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I was resting. I squinted my eyes open saw a blurry figure using its phone. I rubbed my eyes and stared at the figure again. Now, it was clear.

"Jungkook.." I said, still in my sleeping voice.

"Oh good you're awake."

He smiled.

"Your room is now open. The repairer changed your door knob with a new one since we didn't have keys and we can't open it. Here are the new keys," he said and gave me the new keys of my new door knob.

Looking at me, he tucked the strands of hair that covered my face behind my ear.

"Your hair is messy."

He chuckled and I rolled my eyes. 

"What time is it?" I asked and he looked at his wristwatch.

"It's 7:23 in the evening."


Maybe I was really tired that I slept for hours.  I ruffled my hair as I thought in my mind 'how many hours was I sleeping?'

"Are you hungry?" He asked all of a sudden, making me look at him then my stomach.

"Kind of," I awkwardly replied.

"Okay, change your clothes and we'll eat dinner with my parents. Mom texted me and invited us for dinner with my brother."

I nodded my head.

"I'll go change," I replied as I got up from bed and walked to my room.

I wore white jeans, black crop top, and the white Converse that Jungkook bought for us (it's in chapter 17). I did a light makeup and used my black slingbag and placed my usual stuffs like wallet, phone, powerbank, earbuds, and liptint. I went out of the room and saw Jungkook waiting for me downstairs.

As I was walking down, I looked at him from head to toe. He looks so good in his oversized white shirt, black jeans, and white Converse that was the same as mine.

"Kaja," he said, flashing that great smile of his.

We went out of the house and went to his car. Actually, I don't like to drive anymore. Well..now, my car is useless. Frankly, dad only bought the car for me to use going to school, but now I have no school so it's kinda useless for me. Anyway, 15 minutes later, we arrived at their house. We went out of the car and he rung the doorbell. Then, his mom opened the door for us, welcoming us with her bright smiles.

"Oh you're here, come in," she said as she gestured us to go inside.

We bowed to her and went in. We sat down on the couch and she sat across us.

"It's good to see both of you," she smiled.

We both replied with a smile.

"Oh, I'll call your father and brother first. You wait here," she said and walked upstairs and started knocking on their rooms.

Later on, my father-in-law and brother-in-law went downstairs.

"It's good to see my daughter-in-law," my father-in-law said and hugged me.

"It's good to see you too Mr. Jeon," I hugged him back then we leaned back.

"It's appa now, HaJin," he said and I just shyly nodded.

I forgot he told me to call him 'appa' before.

"Happy to see you again, HaJin," my brother-in-law interrupted and smiled.

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