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I ran down the stairs. It I could hear the sound of footsteps chasing after me.
I tried running faster but missed a step and fell tumbling forward .
Nothing worse than falling face first down the stairs while running away from one of the hot Uchiha brothers. This will forever be the most embarrassing moment of my life. 

I tried standing up and a sharp pain shot up my leg from my ankle.

"Fuck!" I shouted punching the wall in frustration "fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck !"

"Y/n stop" itachi grabbed my hand from punching the wall again.

"Is she ok" sasuke asked from the top of the stairs.

"Grab my emergency kit" itachi sounded annoyed as he rubbed his temple.

"I'm fine " I made an attempt to move but itachi held me down. 

"Stop!" Sasuke came down with itachis med kit. Itachi felt around my ankle adding pressure. Not once did. He make eye contact with me. Sasuke was instructed to grab an ice pack.

"I'm a nurse you know. Or did u forget? I know I'm fine."

"Well Im doctor. You have cuts from your falls on this dirty stair case. Your wounds will get infected if we don't clean it up now"

"Did you actually get a degree or did you use your gangster connections in order to get you through med school? I'm more than capable of doing this myself."

Then. He finally looked me in the eye. My heart sped. "I would never place someone's life in my hands if I was inadequate.  You know me better than that"

"Do I itachi ? Because I thought you were just a doctor until I was kidnapped because your family is some kind of mob who has some stone tablet that nearly got me killed. "

"Why would you need to know anything about my family? Or about the tablet? You were simply my employee. None of that information was necessary unless we decided to become serious."

The truth hurts like a bitch. He was 100% right. I didnt need to know. I wasnt his wife and what ever we was it was too complicated to throw something like this at me. 

" I left this life to become a doctor for fucks sake." he tossed the med kit at the wall. his blood boiled. I can tell by the way his veins popped out from his neck as he yelled at me, "Yes I used the money to get me through med school. But I didnt pay anyone off. I didnt cheat my way through! I busted my ass to graduate top of my class. I did that! I stayed up late studying! I worked harder than what everyone else was because I wanted it that bad."

"Calm down" Sasuke said calmly as he sat at the top of the staircase. "Emotions are high. We should talk this over breakfast tomorrow? get a good nights sleep?"

Itachi reached out his hand to help stand me up on my feet. "I'll go home., but just stay here. Its 2 am. your brothers barely slept sine youve been gone. they could use the peace of mind."

Ignoring his hand I stood myself up . foolishly placing weight on my ankle i yelped in pain. 

"Your ankles badly sprained, You should know that Nurse ."  He kept a simple expression on his face. most likely bothered that i didnt take his hand.  "I'll be here in the morning." he said to sasuke before turning around and leaving, Sasuke picks me up bridal style and takes me back into his home. before he closes his front door he looked back to me and asked "your staying here right? or do you want me to drive you to Sai's?"

"I'll just stay here."

he walks me over to his bed and lays me down . "I'll be in the next room if you need me."

"Um.. can i bother you for an ice pack before you fall asleep. "

"sure" he leaves the room and i study my swollen ankle. It looks bad. a bigger fall and this couldve been torn my ligaments.

"You sure it isnt broken?" he asked handing me the ice pack.

"im sure, i can still move my toes. just stretched tissues."

he sits at the foot of the bed and massaged my foot . "Yiou dont have to ya know. " 

"i know. "

"You dont have feel so guilty sasuke," i had over heard him and madara talking. Sasuke feels responsible. He brung me to his house and couldnt protect me when they barged in.  he had to live with this guilt this whole time. 

"I was being irresponsible. I still live this life. I shouldve known better bringing someone i care about into my home without security . "

the look on his face broke me apart

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the look on his face broke me apart. Sasuke truly cares for me. they both do . 

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