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Itachi walked into Madara's office and slams the door shut. "Look at this hit" he tosses his phone showing the picture he forced sakura to send..

"What's going on " sasuke asked confused looking at the picture.

"She's fucking enganged! She's fucking him!" Itachi shouted throwing his fist into the wall. 

"Actually.." Dan said entering the room . I spoke with her last night . "The boy in the picture saw the engagement as a plan to keep her alive. Had it not been for that lie she would have been dead last tuesday. she saved his life he plans on saving hers in return "

"How do you explain the picture !" he shouted

"Well . Neji sent his men to approach you in order to discuss a way to get her back here safely . but as it turns out you were ... Publicly caressing sakura instead. y/n is quiet heart broken at the moment . She turned to neji for comfort because she feels as though she's never leaving there alive . which is why i came here... to see what that was all about because you left my office determined to get her back but the picture they provided her seemed differently . I put my career and life on the line to get you information . getting close to sakura jeopardizes that."

"Relax. I would never throw you in harms way ." Itachi sighed " I slept with sakkura to gain access to her computer . All her files are in here ." he tossed the flash drive over to obito so he can quickly  get to work. 

Itachi sat down staring off into space stressing himself out . "She thinks I'm back with sakura." he said to hinself .

"she does." dan added " she even feels as though you helped set it up to make sakura happy."

"So what are they together?" he asked 

"As far as i know they only show affection when others are around ."

"She's topless in that picture" Itachi gritted his teeth with anger 

"Maybe they have grown close . He's the only one keeping her alive while you spoon with your ex who had her kidnapped in the first place." Itachi shot dan a look for him to shut up 

"Say it again Dan I dont think he heard you." Madara said entering the conversation .  

Dan was able to write neji and schedule a meeting with us . He said he is  coming personally. "

Itachi looked to madara 

"And you are not to touch him . he is our chance at getting her back " Sasuke added knowing his brother wanted nothing more but to beat neji's face until he drew enough blood . 

"when is the meeting"  he responded 

" in an hour " Dan added . 

"Let her brothers know." Itachi ordered . " they need  to be there as well ." Itachi knew he couldnt be the one to save the day .. Y/n thinks he betrayed her . she wont want to see him , but she'll be happy to see her brothers. he thought. 

dammit !!

"did you just realize how much of a fuck you are ?" sasuke teased , "You were better off just being her boss. Look at everything you gotten her into." 

"You don't think i know that ?" he shot back 

" I think your finding excuses to tell yourself to make it all better. but in all reality Itachi. you did this . cheating on your wife instead of leaving her like the many times you said you were going to . bringing y/n in your life .. you should have known better. there is no excuse you can think of that justifies your carelessness."

"she was found at your place because you took her there . " Itachi spewed. " looking for the fucking stone tablet "

"They grabbed her because of what you did.. Sakura payed them to grab her because of what you did . y/n was a side job yes . but dont for a second think they grabbed her by coincidence . "

"Hate to say it itachi but Sasuke's right . these emails confirm it." obito called out. "this is some heavy shit man . "


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