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HaJin's view

I smirked before answering, "I'm the daughter of the Cha Enterprise, the owner of this restaurant. Now, do you know who I am?"

I smirked.

She quickly covered her mouth then someone came rushing towards us.

"What is hap—Omo! HaJin agassi," the guy quickly bowed.

"Who are you?" I asked softly, trying to hide the anger I just showed.

"I'm the manager, HaJin agassi," he answered. "I heard someone getting mad. What happened agassi?"

I looked at the waitress and she was still shocked.

"Well I need to tell you about this employee you have here."

I looked at the waitress and she quickly lowered her head. The manager looked at her then me.

"What is it agassi?"

"Didn't my parents tell you to train respectful workers?"

He nodded.

"Then why is it that there's a flirtatious and disrespectful one here?"

I pointed the waitress.

"I'm so sorry, agassi. I promise to find good workers so that this will not happen again," he said.

I nodded then went out of the restaurant, leaving Jungkook behind. I heard his running footsteps coming at me then he swirled me to face him.

"Are you okay?"

"I'm alright, let's go."

I removed his hands for my sides. We both went inside the car and the car ride going back to his building was filled with silence. I went out first when we arrived and just waited for Jungkook in the entrance. When he was already there, we both went back to his office. The employees stood up and bowed again until we arrived at his office. I sat on his couch and closed my eyes, trying to stop remembering the incident that happened back at the restaurant. Well what should I do? That worker was all flirtatious and seductive to my husband and he didn't even move scold her for that!

I felt the couch move a little as the weight of the person was caving in. I opened my eyes and it was just Jungkook. I sighed then went back on closing my eyes then leaned my back on the couch while still sitting down.

"Is there a problem?"

Hearing his voice made me irritated already.

"Ya HaJin did I do something wrong?"

Oh yes you did. You didn't move the girl's hand when she touched you.


I stayed silent.


"Will you please stop? Can't you see that I'm mad at you?" I said coldly then opened my eyes, showing him the death glare.

"Why are you mad at me? What did I do?"

"Yes I am mad at you. And—what did you do?? Oh! You were just there, not brushing that waitress's hand off yours," I said, scoffing in the end.



"I just stayed silent to avoid trouble," he replied simply like it's not a big deal.

"Oh really?? Or you did it because you also like her?" I scowled.

"I don't like her okay?!" He started increasing his voice.

That's it!

"Oh really?? Then why didn't you stop her from flirting with you?"

"I told you I didn't want trouble!" He retorted.

"Okay then!"

I stood up and walked away, being stopped midway when he had his grip on my wrist and prevented me from leaving.

"Where are you going?"

I pulled my wrist harshly.

"Don't talk to me, don't touch me, and don't see me again."

I left.

The employees stood up and bowed again to me, but I didn't mind their presence and just went inside the elevator. I quickly ran out of the building then hailed a cab, told the address, and waited to arrive at the house.

I quickly opened the house and went to my room, quickly taking my suitcase out and unzipped it. I pulled some clothings of mine from the walking closet and tucked it in the luggage, completely not minding if it's properly folded or not. I went to the bathroom and took some of my important belongings then put it inside my luggage. I went out of my room and hurriedly carried my luggage downstairs even if it's heavy. I left the house and locked it before going to the garage and opened the back of my car and placed my luggage. I then went inside the driver's seat and left the mansion.

I'm tired. I'm tired seeing him with other girls. I'm tired of this.

I hate to admit, but..I like him. And that's why I get jealous easily when I see him with other girls.



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