(Craig Tucker) The Troublemakers

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Hey wassup you guys! I decided to try out some oneshots of the South Park world! Whoop, whoop! I've been so obsessed with the show lately, it's not even funny!

Anyways, here's the guidelines for this oneshot. :) it's basically like all the other awesome South Park oneshots here but I changed it a lil bit.

____ = your name (or whatever name your heart desires)

That's seriously all you need to know for this oneshot. I'll add more in different ones if necessary.

Anyway, I hope you enjoy! I'm just doing for fun so no guarantees on consistent updating.


"____, I'm telling you. Hanging out with their group is not a good idea," my best friend, Stan, told me. I was in the process of changing notebooks from my locker while being surrounded by my posse.

I knitted my eyebrows at all the concerned boys and sighed, "You do know that I have been paired up with Craig for that science project. I kinda have to hang around him even if it includes Tweek, Clyde, and Token."

"Ugh, ____. He's an asshole, we know. We've known Craig longer than you have," Eric groaned, an irritated expression plastered on his chubby face.

"I have to agree with Lord Fatass on this one," Kyle muttered with crossed arms.

"I'm not fucking fat, you dirty Jew," the round boy retaliated. The two of them squabbled off into a meaningless argument. So typical. This left me, Stan, and Kenny to chuckle away at their best attempts of insulting each other. On the inside, deep, deep down, I know that they care for one another, even if they won't admit it out loud.

"Anyways, didn't you say that you're almost done with that project?" Stan asked me, now ignoring the feuding friends beside us. I hesitated to answer. I did text the raven haired boy about that a couple days ago. There's no point in denying it. "You seem to be hanging out with them more than with us. We miss you."

"Yeah, I miss my girl," Kenny whined as he threw his arms on me for a hug, also nuzzling his arm into my chest.

I laughed at the orange parka wearing boy and patted his back. "Telling me you miss me, KenKen, doesn't mean that you have access into my pants."

"It was worth a shot," he mumbled into my neck with a chuckle.

"Hey, hands off my partner, McCormick!" The voice brought chills down my spine from being acknowledged. Kenny pulled away immediately and all of us turned out focus to the person walking towards to us.

"I wasn't doing anything, Craig. Promise," Kenny defended himself. He then wiggled his eyes over to me. "Unless, you want me to."

"In your dreams, buddy," I scoffed, a smirk on my face. I placed my attention back at Craig, who stood before us with an annoyed look on his face. "Is there anything you need to talk to us about, Craig?"

His stormy blue eyes darted over to me after glaring menacingly at Kenny. "Umm, I need to talk to you about the project," he replied. "Alone?"

My heart skipped a beat. "Sure. I'll see you boys later, ok?" I told Stan, Kyle, Kenny, and Eric.

They all exchanged glances before looking back at me. "Fine, just remember to keep in mind on what we told you," Stan said. The others nodded along, agreeing. We said our goodbyes and the four of them stalked off to the opposite direction.

Craig grabbed my hand and pulled me hurriedly down the hallways and turned a corner to an empty area. He scanned the room quickly. Once the coast is clear, he asked, "What were those douchebags telling you?"

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