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Sweat covered my face as I cut the boy open enough to dig inside for the bullet. One wrong move or even a second of hesitation we'll lose him and I die shortly after. Why did I do this !

I finally found the bullet . Not far from where the left kidney is located. I carefully reached in with a pair of forceps they had from the last trip their doctor made which I made sure I sterilized before anything.

"Come on " I whispered to myself.

"Got it! " I said cheerfully waving the bullet in the air for his uncle to see. I placed it down when the doctor finally came rushing in. "How is he " he asked placing his back down and mask on

"The bullet is out if you wanna take over. " I said

He walked over and inspected what I've done.
"Good job. I'll get him back together. I have my own nurses. "

I walked away and entered an empty room where hiashi cornered me "well?"

"Bullets out. He lost a lot of blood but I think he'll live. He might need a blood transfusion but I recommend going over that with the doctor.

He smiled and left to tell everyone else. A thank you would've been nice but I wasn't in a position to demand anything. I just want to survive. If I get out of here alive I'm definitely leaving the Uchihas alone and moving back in with my brothers. I found my way back to the office and sat on the couch. I was so tired but I was afraid to sleep.

"Are you the nurse that saved my cousin ?" A very pretty lady asked politely as she stood in front of the door.

"Yes" I answered quietly

"Thank you so much !" She came to me and threw her arms around me in a hug.

I patted her in the back not knowing what else to say or do. "I'm sorry. I'm just so happy"

"It's ok"

"Hinata. Leave the girl alone. You know I don't want you in here. " hiashi continued to scold her over something. I didn't pay attention. I think it's best if I mind my business here.

"My nephew will live to see another day. "He said in relief. He sits at his desk and starts typing into his laptop.

"I'm glad I could help"

"When I get information about the stone tablet you will leave alive. You may freely walk the around the house but every exit is heavily guarded."

Is that suppose to make me feel safe ? Because i feel like a walking target.

"I'll just stay in here." I answer.

"suit yourself." 

I made myself comfortable on the couch and tried to sleep. 

The tapping of his laptop went for another hour before he left. 

All i could think of was Itachi.. Did he have anything to do with the boy who got shot? Is he a murderer? 

I should've just mind my own business and not mix business with pleasure. I wouldn't have been here right now had i kept my legs closed. but he's so irresistible.

I tossed and turned trying to get the image of him out of my head

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I tossed and turned trying to get the image of him out of my head.. 

I swear if i get out of here ... 

"Hey girl." a voice said from the other side of the door . 

"yes " I answered. 

"Its the doc. Would you mind following me? I need your assistance with something"

I Get up and opened the door . Hiashi wasn't lying, this door and any door related to the outside and his nephew where heavily guarded. He takes me into the room i operated the boy in . 

"whats your name." he asked . 


"Y/n , as you called it, neji needs a blood transfusion.Here are a list of members in the house with the same blood-type or compatible. I have to leave for my shift at the hospital. The basement here has 2 doctors room . fully stocked. I made sure of that . One neji is in recovering . the other you will use to draw the blood. Draw as much as possible. Something tells me we can use all the blood we can in stock. "

"um. ok." what did i get myself into

I walked down to the basement following the directions the doctor gave me. 

I checked on neji first. 

Checked his vitals . He was sound asleep .

I grabbed the paper with all the names and phone numbers of the members to donate blood. 

I started making the calls and prepping .

After a long few hours of drawing blood i sat at the chair beside neji exhausted .

" your not my doctor" his dry voice whispered. 

"Your alive ! which means im alive ! omg ! i did it ! " i shouted cheerfully. he looked at me confused 

"oh!, no im not a doctor im just a nurse. the doctor was too far so i had to take the bullet out of you " I ran over to the small fridge and grabbed a bottled water and shuffled through the cabinets for a straw , 

I run back over to him and carefully adjusted his bed to sit comfortably and held the water for him to drink.

"How are you feeling i asked after he drank the whole bottle. 


I smiled  " Yea you are" ... "um.. do you know who did this to you ?"

"mhmm..The uchihas. They think I had something to do with  one of their girlfriends being kidnapped or something."

itachi.. dont tell me . 

"Do you know who they were?" 

"yes. Saskue..madara .. izumi and itachi."

my heart sunk.

"there was another kid there , he wasn't one of them though."

"can you describe him?"

"Pale. monotone. they called him sai,"

W H A T !!! 

they got my brother involved into this ! this could ruin his entire career ! .

" which one shot the gun"

"Itachi" he muttered. " your her arent you." he looked me straight in the eyes." the girl they looking for?"

  "You really should go back to resting . " I laid him back down , fluffed his pillow and fixed his blankets.   

" I would keep that a secret if i were you. letting the whole house find out your the uchihas girl would end bad for you. " he advised . more like warned . 

" I never said i was the uchiha's girl . " I reminded him . trying to seem like im not the girl he's talking about

" Keep that up and you'll survive this house, "

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