Chapter Nine

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"Wake up, your  cousins will be here soon" My mom yells banging on my door. Sighing I look at the clock and see its 6am. I can say goodmorning to the guys. Quickly I get dressed. Since family is coming mom wants me to dress "nicer" so I put on a pair of shorts that Annabeth gave me, a black crop top and a pair of white converse. To top off my look I put my hair up in a messy bun. "Be right back mum" I say walking towards the door. "If you are saying goodmorning to them invite Gina to your party" my mom responds as she finishes washing the dishe. I nod and run over to the guys house. As soon as I knocked Beau opened the door. "Don't you think those shorts are too short?" he questions me. "Shut up . Let me in" I respond smacking his arm. When I walk in to the kitchen I see the twins and Gina at the kitchen table. "Hey um Gina, my mum told me to ask you if you want to come to my birthday party on Saturday. It's totally understandable if you don't want to it's just all my family is going and it'd me a lot to me, to us if you came" I say as steady as I can. "Sure why not, just like old times" she responds smiling. I run up and hug her. "I missed you" I whisper softly. "I missed you to hun" she responds. "Hey" Luke announces coming up to me and hugging me. "Hi" I respond hugging him back. "We gotta get going. Can I come over after school?" Luke asks. "If you're up to cleaning every single room spotless with a bunch of teenage girls" I respond shrugging. "I'm In!" all the guys yell at the same time. "Bye guys" I say chuckling.

"Gin is coming Saturday and the boys are coming after school to help me and the girls clean while you're out doing you adult-like things" I say to mom when she sits down on the couch next to me. "Oh that's wonderful" my mom responds putting her feet on the coffee table. Just then the doorbell rang. "I got it mum" I say standing up. When I open the door I see my aunt and all my cousins. "Auntie Louise" I exclaim hugging her. She hugs me back. "Your mum said you were in charge of the kids and the cleaning" Aunt Louise says. "I guess so. Tay and Annabeth are in New York with their dad so yup looks like me and your teenage girls are in charge while you and mum go do whatever you guys have planned today" I respond taking Justin, her three month old, out of his baby carrier. "Lovely" my aunt says picking up her four year old Maggie. "Alyssa, Jamie, Taylor please help around the house with the cleaning and your sibblings" she adds facing her three teenage daughters. "Okay" they respond all at once. 

About and hour later my mom and Louise left to do their all day activies. "Alyssa come here" I yell. "Yes?" She asks coming in to the living room. "Can you feed Maggie? I'm trying to take care of Justin" I say  while burping the baby. "Sure" she responds grabbing Maggie's bottle. "That's why you're my favorite" I yell as she puts Maggie in the high chair. After the babies had had their snack I decided to put them to bed. I put Justin and Maggie's cribs in my room and turned on the baby moitor. "Hey my friends will be here in about an hour to help us clean" I say plopping down on the couch next to Alyssa. "Thank god! We were just about to change in to something comfortable" Alyssa says standing up. "Go ahead, I think I am going to do the same thing" I respond going in to my room quietly. Quietly I change in to a pair of faded blue and green shorts that were just a tad bit shorter than the ones I was already wearing, a black tanktop and I put my hair in a messy bun. "You look hot" Jamie exclaims when I walk in and sit on the counter. "Not to bad yourself sweet thang" I respond laughing. All of us start laughing until the doorbell rings. I open the door and in walks Jai Luke and Beau. "You guys have to keep your fat mouth's shut. There are babies sleeping upstairs" I say before they start being loud. "Aye Aye Captain" Beau says saluting me. "I hate you" I respond rolling my eyes. "You know you love me" He says squeezing me. "Yeah Yeah whatever" I say pushing him off of me. "This is Jamie Alyssa and Taylor" I say pointing at each of them. "This is Jai Luke and Beau" I add pointing at each of them. "Hey" They all say to each other. "We have so much to do so lets get started" Taylor says walking away. "I'll help Kay" Luke says wrapping his arm around my waist.

After almost three hours of cleaing we got the whole house done. "I'm going to bring the babies down now" I say walking upstairs. Luke follows me up to my room. "Here you get Maggie" I say to him as I hand him her. He willingly takes her from me and starts tickiling her. "Lets go" I exclaim once I have Justin in my arms. "Great you guys are here. Let's watch a movie" Jamie exclaims. "Okay" I respond putting Justin in the play room with my other cousin Justine and Maggie. I sit down on the couch next to Luke and he puts his arm around my waist. "What movie?" Jai asks. "How about finding nemo" beau suggests. "Sure" we all agree. Jamie puts in the movie and presses play. I see Jai and Beau sitting on the one-seater couch, Alyssa and Jamie on the couch. "I wanna sit on the floor" I say sliding slowly on to the ground. Luke does the same thing and when he's next to me he wraps his arm around me. "Finding Nemo!!" Beau exclaims once the movie starts. This is gonna be a loooong night. 

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