Chapter Twenty One

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"Kayla I have a huge favor to ask you" Jai says jumping on to my bed. "Does it involve me getting injured in any way what so ever?" I ask sitting up. "No" he laughs. "Then ask away" I say. "Okay so basically we are doing this huge blowout Share A Coke event and we need a singer" he explains. "And you need me because?" I ask. "C'mon Kayla you know why I am asking you" Jai says taking my hand in his. "Jai I dont know" I start. "Please Kayla you are an amazing singer" he whispers. "You can do this Kay" Beau says from the doorway. "I'll do it" I groan. "Great it starts in five hours" Luke announces from the hallway. "What?" I ask glaring at Jai. "Oops" he says cheekily. "Kristina is on her way to help you get ready dont worry" Beau reassures me. "Okay" I groan going in to the bathroom to take a shower. I take a quick pic captioning it 'Just Woke Up Only To Be Told I Am Performing At #ShareACoke in 5 Hours. Gotta Love My Boys For Telling Me' I plug in my phone and turn up my music. I then turn on the shower and hop in.

"Ready?" Kristina asks. "I guess so" I say giving her permission to start helping me. "You're going to look flawless" she squeals as she starts to do my makeup. As she does my hair I decide to go on twitter and follow people. 

'@JanoRamerez: I had no idea @KaylaMR sang. So excited for today! #shareacoke'

'@KaylaMR: @JanoRamerez wasnt planning on performing but the guys needed help :) see you later on today! #shareacoke'

'@DanielSahyounie: @JanoRamerez @KaylaMR is a killer singer but she doesnt believe us guys when we tell her.. you all are about to be blown away' 

"Ta Da" Kristina exclaims after a really long amount of time. "Wow I look good" I exclaim. "You like?" she asks smiling. "Like? I love" I say. "Aw yay!" she squeals hugging me. 

"Kayla you look-" "Incredibly gorgeous" Jai says interupting Daniel. "Thanks" I say blushing. "You ready to kill this performance?" Beau asks smiling. "I guess so" I respond nervously. "Hey you got this" Daniel says hugging me. "Thank you" I say hugging him back. "Lets go we have soundcheck in twenty minutes" Luke announces coming in to the living room. "Dayum" he exclaims when he sees me. "Watch it bro" Jai warns laughing. "Lets go!" Beau exclaims pushing us out the door. "Ugh dont touch me peasant" I joke. "What?" Beau asks glaring at me. "Nothing we should probably go now" I say jumping in to the car. 

"Dang girl you've got an amazing voice" Austin(Mahone) says coming up to me after soundcheck. Did I forget to mention I love him? "Thanks" I say sheepishly. "You're Kayla Jai's girlfriend right?" he asks. "Yup thats me" I respond smiling. "Thought you looked familiar. So you sing?" he responds. "Yeah. But I was kinda forced to perform here. Usually the only singing I do is at the house or in the shower" I say honestly. "Haha nice" he responds laughing. "Hey Kay" Daniel says hugging me. "Sup Austin" he says 'man hugging' him. "Hey bro hows it going?" Austin asks. "Good living the dream you?" Daniel responds. "Just the same" Austin responds. "Sick" Daniel says. 

"Kayla you're up you ready?" Jai asks. "Yeah. I guess" I say nervously. "Hey babe dont worry" Jai says kisisng my lips. "Thanks" I respond kissing him back. "Give it up for Australian native Kayla Ramerez!" The DJ announces. I walk on to the stage and everyone starts screaming. "Hey everybody" I say when the noise calms down. "I'm going to be singing Moment Like You" I say. Everyone quiets down but as soon as I start they all begin to cheer. "Thank you all so much!" I exclaim once I finish performing. "You did it" Jai says spinning me in a circle. "I think we celebrate by meeting a whole bunch of fans" I say smiling. "Lets do it" he agrees smiling. 

"I just want to thank everyone who showed up today and cheered me on. Also if I met you post the pics and tag me!" I say in to my video. I put it on instagram and lay down on my bed. "Goodnight babe" Jai says kissing my lips. "Goodnight baby" I respond kissing him back. 

A/N hey guys so recently I started a new account with my friend Gavi and we are writing a story called 'Never Knew About you' We would really appreciate it if you giys could check it out!! the account is > @austingotmelike if you read it THANK YOU<3

ANYWAY!! what did you think of this chapter?

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