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Wedding day

It's 8 in the morning and the ceremony will start at 10:15.

I'm here in a hotel room and a lot of people are here, applying makeup on my face and styling my hair. I just let them do their work and just stayed here, sitting and watching myself getting prettier and prettier.

After some 50 minutes of applying makeup, they started styling my hair. 40 minutes later, my hair was formed into a flower bun and it was really cute.

Rightafter that, I wore a white long gown, white heels, the diamond necklace that Jungkook gave me, and the diamond earrings that my mom gave me yesterday as a wedding gift. After wearing my clothes and the other stuffs, my mom went inside my room.

"Omo! My baby looks like a princess."

She smiled and began tearing up.

"Oh come on mom."

I giggled.

"Good luck dear."

She hugged me.

"Thank you mom."

"Be a good wife to Jungkook and a great mother to your future children, okay?" She advised.

I simply nodded and replied, "Ne eomma."

The door opened revealing one of the most important person in my life, my father. He stared at me for awhile, tears falling, and rushed to hug me.

"Thank you for doing this my daughter."

My dad hugged me and I hugged him back.

"It's alright dad. It's for our family and company anyway."

I'm your daughter. Of course I'll do anything for my family.

"We should probably go, it's 9:41 already," father said as he looked at his wristwatch under his black suit.

I nodded and walked carefully since it's hard to take a single step when you're wearing a long gown that touches the ground already.


The others already walked to the aisle and the flower girls already trailed down the way with flower petals and it was already my turn to walk to the altar.

The huge door of the church opened and showed the guests and my groom, smiling at me. I linked my arm around my dad's and started walking down the aisle with him to the altar. Dad handed my hand to Jungkook and he accepted it. I looked at him and he looks so handsome on his white suit.

(I'll skip the other parts coz I don't really know what happens in weddings😂 I attended lots of weddings but I don't really pay attention on what's happening😅)

Jungkook and I put on our wedding rings to each other.

"Jungkook, do you take HaJin for your lawful wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do you part?" The priest asked Jungkook.

"I do."

"HaJin, do you take Jungkook for your lawful husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do you part?" The priest asked me.

I had no choice but to say..

"I do."

"By the power vested in me, I now pronounce you as Husband and Wife. You may now kiss the bride."

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