Chapter 48

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"This can't be happening" I cry. "I'm so sorry" Jai whispers pulling me in to his lap. "Why? Why did this have to happen?" I scream tears pouring down my face.

~3 Days Earlier~

"Jai?" I asked pulling on my black boots. "Yeah baby?" He questioned wrapping his arms around my waist. "Do you ever wonder why we always go back to each other?" I asked softly. "True love always returns" Jai whispered placing his lips on mine. "I love you" I reminded him. "I'll always love you" he promised. "Guys we have to go or we will be late" Beau informed us quietly. I nodded and felt tears welling up. "Cmon" Jai gestured taking his hand in mine.

"Aiden was such a great guy who could make you feel wanted. Even in his condition and state of depression he could light up your world. I was hoping Aiden would be able to live past his struggle. Even after being with him a year I couldn't tell how hurt he was and that hurt me. How could I not notice him? Aiden you will be missed dearly by me along with everyone else" by the time I finished talking my whole face was puffy. Jai squeezed my hand when I sat down and offered me a weak smile. Nothing would fix this. Aiden was gone. How was I supposed I continue on knowing someone who I loved deeply is gone? My mind was lost the rest of the funeral.


"Are you sure?" David asked for probably the hundredth time. "Yeah" I lied yet again. "Liar" Alex scoffed placing his suitcase on the bed. "That doesn't matter. What matters right now is her safety and getting agitated with her the whole time is going to help" Beau snapped annoyed. "So now I'm agitating?" I questioned raising and eyebrow at him. He rolled his eyes and ignores me. "So where was his last known location?" Jai asked cracking his knuckles. "He was here in San Fran not too long ago. Ten hours or Less" James replied typing away on the computer trying to get more information. "We're attacking to tonight" David stated firmly. "Guys-" I started but was quickly interrupted. "He wants revenge and he won't stop. We need to stop him once and for all Kayla. Please just let us do what we need to do" Luke announced causing me to bite my lip. "What's the plan?" I asked earning a nod of improvement from, Dylan, the guy I met in Australia. "We hide out by their last known location until someone shows up. As soon as we see them we call the cops" Daniel explained. "How is that 'stopping them once and for all'?" I questioned air quoting them. "We fight. That's the plan. We see them we attack. Keep Kayla away from Jacob. Get it? Got it? Good" Jai grumbled but everyone took him seriously. "I don't see why I can't help" I defended annoyed. "Because in case you forgot he did things to you!" Luke snapped. I shut my mouth after that. He had a point. But was I willing to let these boys risk their lives for me?


"Please stay safe" I whispered to all the guys as I hugged each an everyone one of them. They all nodded making me feel slightly better. "Stay between us at all times got it?" Jai instructed and I nodded.

They all got in to their hiding places while I was surrounded by Jai and David. "They're here" someone scoffed making my heart stop. How did they know. That's when I realized who the voice was. Alex. That traitor. I noticed all the guys stiffened and I felt unsafe. "Get them now" an all to familiar voice sneered, Jacob. That's when all hell broke loose. I saw David stand up and punch Alex right in the jaw. The rest of the guys quickly followed going after the rest of the guys. Jai gave me a signal that let me know it was time to call 911.

"Kayla come with me and no one dies" Jacob yelled and I shuddered in my hiding area. "Kayla don't" I heard Jai yell from a far away distance. "Someone deal with them!" Jacob ordered making me stiffen. What are they going to do. "C'mon Kayla" Jacob pleaded. If he hadn't done what he did, I would go to him but after what he did, I'll never forgive him. "Kayla" Dylan's voice sounded behind me. I jumped but hugged him. He held on to me tightly has police sirens went of in the distance. "Who called the cops?" Jacob demanded. I press myself harder against Dylan so I don't scream. "Was it you?" Jacob snapped. In an instant, right as the cops showed up a gunshot went off. I jumped out of my spot and ran over to the body that wasn't moving except for little breaths here and there. Jacob lunged at me but the officers held him back. "David" I cried tears flowing down my face. The ambulance came and they loaded him up. Jai ran to me and hugged me tightly. "I love you" he whispered. "I love you Jai" I replied as he placed me on his hip. "We're going to need you to come with us" an officer directed.

After hours of interrogation, we are released and all go back to the Boys' house.


"Please baby" Jai pleads holding on to me tightly. "David didn't deserve this. How could I let him risk his life for me? He's in extreme critical condition. He has a 15% chance of surviving this and you know whose fault it is? mine!" I argue feeling my face get wet with tears. Jai holds me tight. "Kayla, David did what he did because he loved you. We all were going to charge but David said let him go. We were going to follow instantly but heard the gunshot" Jai informed me. I feel more stains fall but then Jai kisses my neck. He kisses up until he reaches my lips. "Jai" I whisper. "Yes" he murmurs against my lips. "Do you want this?" I question softly and he nods. You all know the drill.

"Hey" Jai smiles kissing me. "I love you" I reply kissing back. "I love you more" he states pulling me down on top of him.


AUTHORS NOTE: Yes, there comes a time when all stories must come to an end. And sadly, this story as reached its end point.  supported this story it really means a lot to me<3

Don't forget I have other books you can check out until the sequel is released :)

Love you guys xx,

Lianna :-)

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