A/N Important :)

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Hey guys!! I just wanted to say thank you so much for all the reads and votes on this story! You guys have no idea how much it motivates me to keep writing!! I know I'm not the worlds greates writer but I personally feel as though my writing throughout this story has gotten so much better. Anyway I just wanted to thank you all and if I knew the names of everyone who read this story I would thank you all individually. 

Another thing, I want to be able to dedicate my chapters to people who vote and comment:) So if you enjoyed the chapter(hopefully you did) if you comment anything(anything other than 'update') I will dedicate the next chapter to you because you've read my story!! So yeah every chapter don't be a silent reader!! please comment :) I like anything you guys have to say whether it is something positive or something that will help make this story better!! As you guys can probably tell I am really happy!! :3 I started this story like 4 months ago and I just cannot believe how far it's come ;D 

THANK YOU ALL AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!<3 DON't FORGET TO COMMENT YOUR WORDS for a dedication!!!!!!! xD love you all xx

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