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HaJin's view

2 weeks have passed after my talk with mom. I'm really disappointed in her, and my dad, for not telling me the truth.

I'm hurt. I feel like I can't trust my parents anymore. They hid something very important to me for 22 years!

22 years of lying, pretending, and making me feel like a fool.

All this time, I was living my self as a lie. The lie that I was hoping to not be the truth, because it just hurts me. The lie that I discovered destroyed me, my heart.

Since then, I stopped contacting them for awhile, just for the meantime. I just want to think about this first. I want to find the answers on my own on why they hid the real truth from me. On why they should pretend infront of me instead of just telling me what's real. I want to cleanse my mind first, for me to think about it thoroughly.

Also, until now, this bitch still kept messaging me, bothering me, and AGAIN keep telling me that my husband is hers. How dare she? She's making my head ache.

On the other hand, me and Jungkook are quite in good terms. Sometimes he comes home just to see me, he goes out with me to have dinner or sometimes lunch even though I know he's really tired because of work. He always shows his love to me by telling me how much he loves me and always hugs me like I'm attached to him already.

Now I understand why people believe in love. That love is real. It's always there. You just need to find the right person to love.

And I think I found him, Jungkook.


I divert my attention to the person who called me.

"Why are you smiling like an idiot? Good thing only few customers are here to suspect that you're crazy."

She chuckled at what she said.

"I'm just thinking about something, YouJung."

My cheeks turned shade of pink after I replied to YouJung. I was thinking about Jungkook, that's why.

Anyway, I'm with YouJung getting my favorite, iced americano. I felt that I haven't spent my time with her these days and I wanted her to accompany me so I called her and she agreeed to meet me here at the café near the subdivision where our house, or should I call mansion is located.

"Thinking about something or..thinking about someone?"

She eyed me teasingly.

She really knows if I'm thinking about someone. I don't know how she does it, but she knows when I'm having problems, happy, sad, and this, if I'm thinking about someone or something.

Well, why wouldn't she know me when I've been friends with her since 10th grade. She was with me in my ups and downs, she was like my sister, and how I wish to have a sister like her.

"No," I defended.

"Stop lying. I know you, girl."

She tch'd before taking a sip of her iced americano.

"Fine. I was thinking about him, okay?"

"Who's him? I don't know him."

She giggled.

"Playing dumb, are we?"

She kept on her teasing smile and shook her head.

"It's Jungkook, okay?"

She nodded her head playfully and continued sipping onto the straw of her drink.

We continued to talk and catch up with each other. Telling what happened in those times we weren't together. And I just knew, that she had a boyfriend. Guess who? Bogum! My childhood friend is my bestfriend's boyfriend! Can't believe it, I never introduced them to each other, so I was curious how they got to know each other and eventually got 'together.'

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