? Jesus Sasuke. I know he's terrible with these things but this is just bad. " I didn't ask for any of this." 

"No need to get defensive. I'm not done." he walks over to the bed and sits down, gesturing for me to sit with him. I agreed and sit at his side.

"I understand my brother is an asshole. There were many times I thought about killing him myself. I feel like sometimes he wished the same against me and my family."

"my old patient used to use say that to Itachi. thats funny."

"Itachi took sakura from me. slept with her for months. ends up marrying her. And i'm still able to tell you how great of a person Itachi is and mean it."

Well that was unexpected. "he took your high school sweet heart. how can you sit here and defend that?"

"Because he loved her properly when i stopped. I couldnt care for her the way she wanted me to because i knew the relationship died. I just kept dragging it along because i didnt want to be alone. He was faithful to her until you came around. but by then their relationship expired as well. For years he fought against his feelings for you for the sake of his wife and hope that it could  be salvaged. Any other man.. myself included.. would hav taken their shot the instant you walked in their office."

"It doesnt change that he lied about their break up."

"It wasnt a lie. they havent been officially together in a long time. but they shared the same home because they both invested good money into building it. Sakura left on businuess trips to get away from him and he let her."

"im sorry how is his relationship with her makes him a good man for me again?"

"Because he feels like your the one. he's certain of it, if he done all tht for a woman he knew might be temporary.. imagine how life would be with someone he feels like is his soulmate."

"How much did he pay you to say this to me?" I crossed my arms and stood off the bed. "I'm serious sasuke . dont lie to me. do not."

Sasuke smiles and looks up to me. "Nothing. It's a favor for favor."

"And what are you getting out of this?"

"a family heirloom."

"Your pushing me toward Itachi over an object?"

"Everything I said i meant. I didnt lie about a word. Though I do still believe im the best decision for you i knew i wouldnt be your choice at the end of the day. I'm the guy you had fun with. im aware of where i stand, frankly i love the position . but I also know when my times up."


"fuck y/n... why do you want me to say it so bad ? you know where im getting at. your a smart girl, theres no way you could be this naive . but Itachi loves you. he hates sakura. especially after what shes done to you. he's still in the living room. give the man a chance so he can leave me alone."

I started to put my shoes on.

"where are you going ?"

"H O M E !"

"you dont have your apartment. it was torn apart before they found you here"

"Then i'll go to sai's"

"Y/n" he sighed standing up to grab me.

"I need time. i need to clear my thoughts . yes i love Itachi but he comes with all of this craziness and idk if thats the kind of baggage im willing to accept just be with someone. My life was already on the line . I need ro decided wether he's worth me risking it again." i yank my arm free and storm out the room . Itachi stood up when he saw me walk towards the door. "Dont follow me." i shouted before slamming the door.

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