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Itachi tapped his heels with his arms crossed over his chest . Ibiki sat beside him looking just as frustrated. 

"How long do we have to wait for your corrupted friend." ibiki breaking the silence stood up to look out the window.

"Practice patience." Itachi said calmly 

"My sister is out there because of you , They could be doing what ever they please to her if they haven't killed her by now " Itachi's jaw clenched at the thought of those dirty hyuga's violating her "How do you expect me remain calm? If we didn't need you in order to get her back It would be you missing instead." ibiki continued . 

"If i remembered correctly she was at my brothers house because she couldn't take you 3 hovering over her like a child. You play a part in all of this. Humble yourself Ibiki " Itachi warned . Itachi may have been out weighed but he was clearly being underestimated. His hands may be as soft as a doctors hands should be but they have been covered by blood plenty of times before his doctoring career started.

" Is that a threat ?" He walked in front of Itachi Who still remained seated

"It is in fact a threat. You may see me as a corrupted doctor from a corrupted  family but i advise you to not forget who and what i was before my career. I am still an Uchiha. A very angry one at that." Itachi fixed his gaze on ibiki who towered over him " Your size does not shake me ibiki. Sit down and let us work together in order to find your sister who i care deeply for."

"You keep saying you care for her but yet your brother was the one who picked her up from my brothers home." 

"My family grew very fond of y/n , as you can see. We will stop at nothing to get her back. Thats my word."

"When we get her back you are to never see her again. As long as she is involved with you uchihas she will never be safe."

"I'm sorry to disappoint you but i have no intentions on leaving y/n alone. Infact , with or without your blessing I plan on one day making her the new Mrs Itachi."

"we'll see about that."

"sorry i kept you guys waiting . Traffic was hectic." the doctor dropped his brief case and shook Itachi's hand. " Good to see you again , Sorry it has to be under these circumstances.

"Well?" Itachi asked taking his seat again.

" Your sister was there. and very much alive. Shooting the boy was a risky chance Itachi you know that ? He could've died and my services wouldn't had been needed. In fact he would have died had she not stepped in to save his life."

"His life means nothing to me. Or to her . Are they forcing her to be their personal nurse?"Itachi asked

"From what i understand she volunteered. She's currently looking after his recovery as we speak . The kid was innocent though itachi. Wants nothing to do with the family business. "

"Y/n was innocent as well. We're not handing out mercy. Anyone stands in my way to get her back will pay."

"For once i agree with him. " ibiki grunted ,

" And you are ?" the doctor asked 

" Her brother . " Itachi answered . " Pay him no mind , as you can see he's furious with absence of his baby sister as we all are. Now . what other information do you have"

"The mansion is heavily guarded. I drew out a map of guards who are consistent and where their routes are and posts . now. as for the floaters that has become difficult with neji now injured."

" and which room is y/n in ?"

"she stays in hiashi's office over here , but she's currently down here with the kid . "

"Have they touched her " itachi asked with range building inside of him 

"No. she remains alone, free to roam the mansion but other than the cameras which are everywhere as you can see . She's being followed by someone at all times. "

" by who" ibiki asked. 

" Don't know. he hides himself well i cant see him either, "

"So you didn't tell her that were getting her back "

"I'm sorry.. i couldn't. Not without putting my life in immediate danger."

"I understand . Tsunade would kill me if anything happened to you." Itachi sat back and stretched 

"So we have no plan on how we're getting her yet?" ibiki asked

" No but we have the full blue print of the mansion and a map of everyone posts ., so this is a start."

"Tch" ibiki clenched his fists and slammed them on the table. "what if something happens to her !" 

"Im requested to go back and check on the boy, relieve y/n.. I can give you an update on her." 

" That would be great Dan. Thank you ,. We'll take this to my father and madara and come up with a plan .  Keep you posted."

"remember itachi. If i'm there when you invade.. Knock me out so they don't seem suspicious of me " Dan asked

" Of course . "  

Itchi's phone rang

"Obito.. what's up.... mhmm. I'll head there now we all have things to discuss anyways, see you in a bit." he places his phone back in his pocket "lets go we have a lot of planning to do."

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