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Thirsty.. So thirsty , I whined to myself . All the screaming and crying i did i didn't get a chance to drink water after . I must've fell asleep on Itachi because I don't remember walking to bed . I groaned rolling over to check my phone . 3:56 am .. I struggled to my feet and hopped my way to the door .. cracking it slowly when i heard Itachi mumbling ..

" You just always been a sore loser saskue " Itachi laughed into his phone .  "WHAT! I never cheated! you did because you couldn't stand that i was always better !"

What the hell are they talking about ?

he lets out a long sigh ..

"I forgive you too. I was out of line for punching you ." I placed my ear to the door so i could hear better . " Clean competition then ? .... *chuckles* I'm glad i called too. love you too brother . bye" 

"That was sweet .. did you guys make up that fast already ?" I hopped my way to the couch but he met me half way and helped me. 

"Yea ..Unfortunately he doesn't plan on backing off when its comes to you though , but we agreed to a friendly competition ."

"Does it bother you that I'm seeing saskue as well ?" I wanted to know , I didn't want to lose either of them 

"No . Because I know you . You're going to chose me . " he smiled 

I leaned against him and took in his warm welcoming aura . " Could you grab me some water , I'm super thirsty .

Later that day Itachi had to leave for work.  I had a few weeks off until i can get on my foot again . though he did say saskue was going to check on me when he gets out of work early today. I hopped around my small apartment trying to clean up , dust ... anything to keep busy . 

just as i was about to sit there was a knock at the door .  Saskueeee ! i cheered happily to myself . As i opened the door One of the men who hung out in front of the building was standing at my doorway . Probably to harass me some more . 

"can i help you ?" I asked annoyed but something didn't quite feel right . I tried shutting the door but he kicked it open before i could close it . Knocking me off balance and crashing to the floor . I crawled as fast as i could to find anything and use it as a weapon but the man entered , and stood above me . Grabbing a handful of my hair , and forcing me stand by brutally pulling it. 

"AHH" I screamed in pain , tears forming as I had to use my bad foot to help me up . "what do you want " I asked .. Fear trembled my words as they left my mouth 

"You think you can get your boyfriend to break my bro's arm and us not do anything ?" his deep evil voice sent chills through my body 

"I'm sorry .." yelp as he slammed me against the couch . 

"you're not sorry yet" he said pulling out a knife from his pocket .

"Noo!" i sobbed  "please don't hurt me" I tried running away using both my feet but he kicked my back forcing me to fall onto the ground . I screamed for help as loud as i could but he covered my mouth with his hands..


"shhhhhshhhhhshhhhshhhhh" he hushed in my ear " I'm just ordered to hurt you but if you keeep causing a scene I'm gonna have to kill you .. understand ?" he grinned .. 
He was enjoying this , This sick fuck was enjoying this. He dragged me into my bedroom bringing a chair with us . He ties me up and shoves a sock in my mouth and taped it shut so i couldn't scream or lick off the tape . 

My vision was so blurry at the amount of tears that were forming . 

"Your boyfriend broke his arm.. so im going to break yours." He punched my arm repeatedly. Clearly he was a dumbass because at the most he'll crack a bone but he isn't consistent enough to do so but i played along , either way my arm was going to be black by the time he was done . .

I screamed into the tape as the pain continued , when he stopped i was practically gasping for air .. He pulls out his knife "You're pretty .. But thats what got my bro in this mess so we're going to change that . What do you say ?" he smiled . he takes the knife to my cheek and cuts deeply. 

"UUUHHHHHH" i sobbed  , He places the knife on my chest and cuts me again . I was starting to feel dizzy . It wont be long before the pain causes me to fully black out .


~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~THE EASILY TRIGGERED MAY READ NOW ~~~~~~~~~~~~~

 I forced my head up and and saw saskue sneak in the bedroom signaling me to be quiet ..before the man was able to attack me again Saskue leaps from behind him sending him to the ground , Saskue punched the man with so much force the guy was also hitting saskue . Saskue and the stranger continued the fight for a few moments . but thos few moments felt like hours as i fought for consciousness, 

Saskue was able to knock the guy out and untied me . he carried me out to the hall where concerned neighbors called 911 and another opened their home to us to hide me until the police came . Saskue grabbed my face to check the cut the man put on my face and chest .

"are you ok ! look at me ! stay with me " he said worried , I wanted to answer him . but i didnt have the strength too. My body gave out on me and my eyes were failing me too , 

"(Y/N)!! Itachi yelled from the hallway .. I take it saskue called him before rescuing me . 

"Thats my brother ! he's a doctor !" saskue told my neighbor for her to allow him in . Itachi rushed to our side and examined me quickly ..

"She's gonna be ok .. You heard me (Y/N) ? You're going to be ok " His voice sounding distant at this point.

"Did he try to ..." Itachi choked on his words ..

"No but .. he tortured her ."

"i-tah.." I tried calling Itachi's name. He grabs me and takes me out the building. The ambulance finally came .. as they settle me on the stretcher Itachi Forced himself in the ambulance with me as saskue followed in his car . 

He kissed my forehead " I got you .. I'm here now " 

Those words were all i needed to hear . coming from him . I truly felt safe enough to give my body a rest and stop forcing myself to stay awake . I just .. needed ... to....sleep.

 you were not raped you just got beat up . Just clarifying that for those that skipped .

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