Chapter Twenty Four

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"Kayla Please" Jai pleads as I pack my suitcase. "What could you possibly want?" I snap as I zip my bag. "Im sorry" he mumbles sitting on the edge of the bed. "Sorry isnt helping Jai" I mutter slinging my carry on over my shoulder. "Ready?" Beau asks glumily from the doorway. I silently nod and grab my phone and suitcase. 

"I'm going to miss you so much" Luke mumbles hugging me tightly. "I'll miss you more" I whisper letting go. "Kayla" Skip exclaims hugging me. "Dont leave" he says in a barely audible whisper. "I love you Skip" I say squeezing him. "Beau" I mumble and he embraces me tightly. "Dont replace us" he jokes trying to lighten the mood. "Never you slut" I respond smiling. "Be good child" he says kissing my head. "Jai I'm gonna miss you" I say hugging him quickly. He doesnt say anything. "Flight 27A to Melbourne Australia boarding now" the lady over the intercom says. "Bye guys" I say wiping my tears. "Happy birthday bae" I say hugging Beau quickly. "facetime when you get home" he responds. "Of course" I agree walking towards the terminal. "Bye Slut!" the guys yelled, everyone except Jai. "See you Faggots" I yell back causing me to get stares. 


"Beau you're freaking 21" I exclaim jumping on my own bed. "Thank you captain obvious" he responds smiling. "Happy birthday hon!" my mom calls as she passes my room. "thank you" beau laughs. "So whatcha doing?" I ask rolling over. "Getting ready to go to a club" he answers smirking. "Nice" I laugh. "Gotta go. Love you" he says. "Love you too" I say hanging up the video call. "So are we going to talk about Jai?" my mom asks coming in and sitting on my bed. "Nothing to talk about. He didnt want me to do the mini-tour yet I didnt try and stop his dreams so if he's not going to be happy for me why should I care?" I respond smashing my face in to a pillow. "Calm down" my mom responds hugging me. "Can I just be alone?" I ask carefully. She nods and closes my door behind her. I check twitter and see Jai tweeted about our break up the day it happened. Wow. I lay down under my covers and tweet 'Good to be back in Aus<3' Soon people start responding but its hate. All hate. 

"@Janoskiansbae: @KaylaMR how dare you cheat on jai'

"@Megajano: @KaylaMR I always knew you were a slut" 

"@TaylormaJano: @KalyaMR I heard you cut your wrists after Jai found out about you cheating"

'@DanielShayounie- @KaylaMR never cheated on Jai. Dont assume"

'@Janoskianss: @DanielSahyounie @KalyaMR you turned skip against Jai!" 

After reading through a lot, a lot, of hate I decide to do a twitlonger.

'Okay guys I'm going to clear something up. I never cheated on Jai. I never would. I love Jai with all my heart but we had a disagreement and I couldnt take it so I called it quits. I would never in my life cheat on anyone.(A/N forget the fact she kissed Jai while dating Luke) I am not okay with the fact that you would think I would do something like that. #Jayla did not end because I cheated. I didnt. It ended over something else. Please dont hate me because Jai and I are no longer together. I am still close with everyone else. As for the fact people were talking about me cutting, I used to. I've been through so much and I prefer if you all didnt bring it up. Especially when you are wrong about it. 



I hit send and close my eyes trying to blink away the tears. Reluctantly I get up out of bed and change in to pajamas. "Dinner" my mom yells. "I'm not hungry" I mumble going in to the kitchen. "Hun you okay?" she asks. "Yeah I just want a snack. I'm jetlagged" I say. Its not entirely a lie. "Oh okay if you need me call me. I'll be out with Justin. "Okay" I agree grabbing a bag of carmel corn, a bag of chocolate raisins, a tub of chocolate ice cream and a few packs of skittles. I trudge to my room and pick out a select few of movies. As I eat and watch my phone vibrates. 

Maz: hey are you excited for this mini tour??

Me: My god yes!!!

Maz: thanks for agreeing!! You're the only girl tho

Me: haha thats okey!!

Maz: see you Saturday?

Me: yup see you then

I open twitter and decide to post the announcement. 'Hey guys! I am going to be on a mini tour with @Mazzi_Maz and @SamPepper. I'm joining them on some of their WDGAF tour dates!!' I close out before anyone can respond and continue to watch movies. 

A/N whatcha think? Leave comments and vote and stuff ;) love you xx

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