Chapter Thirty One

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"It's going to be okay" mum whispers to me. "No its not mum. Kayla is in a freaking coma and they have no clue how long it is going to take for her to wake up" I snap. "Or if she's going to wake up" I stutter under my breath. "Beau, Luke please take Jai home" mum states looking at me. I nod and follow Beau and Luke out the hospital. 

"Jai" Luke calls following me up to our room. "What?" I spit angrily. "Please talk to me bro" he whispers barely audible. I feel tears start to come in my vision and before I knew it Luke's arms were wrapped around me tightly. "Hey guys uh Kayla's mom wants us to explain everything in a video" Beau says his voice cracking. I nod and follow the guys in to Beau's room. 

"Uh hey guys" Beau says carefully. "Ms. Ramerez wants us to fill you uh in on everything that's been going on with Kayla the last month and a half" Luke stumbles. The guys look at me and I feel tears prickling. "On our friend-a-versiry, when we got home, Kayla was hit by a speeding car that didn't stop" I say feeling tears go down my face. "She's been in a coma and they don't know whats going to happen" I add softly, my voice cracking. "But we just wanted you guys to be filled in on everything that's going on. We are so sorry we haven't been posting videos but we are starting up again next Thursday" I announce fighting back more tears. Yes it is going to be hard but we have to do it, for the fans. And for Kayla. "Please pray for Kayla and we will see you next video" we say together before turning off the camera.


"You guys ready?" Skip screams bringing in the pounds of ice. "Hell yeah" James screams smacking Luke upside the head. We were back in LA and were filiming a daresundays video. "Hey guys we're daresundays!" we scream.

"Hey" I smile answering the phone. "Hey Jai I was wondering when is the next time you are coming back to Melbourne" Mum says quietly. I hadn't been back in Melbourne for nearly two months but the boys went every weekend. "I uh I don't think I just don't know yet" I stutter in response. "Jai Domenic Brooks I raised you better than this" she snaps angrily. "Sorry mum gotta run" I mumble hanging up on her. 

"We miss you Jai" Maz says quietly. "Mazz" I whine jutting out my bottom lip. "When are you guys coming back to Wolverhampton?" he asks smiling widely. "I dunno. LA's my spot right now so" I answer slowly. "C'mon Jai" he groans frowing. "I'll FT you later" I promise hanging up.

"We'll be there for youuu" Luke sings running down the stairs with Beau not to far behind him. "Lemme tell you bout my best friennnddd" James screams sliding down the railing. "Why y'all so giddy?" I ask annoyed. "Just because your Mr. Grumps doesnt mean we all are" Skip defends. Okay, ouch. Standing up I groan and make my way to my computer. I open up twitter and read through some tweets. 

'Jai hasnt been the same'

'I miss the old Jai. The happy one'

'I know Jai's in a tough situation but maybe he should let go'

'I love Jai to death and I love #Jayla but this is too difficult for any of us to handle' 

Reading these tweets I realize one thing, they are right. It's time for me to tell Kayla I'm letting go and if thats what it takes to keep her alive then I'm going to do it. "Where are you going?" Luke grumbles as I run down the stairs. "Somewhere" I mutter getting in the UBER. 

"Flight 106 to Melbourne leaving now" A lady on the intercom says just as I dash on to the plane. "Good evening sir" a flight attendent greets. "Oh my god is that Jai?" I hear someone whisper. Well try to whisper. 

'On a flight xx' I tweet before locking my phone. "We are now taking off" the pilot says as we go down the runway. 


"Jai?" Ms. Ramerez asks when I rush in to the hospital. "Where is she?" I ask loudly. "Room 104 Jai?" she answers but I'm already running down the hallway. Finally I reach 104 and I see her laying in the bed. "Kayla" I stutter. "This is so hard for me to do. But I-I need to do it. For me. For you. I-I need to move on. You can come and stay and not have to worry about our shitty relationship. I want you to come back and live your happy life. Please Kayla. If you hear any of this. Please come back and please don't think I'm doing this because of your situation. I love you and I always will" I stumble softly feeling tears fall.

"Jai?" Ms. Ramerez questions from the doorway. "This had to be done" I whisper barely audible. "Shhh" she coos wrapping her arms around me.  I lean my head on her shoulder and let all my tears out. "Your mum is in the waiting room" she informs me quietly and I nod. I rush out to the waiting room and embrace my mum. "I love you honey" she says kissing the top of my head. "I love you so much mum" I say softly. "Let's get you home" she suggests and I nod. 


"You want some soup?" mum asks coming in to my room. "No" I short answer leaning against the wall. "You need to it. It's been three days Jai" mum says quietly. "No mum" I snap angrily. "Jai" she states raising her voice. "Mum don't you understand? She was my everything and I was a complete douche and just let her go. How in the hell am I supposed to be okay? Don't you understand how much I am hurting? It is killing me. Not knowing if she's going to be okay? Or if she is okay will she ever speak to me again? I am in love with her!" I exclaim standing up. Mum just looks at me before leaving. "God!" I scream smashing my fist against the wall. I grab the nearest thing next to me and chuck it to the floor. "I hate this" I mutter looking at what I had thrown. It was a picture of Luke Kayla and I on the first day of primary school. "Jai" mum calls opening my door. "I-I cant do this" I stutter and she just wraps her arms around me as she hushes me. 

Kayla's POV

I open my eyes and take in my surroundings. "Can you talk?" a stranger asks. "Ye-" I croak out. "Get the doctors Stat!" the person yells. Soon people begin swarming me.

A/N What did you guys think? Good? Bad? Lemme know in the comments :) 

Song on the side kinda reminded me of this chapter x >>>>

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