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Jungkook's view

"Do you hate me that much that you can't even spare to look at this handsome face?"

I pointed at my face.

"If I say I do hate you so much, what will you do?"

She looked at me and looked like she was kinda mad.

"I'm sorry."

"Sorry?? Do you think your SORRY is enough for everything you did?"

"I know I did a terrible mistake, so please forgive me."

Puppy eyes, no one can resist that.

"Alright fine."

We shook hands.

"No fighting, but still, I'm mad at you."

I just nodded. Well, atleast she forgave half of my mistakes, or I thought so.


There was a knock outside her door. Then, her mom went in.

"HaJin go eat dinner downstairs, you too, Jungkook," her mother told us with a huge smile plastered on her face.

"Thank you Mrs. Cha, but I was planning to go home by now," I replied respectfully.

"Don't worry, I messaged your mom that you'll eat dinner here, so let's go downstairs and eat," she said to me.

"Alright, Mrs. Cha."

We were going out of the room, but—

"Jungkook-ah, call me eomma next time. I'm going to be your mother-in-law anyway," she giggled.

"Ah...ne eomma."

I showed her my greatest smile. We both went down and sat with her dad, mom, and brother.

"It's great to see that a new family member is here eating with us," Mr. Cha said and glanced at me, sending me a smile which I also returned.

"Indeed it is, honey," eomma added.

"So what were you two doing in HaJin's room, Jungkook?" Mr. Cha asked me.


"We..were..just talking about the date of the wedding dad," HaJin replied, trying to help me.

A/N- The Cha's don't know about THEM before.

"Oh good, so what have you decided?" Mr. Cha asked surprisingly that I can't even think of the right answer now.

"Um..actually, we decided that you and my parents will be the one to pick. We're just too busy for school these days," I said immediately to let him think that we didn't lie.

"Is that so? Hm..well we'll just meet your parents tomorrow and choose the date for your wedding."

We just nodded and continued eating. Suddenly, her brother started talking.

"Hyung! Take care of my noona, okay?" Her brother said with a happy expression.

"Sure.." I said.

I then went home after eating because my mom texted me. I went inside our house and went to my room to change clothes. I stayed in my room and watched some animated videos on my laptop, but then Taehyung hyung called me.

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