Chapter Thirty Two

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"Kayla I'm so happy you're home" my mum coos. "Yeah so am I" I snap annoyed. "Enough. I understand you are still sore but you do not get to be snippy with me" mum warned. "I've been in physical therapy for two months mum. I just wanna be able to relax" I answered pulling the blanket over my head. She didn't answer but I heard my door shut. When I woke up, I was so confused. I had no idea where I was but slowly I started remembering everything. The last thing I remember? All the words Jai said to me while I was still in the coma. Those words hit me hard.

"Hey we brought some grub" Alex announces coming in to my room. "Thanks" I smiled retrieving the bag from him. "You look cute today" he smirks. "Shut up" I groan opening the bag of food. "So you happy to be home?" He asks taking his food out of the bag. "Um yeah" I reply in a 'duh' tone. "You're cute" he laughs. "Don't bully me" I whine. "Aw you know I love you" he whispers placing his lips on mine. "Mm sure" I state pulling back. "I do" he presses running his finger through my hair. "okay" I reply simply. "What's wrong?" He groans taking my hand in his. "Nothin" I mutter. The truth? I don't think I'll ever believe someone when they tell me they love me again after everything that happened with Jai. "I'll call you later" he promises kissing my forehead. "Thanks for the food" I call as he closes my door.

I can't do this anymore. I cannot let Jai ruin my life. Why would I let some guy ruin my happiness? Oh wait, he's not just some guy. That's why. My thoughts are interrupting my phone vibrating. It's Luke. I plaster on a fake smile and answer the FaceTime request. "Why are you faking a smiling?" He asks frowning. "Because there's no point for a real smile" I answer running my finger through my hair. "Kay" he warns. "Luke. I'm not happy. I feel bad because I wanted to make things work with Alex. Luke I'm so hurt I can't even tell him I love him" I cry. "Do you love him?" He counters. "I-I-" "Open your bedroom door" he states interrupting me. Confused, I stand up and when I swing my door open and I'm engulfed in Luke's arms. "I missed you" I whimper against his chest. "I saw you two weeks ago" he responds smirking. "I know. But you always cheer me up. You Beau and Skip always know just what to do" I whisper sitting on my bed. "Really?" Beau and Skip state from the doorway. "oh my-" I have no time to finish because they jump on me. "Oi boys. She just arrived home. She's still on head medication. Please" mum scolds. "Sorry mummy" the boys whine getting off me.

"You ready?" Skip asks rubbing my shoulders. "Ready as I'll ever be" I mutter walking up Alex's driveway. I knock on the door and his mum answers. "Oh goodness Kayla. What are you doing here?" She says confused. "I-I need to talk to Al" I stammer. "He's busy" she informs me. "Hey Mummy 2" a brunette exclaims bounding down the stairs in Alex's old shirt and boxer shorts. I look up and Alex is right behind her. "No wonder you and Jacob are best friends" I spit when he notices me standing in the doorway. "Kayla" he calls but I ignore him. "What happened?" Beau asks. I shake my head. "What happened?" He demanded. "Ch-Cheating" I manage to sputter out as I cry on to Skip's shoulder. "That's it" Luke grumbles getting out of the car with Beau following him. "Shit" I hear Skip curse. "Skip?" I ask. "Yes baby girl?" He asks rubbing my shoulder. "Are they killing him?" He chuckles. "God I hope not."

"Skiplet!" I sing knocking on the bathroom door. "Yes Kaylet?" He asks answering the door. "I have to be ready in five. We're leaving in ten" I exclaim pushing myself in to the bathroom. Tonight I was performing at a local party place along with Austin Mahone(😍), Jake Miller(Idol much), Ariana Grande, and Far Young. When Skip leaves I pull off my clothes and pull on my outfit for the night. Fitted black jeans and a neon green V-neck. For my shoes I settled I a pair of White converse. As for my hair, a simply curled ponytail. I apply a little amount of makeup and rush out the door. "Leggo!" Beau announces as I jump in the backseat.

"Nice seeing you again" Austin smiles coming over to me. "Yeah" I answer biting my lip. "So what are you performing?" He asks. "An original song I wrote" I state fidgeting my fingers. I didn't know why I was so nervous. I had performed at Share A Coke just fine. "What's it about?" He questions interested. "I've been cheated on. Twice. So I wrote a song in the perspective of a cheater" I inform him. "Deep" he chuckles. "Mhmm" I hum. "Kayla Ramerez take the stage please!" The DJ announces. "Hey guys!" I exclaim. "Before I get started I just wanna thank you all so much for your prayers while I was in the hospital. It really was amazing to see those prayers" I say wiping away tears. "Alright. So here's an original song I wrote called 'Gasoline'" I state smiling. (A/N the same song from a few chapters when she sang it to Beau)

"You're good" Jake Miller confesses behind me. I turn around and try my best not to fan girl. "T-T-Thanks" I sputter out. "Wanna take some pics?" He asks smiling. I nod and we take a few pictures on my phone and his. "Here's my number keep in touch kid" he states handing me a number. "Bye" I wave. "Wasn't that the Jake Miller? The one who helped you?" Skip asks smiling. "Yeah" I answer biting my lip. I turn around to go to the juice bar and a gasp escapes my lips. There by the bar is Jai standing with his foot up against the wall. Ariana(Grande) slowly walks over to him and places a huge sloppy kiss on his lips. I feel my heart drop. "Kayla?" Luke asks breaking my thoughts. He sees where I am looking and sympathy fills his eyes. "Don't" I warn. "Don't what?" He questions. "Don't feel sorry for me. I did this to myself" I mutter before leaving the venue.

I'm changing. I'm changing my look and my personality. I don't want to be as weak and vulnerable and naive as I was before. Melbourne, World, get ready for a new Kayla Ramerez.

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