Chapter Thirty Seven

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"Aiden!" I shriek as he picks me up. "I missed you!" He exclaims placing me back on the ground. "I missed you too" I reply as I grab one of his suitcases. "It sucked. Get up everyday at 5. Talk about your feelings. Tell everyone how and why you started" Aiden states as we go to his room. "I'm sorry" I murmur. The rehab felt like they weren't getting through to Aiden so they sent him to this specialized place for 2 months. "Hey it's okay cuz I'm here now" he smiles wrapping his arms around me in a big hug. I smile and wrap my arms around his neck. "Hey cutie" Donna announces walking in the room. "Hey Donna" Aiden mutters. Donna is the reason Aiden got sent to the place. "I need to talk to Aiden. Alone" Donna grumbles. I nod and give Aiden one last squeeze before making my way back to Nat, Jess and I's room.

"How much you wanna be Aiden and Kalya are gonna date!?" I head Jess ask Nat through the door. "No way. They've only known each other for four months!" Nat squeals but I hear a hint of sarcasm in her voice. "Eh hem" I cough causing the both of them to scream. "Hey" Jess state nonchalantly. "Mhmm" I reply placing my camera on my bed. "You two are her though!" Nat defends. "Ramerez you've got visitors!" Nancy announced pounding on our door. "Come with me please" I plead to Jess and Nat. "Sorry we have session today" they reply. "Americans" I grumble. "Australians" they grumble back making us laugh. I hug both of them and walk out the room. "Can I stop by Aiden's room?" I ask hopefully. Nancy nods and I skip down the hall to Aiden's. "Yess?" He asks opening the door. "I have visitors and I'm hella nervous and I would really love it if you came with me I mean you don't have to but if you want to I would really-" "Relax Kayla I'll come" Aiden laughs interrupting me. "Thank god!" I squeal.

"Kayla!" Is the first thing I hear and I know who it is. I let go of Aiden's hand and jump in to Luke's arms. "Luke!" I scream hugging him tightly. "I missed you" he murmurs putting me down. "What about us?" The guys whine. I laugh and hug them all super tightly. "I'm going To go I have group soon" Aiden states. "Aw okay. I'll go to your room after they leave" I reply hugging him tightly. "Alright" he agrees leaving the visitation office.

"So how fast have these months gone by?" Beau asks chuckling. "Extremely. One and a half left" I answer proudly. "We're proud of you" Jai smiles. "Thanks" I beam. "So has your mum come to visit?" Luke asks. That makes my heart drop. "Uh yeah" I lie. "Are you fuc-freaking serious! How dare she not have the audacity to visit her daughter!" James yells loudly. "She's the reason I ever started so I don't see why she should come anyway" I scoff "What?" The guys gape. Oh shit. I never told them. "You mean to tell me you started cutting because of you Mum?" Beau asks. "Kinda" I squeak. "Kayla it's not kinda it's yes or no" Jai argues. "What the hell do you know Jai. You haven't been in rehab forced to remember all the times that you took a blade to your skin or the times you starved yourself so you could fit in. You don't understand any of what the people here including me went through" I yell loudly. "And yes my mum had some reason for it but that's not all of it. Okay? I've been 100% honest here and I'm getting happier and happier and for gods sake please just stop telling me it's gonna be okay or telling me what my answers should be" I add quietly. "Can you come to LA?" Beau asks out of no where. "What!" I question. "We want you to come back to live with us once you leave here" he explains. "I don't know" I reply. "Visiting is over" Nancy announces. "Bye guys. Love you" I mutter hugging them all individually.

"So?" Aiden asks. "So?" I mock. "Which one was your boyfriend?" He questions. I spit out my iced coffee on to his role floor. "None of them" I answer choking. "I mean Luke and Jai were my exes but that it" I add to clarify. "You could've said that instead of spitting on my floor" Aiden demands. "Oopsies" I smile sweetly. "Yeah oopsies" Aiden mocks squirting whipped cream in my hair. "Aiden!" I shriek smiling. "You're cute" Aiden laughs when I fall on to his bed. "Not to bad yourself" I wink.

Aiden leans down closer and brings his lips down to mine. He raises an eyebrow as to say 'Yes?' And I nod. His lips crash on mine and our lips are moving in perfect sync. He begins to slide my shirt up and I realize what he's doing. Kissing my scars. "Show me yours" I mumble. He lifts up his shirt and his stomach is full of scars. Along with that, his wrists are full too. I begin kissing his stomach scars and make my way up to the scars on his wrists. "You have no idea how long I've wanted to kiss you" Aiden murmurs. I smile and he kisses me again.

I never thought I would find someone who made me feel special but I guess I did. "Thank you" I say softly. "For what?" Aiden questions his blue eyes staring at me intently. "For making me feel special" I whisper in response. "You are special" he murmurs kissing my neck. "Aiden I don't wanna rush this-" I whisper. "I love you" he interrupts. "I was going to say that" I smile bringing his lips back to mine. I really love him. "I love you Kayla Ramerez" he mumbles. "I love you Aiden Fosters" I moan as he kisses my neck again.


"You and Aiden huh?" Nat winks nudging me. I blush. "Oh my god did you guys do it!?" Jess asks loudly making me smack her. "No!" I blush again. "She's got a hickey!" Nat sings. "Stop!" I groan covering it with my hair. "So you guys did do it?" Jess asks. "N-No!" I shriek getting embarrassed. "Oh Aiden is here!" Jess screams opening our door. "Hey" Aiden smiles kissing my lips. "So Aiden why does our little Kayla have a hickey?" Jess asks. "Jessica Sanchez!" I announce slapping her playfully. "Ey what can I. Aussie girls turn me on" Aiden states winking at me. I feel my face get extremely hot. "Hot dammit" Nat mutters.

AUTHORS NOTE: personally I believe my writing has expanded and gotten better. Is that just me? Lemme know xx

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