Chapter Thirty

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I woke up curled next to Jai and I smile at him. "I love you" he whispers. "I love you more" I promise smiling. "Oh really?" he asks straddling me. "Yeah really" I say smiling. "I highly doubt that" he counters smirking at me. "I highly believe it" I counter smirking back. "Someones just full of sass" he mocks. "Spending to much time around Luke" I joke. He chuckles and kisses me. "I don't want to be with anyone else" he says breaking the kiss. "Neither do I" I assure him. "Good" he smiles getting off of me and positioning himself next to me. "Come on guys we have to celebrate!" Beau screams running in to my room. "Celebrate?" Jai asks making Beau and I gasp pretending to be hurt. "Our 16 year friend-a-versiry!" I yell smacking his chest. "I know babe I was kidding with you guys" he whines pretending to be hurt. "Grow some balls!" Beau yells tossing a pillow at him. "I have some" he defends glaring at Beau. "Oh yeah he does" James winks from the hallway. "James!" I gasp tossing a big fluff pillow at him. "Okay guys I'm leaving for work. Call Gina if you need her. Love you" mum calls from the doorway. "Love you mum!" we exclaim loudly. "Get dressed in our matching outfits so we can blow up social media" Daniel demands. Laughing we all change in to our matching best friend outfits and then begin taking a million of pictures. "Happy friend-a-versiry to us!" Jai screams starting a twitcam. "Hey guys where the Janoskians!" the guys say at the same time. "And Kayla!" I announce popping up from behind a couch. "Lets get this twitcam on a roll!" Beau screams.

After a two hour twitcam we all decided we were going to go a famous club about an hour from where we lived. "You look amazing" Jai gushes taking in my appeareance. I was wearing a short black dress, white high heels, I had curled my hair and I had on light makeup. "Thanks" i answer blushing. "Damn" Daniel whistles spinning me in a circle. "I think Daniel and Kayla are dating" I hear James whisper behind us. I shoot him a death glare and he cheekily smiles. "Watch yourself Yammouni" I warn before flipping my hair over my shoulder and walking out the front door. "She's definately been hanging around Luke and Beau too much" James mutters as they follow behind me. "Word" Jai mumbles. 

"Happy 16 years!" Beau yells raising his glass even though he's the only one drinking because there needs to be sober people in the house for when my mom gets home or she will get really really mad. "Happy 16th" the rest of us cheer raising up our Sodas. "This is the best" Beau slurrs throwing his arm over my shoulders. "It really is" I agree looking down at the ground. "What's wrong boo?" Luke asks pulling me away from Beau. "Nothing" I say quickly. By the look on his face, he knows I'm lying. "Whats wrong?" he asks again. "I-I saw Jake" I mumble biting my lip. "He's not getting anywhere near you" Luke promises wrapping his arms around my waist. "Thanks" I whisper leaning my head on his shoulder. "What's wrong?" Jai asks coming over to us. "Jake's here" Luke spits angrily. "Well we've had enough partying so why don't we head home" Jai answers taking my hand. I nod and we round up the guys to leave. 

"I love you" Jai whispers kissing my forehead. "I love you" I answer leaning back in my seat. "Turn up!" Beau yells to the limo driver. Yeah, Beau went big for the 16th. "Yes Mr. Brooks" the driver answers. When the music is loud enough I hear their song 'Real Girls Eat Cake'. We all begin singing along and by the end of the song we are all laughing like crazy. 

"This was the best friend-a-versiry ever" Daniel announces as we get out of the limo. "The best" I clarify hugging him. "I love you Kay" he mumbles. "I love you too Daniel" I reply kissing his cheek lightly. "See" James whispers. "Shut up" I groan letting go of Daniel. "She's dating me not him you idiot" Jai announces kissing me. "Duh" Daniel laughs. We start to cross the street to my house and all of a sudden I hear Beau scream my name. I turn around but before I can move I see a car going full speed ahead. I try to run but I can't. The last thing I remember was hearing the guys scream my name before everything went black.

Jai's POV

I cannot believe it. This cannot be happening right now. It has to be a nightmare. I need to wake up. "Stop pacing faggot" Luke spits angrily. "You're girlfriend is not the one in there suffering" I snap angrily getting in his face. "No but she's our best friend Jai. We love her just as much as you do and you cannot keep her all to yourself you selfish fag!" Luke yells loudly. "Enough you two" Kayla's Mum snaps. Her eyes are completely swollen and bright red. "Jai come with me" my mum says quietly. I nod and follow her in to the main lobby area. "You cannot keep doing this. You are making everyone here anxious" mum says quietly. "Mum I-I can't loose her! I am in love with her!" I say very loudly. "Jai Domenic Brooks you need to calm down right now" she scolds. I may be 19 but my mum will always have control over me. "I-I'm sorry" I stutter blinking the tears out of my eyes. "It'll be okay" she whispers wrapping her arms around me. I hug her back and begin breaking down. 

"You okay bro?" I ask Daniel who hasn't spoken a word since the police officers questioned us. He shakes his head and bites his lip. "Be strong bro" I say hugging him tightly. "I-" he croaks but then stops. "Lets all tweet for everyone to pray for her" mum suggests quietly. I open twitter and carefully tweet 'There's been a major accident. No details yet. Please pray for her #PrayForKayla @KaylaMR' The fans begin going crazy asking questions and I can't handle it. "I'm going for a walk" I say before b-lining out of the hospital. "Calm down!" Luke says following after me. "I cant do this Luke!" I scream putting my hands over my head. "Breathe" he reminds me and I begin breathing heavily. "Slowly" he scolds. I gotta admit it, Luke may be annoying at sometimes but he's got my back and I've got his. "Thanks" I breathe out wrapping my arms around him. "Anytime bro" he mutters squeezing me. "I know how much this is affecting you to and I'm sorry I snapped" I apologize fighting back tears. "I know Jai. Don't apologize" he states running his fingers through his hair. "Here's Jai and Luke from the Janoskians who were with Kayla when the accident happene. What can you tell us?" A news reporter asks. "Nothing" I answer looking at Luke. "Nothing at all?" he presses. "No nothing so can you just-" "Luke lets go" I say dragging Luke with me. I knew he was short tempered but he cannot do that in public and get away with it.

"Any news?" Mum asks walking back in to the hospital carrying Maccas for us to eat for breakfast. "None" Beau answers slinging his arm over Daniel's shoulders. Daniel hasn't ate anything or said anything. "I am so sorry Ms. Ramerez!" Alex announces wrapping her in a big hug. "We got here as soon as we could!" Maz and Sam announce bursting in the waiting room.  "Thank you guys" Ms. Ramerez mumbles softly. "We all love Kayla and everyone all over is praying for her" Maz states giving her a hug. "Thank you" she croaks again. "I got here as soon as I could" an all too familiar voice says. Beau and I turn around and see Jake standing there. "Get out of here now" Beau says gritting his teeth. "Beau Peter Brooks" mum snaps. "This is the guy that cheated on her" Luke spits standing up. "Enough do we need to call security?" a secretary asks. "No Ma'am but I would like this gentleman right here removed" Ms. Ramerez snaps. "Very well" a man states dragging Jake out. 

"Kayla Ramerez family" a nurse calls. All of us stand up and she walks over to us. 

A/N Soooo were you expecting this to happen? What do you think is going to happen next? Comment and vote. Hope u enjoyed chapter THIRTY!! Ah love you xx

On the side is a pic I made for this story>> you like it??

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