Chapter Fourteen

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"Kayla I want to meet the boy you are dating" my dad says coming in to my room. Yes I moved in with my dad, no my mom was not okay with it. "But Dad-" "Dont but dad me, I need to meet the guy you are seeing. You arent dating the same boy as when I first saw you is it?" My dad interupts. "Thats the thing, you see, its his twin brother" I explain. "Kayla, you are dating his twin?" my dad asks. "Dad they're totally okay with it. I've known all of them since I was litte" I respond. "I want to meet their family then" my dad says. "Reallly?" I exclaim. "Yes" he responds. "I'll text Gina now" I say when he leaves the room. 

Me: gina my dad wants to meet you guyss

Mum2: alright when do you wanna do it?

Me: tonight?

mum2: we'll be there in three hours? 

Me: kk

"Dad they'll be here in three hours" I yell opening the door. "Okay, I'll start making food. I'll make ribs" my dad says. "Actually can we do a huge barbecue? Thats what we did the first time I met Beau.... I already knew the twins but thats the day we got really close" I say. "Sure. Lets go get stuff" my dad says wrapping me in to a hug. "Thanks dad" I say.

"Ah dad stop" I exclaim as he squirts barbecue sauce on me. "Sorry" he chuckles. "Ha ha now I have to change before they get here. Omg I have twenty minutes!" I exclaim. "Oo twenty minutes" my dad mocks. I stick  my tongue at him and then run to my room to change. "Kayla I'm here" Beau yells banging on my door. "Yes Beau?" I say opening my door. "Lets goo" he whines pulling my arm. "Hey babe" Jai says kissing my cheek. "Dad this is Jai Luke Beau and their mom Gina" I say introducing them. "I'm Caleb" my dad says shaking everyones hands. "James and Skip were really upset they couldnt come" Beau says. "Dad can they come?" I ask happpily. "sure why not" my dad says. "GO get them beau!" I exclaim. "Be back in five" Beau says running out the house. "Be right back daddy" I say walking up to my room with Jai following me. "I missed you" Jai says softly. "I missed you too" I say wrapping my arms around his neck. He leans in and places his lips on mine. "Skip and James are here!" Skip yells causing me to jump breaking apart the kiss. "C'mon" I say grabbing Jai's hand. "Skip!" I exclaim hugging him tightly. "What about me?" James asks pretending to pout. "I'm sorry Jemz" I say hugging him. "Dad meet Daniel aka Skip and James" I introduce grabbing a drink. "Put down the snapple" my dad says without turning around. "But" "No its the last one" my dad argues. "Fine" I say handing him the drink.  "Wanna go get a snapple?" Jai asks. "Yes!" I exclaim. "Food will be done in twenty be back in ten" my dad says. "Yes sir" I laugh going out the door with Jai.  "I love you" Jai says kissing me. "I love you" I respond breaking away from the kiss so we can get the drinks. We get a huge handful of drinks, pay for them and walk home. 

"That was so good" Beau exclaims when we finished eating. "Thank you Beau" my dad says. "Well I'm going to get home and the boys can stay here if you want" Gina sayys. "They can stay here if they'd like" my dad says. "Yes please" they say.

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