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I stretched comfortably and slowly opened my eyes. before they adjusted I prayed that last nights events werent a dream. I  looked around the empty room scanning it until i seen a small uchiha symbol on a jacket. Tears filled my eyes. I was safe. No more wondering if someone is going to sneak in neji's room and slice my throat in my sleep. No more wondering whether Sakura changed their minds on their decision to keep me alive. 

I heard voices mumbling in the hall. I slowly tip toe to the door , pressing my ear on the door I was able to make out the entire argument.

"You can't tell me not to go in and see her!" Itachi shouted pushing through sasuke. Madara and obito held him back. 

"She doesn't want to see you. she made that very clear." Sai said strongly.

"I need to hear that from her." Itachi struggled more almost slipping out of their grip.

"ITACHI" Sasuke grunted  grabbing hold of him.

"When will you accept that you got her involved for being so fucking careless!" Sasuke shouted. 

"You knew what our name brings. You shouldve handled your situation with your WIFE before involving Y/n into this shit."

"I didnt bring her in-"

"The moment you got yourself involved with her you put her life at risk. Sakura had close ties with the hyuga's for years. She has connections.. For fucks sake Itachi, You taught the bitch everything she knows! You shouldve been a man and ended things with her!"

I opened the door slowly walking out. Itachi Wide eyed slipped through their grips and walk toward me. 

Sai waisted no time jumping in front of me.

"I'll talk to him. In private.." i said with a shaken voice.

Sai looked back at me with worry. "Are you sure."

i nodded my head "Your right our here. i'll be fine."

I walked back into the room i woke up in , Itachi following me. he closed the door behind him. 

"I'm so sorry." he mumbled . 

"Did you really sleep with her during me being kidnapped?" My voice hitched . ready to cry instantly like a big baby.

"I needed to hack her computer."

I shut my eyes tightly. broken by the fact that he told me yes without actually saying it.

"Yes or no.".. i demanded .


My hands shook uncontrollably from the hurt.Clenching my jaw I swallowed a lump in my throat that held any sobs. but my eyes over flowed. a single blink sent tears down my face. but I kept my jaw tightly shut because i knew if i opened it at this moment i wouldnt have any control. taking in a deep breathe and holding it in for a few seconds I looked away because I coulnt bare the sight of seeing him. The betrayal weighed heavy on my heart. 

It wasnt so much that he slept with his wife. It was that my life was ticking away in the hands of his enemy. And he knew it. He knew that any second I could die. Yet . yet he took his time to fuck her.  I was not his priority. Your telling me there was no other way to handle situation? 

"have you two kept contact?" i managed to say.


i almost laughed at that pathetic ass lie.

"Can I see the conversations?" i asked 

"For what ?"

"To make sure its just business.."

"At some point your gonna have to trust me."

trust... funny.. "for you to use the word so lightly you throw it at me? trust... where was this trust when I was at the mercy of your enemies Itachi?  How can you lie to my face so easily! How can you even have business with her after finding out she had me kidnapped  and almost killed! does this "business" brings you a fortune? Is it more than what my life is worth? Someone you claim to love..Is disrespecting that painless?" i could feel my heart tearing away. ripping apart piece by piece. "Money means so much to you then keep it. theres nothing else to say." I opened the door for him to leave but he stood there.

"We're back to this?" he asked

"Get out. dont contact me. seems like you have all you need."

"y/n you misunderstood."

"I understood perfectly Itachi. Do not insult my intelligence by trying to convince me otherwise." i put my head down and watched his feet leave the room. slamming the door shut I locked it and instantly fell to my knees. silently crying.

"I'm not giving up" Itachi said to Sai

"I dont fear you. Poke your chest out all you want Itachi. Whether you give up or not is not my concern. My only concern is whether my sister is ok. and right now she's far from it. And i blame you. But unlike my brothers I wont ignore her feelings for you. Consider yourself lucky that they both had to work and that I was here when you say something that stupid. If her wish is for you to leave her alone.. Then I'm going to make sure thats done."

The uchiha men glared at Sai. Thinking how bold he was to threaten Itachi infront of half of his family. Nonetheless . they respected it. Though of course they side with Itachi if anything gets physical.

"was that a threat?" Itachi asked.

Sai looked up to him with a bright smile. "Most certainly."


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