Chapter 46

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I sit on my bed crying. Why couldn't we make this work? Why didn't he have faith in himself? Aiden was my world. He made me feel wanted again. You never realize how much someone means to you until they're gone out of your life. "Baby please" Nat pleads trying to jiggle open my locked door. "N-No" I manage to croak out. "Please" she whispers and I can hear the sadness in her voice. "I'm not going to do anything" I mumble although I'm very unsure of that statement. "Kayla I don't care. Open this door right now or I'm getting Beau" Nat warns. Her feet thud silently as she walks on the cold ground.

"Kayla" Beau warns. I sigh and open the door slightly. Beau takes my hand and sits me down on my bed. "Look Kay, I know things are tough right now but you can't shut us all out. That's the worst thing you could possibly do Right now" Beau whispers softly. "I know Beau. But you don't understand. After Jai I thought no one would ever make feel the way he did. When I was with Aiden I felt wanted and loved. I felt secure. And now I just let him slip away. I can't believe After a year, it's over" I cry blinking away tears. Beau wraps his arms around me securely. "You don't need Aiden to feel wanted and loved. You will always have us" he reminds me softly. I nod my head and break down in his arms.

"Morning beautiful" Nat chirps kissing my cheek. "Hey" I mumble grabbing 2 Advils. "Hey" Skip sings squeezing me gently before planting a kiss on Jess's nose. She wrinkles it and smiles. I'm glad they worked out their little bump in the road. "Guess what your amazing best friend just did" Luke screams sliding down the staircase railing. "No your best friend and your best friends sidekick did it" Jai informs us sliding down the railing knocking Luke down. "What did you guys do?" Beau groans. "How does 10 VIP tickets to Jake Miller tonight sound?" Jai and Luke ask at the same time. Twin telepathy it's gotta be. I feel tears brimming in my eyes.

"Hey I remember you!" Jake Miller announces making my heart stop for a minute. "Uh yeah hey" I recover smiling. "Good to see you again!" He beams bringing me in for a hug. "You too" I reply hugging back. Nat and Jess stare at me wide eyed. "These are my best friends Natalie and Jess" I introduce gesturing to them. "Great To meet you guys!" He beams bringing them in to a hug. "So Kayla since your here wanna open up?" Jake asks hopefully. "Uh I mean sure. I mean I look like this" I answer gesturing to my Jake Miller hoodie, Us Against them tank and sweatpants and my Highlife SnapBack. "You look cute" he smirks. "Now you're on in five!" He exclaims rushing me off towards the stage.

"Alright everyone I hope you guys had an amazing time and I'm going to do two more songs just because I love you guys" Jake announces smiling widely. "This song is called 'ghost' and it's going to be on my EP Lion Heart coming out on November 4th" Jake smiles before beginning. By the end of the song I'm crying. "And the last song I need help on" Jake states after he gets settled. "Kayla?" He asks gesturing to me. I sigh and go on stage. "This song is 'Steven'" Jake informs us. I feel my heart skip. "Ready?" Jake whispers. I nod and we begin.

"You were amazing" Jake beams hugging me tightly. "Ew you're all sweaty" I groan pushing him off of me. He laughs and throws an arm over my shoulder. The janoskian boys come over with Nat and Jess and we all talk for what seems like forever.

"Kayla" a familiar voice calls out. I turn around and see David and Alex standing there.

AUTHORS NOTE: can we get this to 6k?

I highly recommend you listen to 'ghost' along with 'Steven' they are both super inspiring songs that put off a great message.

Until next chapter

Love you xx

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