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Through out that day I kept looking at my phone to see if Itachi would call or text . Give me a real apology and say i'm what he wanted . But he didn't.  I worked for this man for so many years I would've never thought this was his true nature. He was always a sweet man in my eyes but after cheating on his wife for me i guess i should have known than that he was truly a scum bag . I feel like an idiot . The fact that saskue knew only made me feel more embarrassed so i avoided him the rest of the day as well. I can only imagine what he thinks of me . Another one of his brothers dumb fan girls looking stupid . 

I was clocking out when Saskue caught me . 

"(Y/N) !" I turned around looking a little pale . I wanted to play cool but I was trying too hard i guess. I raised an eyebrow at saskue .

"before you go I needed to ask you something " I followed him back to the nurses station and he waited until the night nurses were off making their rounds. "Ok , I didn't want to ask you in front of the others .." OH god ! this the talk about itachi ! Fuck ! " I need your help . " he blurted . 

"With what ?" I asked relieved . " I've been seeing this girl for a while and she's gotten  a little too clingy. So i ended things her. " he said ,. 

"It sounds like you already solved the problem . what do you need my help with ?" 

"She worked for me at The Uchiha Firm . " so she's a lawyer i thought "There hosting this party this weekend ... and she will be there , She's been bugging me non stop so i told her i had someone else . "

"Oh no " I already knew where this was going . 

"Please ! I need someone who can really help me convince this psycho that i moved on. Not only do i not have friends but your performance earlier was gold . So i need you to be my date " he pleaded. So he does know .. play it off girl . 

"Saskue what are you talking about ?" he was right . this is gold , I'm so good man . I need to change my profession

"That would convince me if i didn't know my brother so well.. I know you two had a thing , And  from what i saw earlier you thought he was single . " I sighed , 

"He told me he asked for a divorce . " I placed my head down avoiding any judgmental looks by saskue . 

"Itachi is a smooth talker . I can see why you fell for his trick ... but Being caught off guard you sold that shit . It was Itachi that gave it away . I need you to use that skill and make this crazy girl believe we're dating and its getting serious . That we were high school sweethearts or something and  we recently connected . You're the only person around me that actually knows me." I felt bad for the guy. 

"What do i get ?" I asked as a joke , I was gonna help him out but i just wanted to yank his tail a bit .

"We can get Itachi back for doing you like that . we can make him believe that during the event we discovered a spark . Give him a taste of his own medicine . " I thought about it long and hard 

"Deal . " He smiled at me and took me by surprise . His smile was actually cute but it definitely didn't compare to Itachi's. 

"I'll send your dress by friday . " He hugged me and walked off . What has my plain life become ? I think I need a beer . 

Finally closing the door to to my apartment I got comfortable in a long tee shirt , grabbed a bag of chips and a beer ... turned on my tv and watched my shows . I'm a simple girl .

 My phone goes off so i check it . 

* 1 new message "Itachi"*

Itachi: (y/n) can we talk ?

"HA!!! who do you think you are dude?" I laughed and sent him a message , 

Me: about ?

Itachi : About what happened. 

Me: Theres nothing to talk about . I'm over it Mr. Uchiha. enjoy the rest of your night .

clearly i wasnt over it , I was hurt , but i cant let him know this . 

Itachi : (Y/N) .. I know what your doing . I'm not going to chase you . 

Me: I don't want you to chase me . You made your decision  sir, I'm a big girl .. trust me . I'm over it . Goodnight .

I need to actually get over it . hopefully when he thinks saskue and i are exploring our feelings it would be just what i need to get over Itachi for real . 

Itachi: If thats how you want to play it . 

Me: This isn't a game Itachi. You showed me who you truly were today and i must say i'm disappointed . I thought highly of you as a person and a man but i was wrong . Sakura is your wife who you have no intention on leaving . You could have just told me that, but you lied and took advantage of me and i don't have room in my life for someone like that .  You are my boss and nothing more . Goodnight . 

I sunk into my couch letting out a long stressed out sigh . 

Tomorrow's shift is going to be so awkward .

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