Chapter Eight

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I awake early in the morning the next day for school. I am so dreading today. It's been two days since I saw Jake and I am not ready to face him. Sighing, I get dressed quickly and walk downstairs. "Are you sure you want to go?" my mom asks me for probably the billionth time. "Yes mum" I respond as I give her a quick peck on the cheek. I grab my cell phone and walk out the door. As I start skating on my penny board I hear Luke and Jai yelling. "Ramerez is back!" Jai yells speeding up to catch up with me. When the twins catch up with me we all speed off towards the school.

As I am gathering all my things out of my locker I hear someone coming towards me. I look up and see Jake standing in front of me. "Kayla please hear me out" Jake pleads. "What could there possibly left to say? You stood me up on our 2 month anniversary for-Oh my god you were with Jenna!" I exclaim a little too loud. "Kayla, it was a mistake! You were hooking up with the Brooks twin anyway!" Jake yelled. "Really thats what you think? I cannot believe I ever trusted you" I respoond wiping away the tears that were trying to escape. "You are Not blaming this on me right now. It was you who decide to cheat first!" He yelled pushing me against my locker. "Get away from me" I yell in his face. "Don't yell in my face again" he sneers angrily. I try to move put he grabs my arm and pushes it up against the lockers. "What's going on over here?" the principal asks. "Nothing I was just talking to my girlfriend sir but we are going to class now" Jake responds dragging me with him. "Let go" I say as we approach my classroom.  "I'll talk to you later" he sneers walking away. Silently I walk in to my classroom and sit down all the way in the back. 

Finally at the end of the day I start to put away everything in my locker. "Hey" Luke says announcing as he hugs me from behind. "Hey I need to talk to you, it's actually really important" I respond turning around to face him as I close my locker. "What's up?" he asks concerned. "I don't want you to get hurt Luke but I kinda found out who Jake cheated on me with" I say slowly. He raises an eyebrow at me, "Jenna?" he asks. "Luke I-I'm sorry. I didn't want you to get hurt later on because of her and I-I just wanted to be honest with you becuase I just got you back and I can't lose you again" i sputter out. "Sh, it's okay. Thank you" He says embracing me tightly. "You didn't deserve her" I whisper. "Luke?" Jenna says coming up behind us. "Jenna we're done" Luke says coming out of the hug but still keeping his arm wrapped around me. "What? You're dumping me for that?" She yells pointing at me. "First of all Kayla's not a that and second of all, you cheated on me with Jake so we are done" Luke says pulling me with him out the door. "Luke" I say once we are outside. "I just want to be alone" He says walking away from me. "Luke you don't want to be alone. It's terrible for you to be alone. Trust me, I would know" I urge following him. I try to turn him around but he screams. "Don't freaking touch me!" he screams jogging away from me. 

I open the front door and go to my room. I flop on to my bed and take out my phone. Suddenly I get a phone call from Jai.

Jai: Hey have you seen Luke?

Me: No he broke up w/ Jenna and when I tried to talk to him he flipped out on me

Jai: oh okay. bye

And with that Jai hangs up the phone. "Mum can I go to the store? I saw this cute top at Forever21 and I really liked it" I ask my mom walking downstaris. "Sure. Be back before ten" she says ushering me out the door. where are you Luke? Sighing I start off to go find Luke. After what seems like forever I had one last spot to look. The lake. Quickly I start walking to where the lake is. It's almost a forty-five minute walk but I have to find Luke. 

Finally I got to the lake. I walk to where me and Luke talked almost three months ago. It's crazy how normal everything was then. Almost giving up on finding him I see him sitting on a log with his head down. He looks up when he hears me step on a branch. "Kayla" he breathes getting up and embracing me. "Hi" I respond wrapping my arms around him. "I'm so sorry. You know I am short-tempered but I still shouldn't have taken it out on you" Luke says quickly. "It's fine. I have had my short-temper moments" I respond laughing. "I have to get home in an hour" I add. "Jump on my back" He says. Laughing I jump on his back and he starts running to my house. When he drops me off I peck him on the cheek and walk inside. "Wheres the top?" my mom asks when I walk in. "It was sold out. I checked every store!" I exclaim. "I'm sorry maybe next time. Oh you're cousins and everyone are coming tomorrow for your birthday this weekend so you don't have to go to school  the rest of the week" my mom responds putting the leftover dinner stuff away "Thanks mum" I sqeaul kissing her on the cheek and then running up to my room.

Luke: did you get in trouble?

Me: nope oh and I am not going to school the rest of the week. family coming for my bday saturday

Luke: okay :( and am I invited to your party?

Me: all of you guys are. I mean it is MY 17th birthday :)

Luke: haha you are so old :(

Me: you turn 18 loser

Luke: how rude :( I thought we were friends

Me: we arent friends

Luke: we are best friends xxx

Me: you remebered <3

Luke: of course. gotta go to bed. mum is yelling at me :(

Me: haha night lukey :) xxx

Luke: night kayyy <3 xxx

Smiling I open instagram and take a picture of me. After I edit it I upload it. Instantly comments started pouring in. Comments like: Isn't that Luke's sweatshirt?, Are you and Luke together?, Do you wanna kill yourself? please do., I am sorry you have to deal with this hate

Sighing I lock my phone and pull the blankets over me. When will my results come back? A week would mean Saturday.. Oh god.... Sleep soon takes over my body and all the thoughts and negativity flow out of my body. 

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