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HaJin's view

After what YouJung told me, I went back to the real world. I tried remembering how I treated Jungkook since the day we stayed together in this house. And then I realized, she's right, YouJung's right. I did treat him badly since the day I knew that we're getting married. He always act sweet and caring to me, while I—I always hurt his feelings.

I stood up and walked my way out of my room and left YouJung. The white-painted door greeted me and my hand turned into a fist and knocked it.


"HaJin? Is that you?"

"Ne, um—can I come in?"


I opened the door to see him leaning his back on his bedboard while playing his phone. I closed the door and sat on the edge of his bed. He was still focusing on his phone than my presence.


I looked at my fiddling fingers.

"Jungkook-ah, mianhae."

He seemed a bit confused so he asked, "For what, HaJin?"

"I'm sorry for treating you so cold since the day we were together. I'm really sorry. I didn't realize until YouJung told me in my room awhile ago of the things I have done to you, yelling at you, hurting your feelings, acting cold to you, I'm so sorry. I'm really—"


He shushed me, putting his index finger on my lips. My tears started to come out from my eyes.

"It's alright HaJin. I understand you. I know you hated me because I played with you before, so I just understood why you treated me that way since I know you still hate me."

"No Jungkook, I don't hate you anymore. It's just that, I—I don't know how to treat you right and I somehow treat you badly, I'm so sorry."

More tears were falling down. I feel so bad for how I acted towards him.

Jungkook hugged me.


He rubbed my back slowly while hugging me.

"It's okay, I understand."

He hugged me tightly. I didn't know what to do, so I hugged him back.

Few seconds later, he leaned back slowly and looked at me and placed his soft hands on both sides of my cheeks. This is embarrasing, seeing me cry.

"Don't cry anymore."

He wiped my tears and smiled.

Oh what a sweet future husband.. oh God what am I saying.

"Don't feel bad HaJin.."

I nodded and he slowly took his hands from my cheeks. I wiped my tears and started smiling.

"Oh by the way, I bought something for you. I was planning to give this to you at the living room when we arrived minutes again ago, but you quickly ran to your room so I wasn't able to give it to you."

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